前面讲了用open flash chart来画曲线图,这里把我用open flash chart 画饼图的例子贴出来和大家分享
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; //context.Response.Write("Hello World"); OFC.OFC chart = new OFC.OFC(); chart.Title = new Title("Pie Chart"); OFC.Pie pie = new OFC.Pie(); Random random = new Random(); List<PieValue> values = new List<PieValue>(); List<string> labels = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { values.Add(new PieValue(random.NextDouble(), "Pie" + i)); labels.Add(i.ToString()); } //values.Add(0.2); PieValue pieValue = new PieValue(10); pieValue.Click = "http://xiao-yifang.blogspot.com"; values.Add(pieValue); pie.Values = values; pie.FontSize = 20; pie.Alpha = .5; PieAnimationSeries pieAnimationSeries = new PieAnimationSeries(); pieAnimationSeries.Add(new PieAnimation("bounce", 5)); pie.Animate = pieAnimationSeries; //pie.GradientFillMode = false; //pie.FillAlpha = 10; //pie.Colour = "#fff"; pie.Colours = new string[] { "#ff9900", "#ff0000", "#6600cc" }; pie.Tooltip = "#labels#,#val# of #total##percent# of 100%"; chart.AddElement(pie); chart.Bgcolor = "#202020"; string s = chart.ToPrettyString(); context.Response.Clear(); context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; context.Response.Write(s); context.Response.End();