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  • Python3---标准库json







    import requests
    import json
    ['JSONDecodeError', 'JSONDecoder', 'JSONEncoder', '__all__', '__author__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__version__', '_default_decoder', '_default_encoder', 'codecs', 'decoder', 'detect_encoding', 'dump', 'dumps', 'encoder', 'load', 'loads', 'scanner']
    •   json.dumps


    import requests
    import json
    Help on function dumps in module json:
    dumps(obj, *, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None, separators=None, default=None, sort_keys=False, **kw)
        Serialize ``obj`` to a JSON formatted ``str``.
        If ``skipkeys`` is true then ``dict`` keys that are not basic types
        (``str``, ``int``, ``float``, ``bool``, ``None``) will be skipped
        instead of raising a ``TypeError``.
        If ``ensure_ascii`` is false, then the return value can contain non-ASCII
        characters if they appear in strings contained in ``obj``. Otherwise, all
        such characters are escaped in JSON strings.
        If ``check_circular`` is false, then the circular reference check
        for container types will be skipped and a circular reference will
        result in an ``OverflowError`` (or worse).
        If ``allow_nan`` is false, then it will be a ``ValueError`` to
        serialize out of range ``float`` values (``nan``, ``inf``, ``-inf``) in
        strict compliance of the JSON specification, instead of using the
        JavaScript equivalents (``NaN``, ``Infinity``, ``-Infinity``).
        If ``indent`` is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and
        object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent
        level of 0 will only insert newlines. ``None`` is the most compact
        If specified, ``separators`` should be an ``(item_separator, key_separator)``
        tuple.  The default is ``(', ', ': ')`` if *indent* is ``None`` and
        ``(',', ': ')`` otherwise.  To get the most compact JSON representation,
        you should specify ``(',', ':')`` to eliminate whitespace.
        ``default(obj)`` is a function that should return a serializable version
        of obj or raise TypeError. The default simply raises TypeError.
        If *sort_keys* is true (default: ``False``), then the output of
        dictionaries will be sorted by key.
        To use a custom ``JSONEncoder`` subclass (e.g. one that overrides the
        ``.default()`` method to serialize additional types), specify it with
        the ``cls`` kwarg; otherwise ``JSONEncoder`` is used.
    •   json.loads


    import requests
    import json
    Help on function loads in module json:
    loads(s, *, cls=None, object_hook=None, parse_float=None, parse_int=None, parse_constant=None, object_pairs_hook=None, **kw)
        Deserialize ``s`` (a ``str``, ``bytes`` or ``bytearray`` instance
        containing a JSON document) to a Python object.
        ``object_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the
        result of any object literal decode (a ``dict``). The return value of
        ``object_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``. This feature
        can be used to implement custom decoders (e.g. JSON-RPC class hinting).
        ``object_pairs_hook`` is an optional function that will be called with the
        result of any object literal decoded with an ordered list of pairs.  The
        return value of ``object_pairs_hook`` will be used instead of the ``dict``.
        This feature can be used to implement custom decoders.  If ``object_hook``
        is also defined, the ``object_pairs_hook`` takes priority.
        ``parse_float``, if specified, will be called with the string
        of every JSON float to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to
        float(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser
        for JSON floats (e.g. decimal.Decimal).
        ``parse_int``, if specified, will be called with the string
        of every JSON int to be decoded. By default this is equivalent to
        int(num_str). This can be used to use another datatype or parser
        for JSON integers (e.g. float).
        ``parse_constant``, if specified, will be called with one of the
        following strings: -Infinity, Infinity, NaN.
        This can be used to raise an exception if invalid JSON numbers
        are encountered.
        To use a custom ``JSONDecoder`` subclass, specify it with the ``cls``
        kwarg; otherwise ``JSONDecoder`` is used.
        The ``encoding`` argument is ignored and deprecated since Python 3.1.


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