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  • Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi


    I discovered the "magic" sequence of calls to import a RSA public key in PEM format. Here you go:

    1. decode the key into a binary blob with CryptStringToBinary; pass CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER in dwFlags
    2. decode the binary key blob into a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO with CryptDecodeObjectEx; pass X509_ASN_ENCODING in dwCertEncodingType and X509_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO in lpszStructType
    3. decode the PublicKey blob from the CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO into a RSA key blob with CryptDecodeObjectEx; pass X509_ASN_ENCODING in dwCertEncodingType and RSA_CSP_PUBLICKEYBLOB in lpszStructType
    4. import the RSA key blob with CryptImportKey

    This sequence really helped me understand what's going on, but it didn't work for me as-is. The second call to CryptDecodeObjectEx gave me an error: "ASN.1 bad tag value met". After many attempts at understanding Microsoft documentation, I finally realized that the output of the fist decode cannot be decoded as ASN again, and that it is actually ready for import. With this understanding I found the answer in the following link:


    int main()
        char           pemPubKey[2048];
        int            readLen;
        char           derPubKey[2048];
        size_t         derPubKeyLen = 2048;
        CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO *publicKeyInfo;
        int            publicKeyInfoLen;
        HANDLE         hFile;
        HCRYPTPROV     hProv = 0;
        HCRYPTKEY      hKey = 0;
         * Read the public key cert from the file
        hFile = CreateFileA( "c:\pub.pem", GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
        if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open file. error: %d
    ", GetLastError() );
        if ( !ReadFile( hFile, pemPubKey, 2048, &readLen, NULL ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "Failed to read file. error: %d
    ", GetLastError() );
         * Convert from PEM format to DER format - removes header and footer and decodes from base64
        if ( !CryptStringToBinaryA( pemPubKey, 0, CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER, derPubKey, &derPubKeyLen, NULL, NULL ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "CryptStringToBinary failed. Err: %d
    ", GetLastError() );
         * Decode from DER format to CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO
        if ( !CryptDecodeObjectEx( X509_ASN_ENCODING, X509_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO, derPubKey, derPubKeyLen, 
                                   CRYPT_ENCODE_ALLOC_FLAG, NULL, &publicKeyInfo, &publicKeyInfoLen ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "CryptDecodeObjectEx 1 failed. Err: %p
    ", GetLastError() );
            return -1;
         * Acquire context 
        if( !CryptAcquireContext(&hProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT) )
                printf( "CryptAcquireContext failed - err=0x%x.
    ", GetLastError() );
                return -1;
         * Import the public key using the context
        if ( !CryptImportPublicKeyInfo( hProv, X509_ASN_ENCODING, publicKeyInfo, &hKey ) )
            fprintf( stderr, "CryptImportPublicKeyInfo failed. error: %d
    ", GetLastError() );
            return -1;
        LocalFree( publicKeyInfo );
         * Now use hKey to encrypt whatever you need.
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/adylee/p/3611783.html
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