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  • kratos微服务框架学习笔记一(kratos-demo)


    TAG:本系列笔记以demo为主,适合微服务初学者入门,如果有地方我没具体写的话,那肯定是我也没去看,一笔带过了,所以很多细节可能还是需要自行研究哦! 补的话,得看时机,除非不恰饭哈。


    gizmo, a microservice toolkit from The New York Times ★
    go-micro, a microservices client/server library ★
    gotalk, async peer communication protocol & library
    Kite, a micro-service framework
    gocircuit, dynamic cloud orchestration


    Go 微服务框架对比:Go Micro, Go Kit, Gizmo, Kite





    HTTP Blademaster:核心基于gin进行模块化设计,简单易用、核心足够轻量;
    GRPC Warden:基于官方gRPC开发,集成discovery服务发现,并融合P2C负载均衡;
    Config:方便易用的paladin sdk,可配合远程配置中心,实现配置版本管理和更新;
    Kratos Tool:工具链,可快速生成标准项目,或者通过Protobuf生成代码,非常便捷使用gRPC、HTTP、swagger文档;




    记得打开 go111module


    类似于go命令,可以执行各种子工具,如go buildgo tool : kratos buildkratos run

    C:serversrc	est-srcGo_Testkratos>kratos -h
       kratos - kratos工具集
       kratos [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
       new, n        创建新项目
       build, b      kratos build
       run, r        kratos run
       tool, t       kratos tool
       version, v    kratos version
       self-upgrade  kratos self-upgrade
       help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command
       --help, -h     show help
       --version, -v  print the version
    C:serversrc	est-srcGo_Testkratos>kratos version
     Version:      0.3.1
     Go version:   go1.13.5
     Built:        2019/11/06
     OS/Arch:      windows/amd64


    Quick start

    Go version>=1.13


    GO111MODULE=on && go get -u github.com/bilibili/kratos/tool/kratos
    cd $GOPATH/src
    kratos new kratos-demo
    通过 kratos new 会快速生成基于kratos库的脚手架代码,如生成 kratos-demo

    Build & Run

    cd kratos-demo/cmd
    go build
    ./cmd -conf ../configs
    打开浏览器访问:http://localhost:8000/kratos-demo/start,你会看到输出了Golang 大法好 !!!


    先进入$GOPATH/src 目录

    kratos new demo

    C:serversrcgosrc>kratos new demo
    go get -u github.com/bilibili/kratos/tool/kratos-gen-project
    go: finding golang.org/x/sys latest
    go: finding golang.org/x/crypto latest
    genproject: 安装成功!
    go: finding github.com/bilibili/kratos master
    go: downloading github.com/bilibili/kratos v0.3.2-0.20191216053608-e8e05452b3b0
    go: downloading google.golang.org/grpc v1.24.0
    go: extracting google.golang.org/grpc v1.24.0
    go: extracting github.com/bilibili/kratos v0.3.2-0.20191216053608-e8e05452b3b0
    go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20191011234655-491137f69257
    go: extracting golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20191011234655-491137f69257
    go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.1.0
    go: downloading github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1
    go: downloading github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
    go: downloading google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20191009194640-548a555dbc03
    go: downloading gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1
    go: downloading github.com/shirou/gopsutil v2.19.6+incompatible
    go: extracting github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.4.1
    go: extracting github.com/prometheus/client_golang v1.1.0
    go: extracting gopkg.in/go-playground/validator.v9 v9.29.1
    go: extracting github.com/fsnotify/fsnotify v1.4.7
    go: downloading github.com/dgryski/go-farm v0.0.0-20190423205320-6a90982ecee2
    go: downloading github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.0
    go: extracting github.com/dgryski/go-farm v0.0.0-20190423205320-6a90982ecee2
    go: downloading github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.16.0
    go: extracting github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.16.0
    go: extracting google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20191009194640-548a555dbc03
    go: extracting github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.0
    go: downloading github.com/go-playground/locales v0.12.1
    go: downloading github.com/prometheus/common v0.6.0
    go: downloading github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.1.0
    go: extracting github.com/prometheus/common v0.6.0
    go: extracting github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.1.0
    go: downloading github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90
    go: downloading github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1
    go: extracting github.com/prometheus/client_model v0.0.0-20190129233127-fd36f4220a90
    go: extracting github.com/matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions v1.0.1
    go: downloading github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1
    go: extracting github.com/go-playground/locales v0.12.1
    go: extracting github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1
    go get -u github.com/bilibili/kratos/tool/kratos-protoc
    protoc: 安装成功!
    2019/12/18 15:38:39 您还没安装protobuf,请进行手动安装:https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases
    exit status 1
    go get -u github.com/bilibili/kratos/tool/kratos-gen-bts
    genbts: 安装成功!
    Close: 无声明 忽略此方法
    Ping: 无声明 忽略此方法
    dao.bts.go: 生成成功
    go get -u github.com/bilibili/kratos/tool/kratos-gen-mc
    genmc: 安装成功!
    mc.cache.go: 生成成功
    go get -u github.com/google/wire/cmd/wire
    go: finding github.com/google/wire v0.4.0
    go: downloading github.com/google/wire v0.4.0
    go: extracting github.com/google/wire v0.4.0
    go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191105231337-689d0f08e67a
    go: downloading github.com/google/subcommands v1.0.1
    go: extracting github.com/google/subcommands v1.0.1
    go: extracting golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191105231337-689d0f08e67a
    go: finding golang.org/x/tools latest
    go: finding github.com/google/subcommands v1.0.1
    go: downloading golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191218040434-6f9e13bbec44
    go: extracting golang.org/x/tools v0.0.0-20191218040434-6f9e13bbec44
    wire: 安装成功!
    wire: C:serversrcgosrcdemointernaldiwire.go:17:65: DemoServer not declared by package api
    wire: generate failed
    exit status 1
    Project: demo
    OnlyGRPC: false
    OnlyHTTP: false
    Directory: C:serversrcgosrcdemo


    2019/12/18 15:38:39 您还没安装protobuf,请进行手动安装:https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases

    kratos run

    C:serversrcgosrcdemo>kratos run
    go: downloading github.com/shirou/gopsutil v2.19.6+incompatible
    build command-line-arguments: cannot load github.com/shirou/gopsutil/cpu: github.com/shirou/gopsutil@v2.19.6+incompatible: reading https://goproxy.io/github.com/shirou/gopsutil/@v/v2.19.6+incompatible.zip: 410 Gone
    panic: exit status 1
    goroutine 1 [running]:
    main.runAction(0xc0000922c0, 0x0, 0xc000042f30)
            C:/server/src/go/pkg/mod/github.com/bilibili/kratos@v0.3.1/tool/kratos/run.go:25 +0x36e
    github.com/urfave/cli.HandleAction(0x603080, 0x65fda8, 0xc0000922c0, 0xc0000922c0, 0x0)
            C:/server/src/go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/cli@v1.22.2/app.go:523 +0xc5
    github.com/urfave/cli.Command.Run(0x64c994, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc000042de0, 0x1, 0x1, 0x650d90, 0xa, 0x0, ...)
            C:/server/src/go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/cli@v1.22.2/command.go:174 +0x523
    github.com/urfave/cli.(*App).Run(0xc0000ea000, 0xc0000044a0, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0)
            C:/server/src/go/pkg/mod/github.com/urfave/cli@v1.22.2/app.go:276 +0x72c
            C:/server/src/go/pkg/mod/github.com/bilibili/kratos@v0.3.1/tool/kratos/main.go:57 +0x3f7

    cannot load github.com/shirou/gopsutil


    go get -u github.com/shirou/gopsutil

    C:serversrcgosrcdemo>go get -u github.com/shirou/gopsutil
    go: downloading github.com/shirou/gopsutil v2.19.11+incompatible
    go: extracting github.com/shirou/gopsutil v2.19.11+incompatible
    C:serversrcgosrcdemo>kratos run
    go: downloading github.com/StackExchange/wmi v0.0.0-20180116203802-5d049714c4a6
    go: extracting github.com/StackExchange/wmi v0.0.0-20180116203802-5d049714c4a6
    go: downloading github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.4
    go: extracting github.com/go-ole/go-ole v1.2.4
    # demo/api
    ..apiclient.go:15:68: undefined: DemoClient
    ..apiclient.go:21:9: undefined: NewDemoClient
    panic: exit status 2




    Usage: protoc [OPTION] PROTO_FILES
    Parse PROTO_FILES and generate output based on the options given:
      -IPATH, --proto_path=PATH   Specify the directory in which to search for
                                  imports.  May be specified multiple times;
                                  directories will be searched in order.  If not
                                  given, the current working directory is used.
                                  If not found in any of the these directories,
                                  the --descriptor_set_in descriptors will be
                                  checked for required proto file.
      --version                   Show version info and exit.
      -h, --help                  Show this text and exit.
      --encode=MESSAGE_TYPE       Read a text-format message of the given type
                                  from standard input and write it in binary
                                  to standard output.  The message type must
                                  be defined in PROTO_FILES or their imports.
      --decode=MESSAGE_TYPE       Read a binary message of the given type from
                                  standard input and write it in text format
                                  to standard output.  The message type must
                                  be defined in PROTO_FILES or their imports.
      --decode_raw                Read an arbitrary protocol message from
                                  standard input and write the raw tag/value
                                  pairs in text format to standard output.  No
                                  PROTO_FILES should be given when using this
      --descriptor_set_in=FILES   Specifies a delimited list of FILES
                                  each containing a FileDescriptorSet (a
                                  protocol buffer defined in descriptor.proto).
                                  The FileDescriptor for each of the PROTO_FILES
                                  provided will be loaded from these
                                  FileDescriptorSets. If a FileDescriptor
                                  appears multiple times, the first occurrence
                                  will be used.
      -oFILE,                     Writes a FileDescriptorSet (a protocol buffer,
        --descriptor_set_out=FILE defined in descriptor.proto) containing all of
                                  the input files to FILE.
      --include_imports           When using --descriptor_set_out, also include
                                  all dependencies of the input files in the
                                  set, so that the set is self-contained.
      --include_source_info       When using --descriptor_set_out, do not strip
                                  SourceCodeInfo from the FileDescriptorProto.
                                  This results in vastly larger descriptors that
                                  include information about the original
                                  location of each decl in the source file as
                                  well as surrounding comments.
      --dependency_out=FILE       Write a dependency output file in the format
                                  expected by make. This writes the transitive
                                  set of input file paths to FILE
      --error_format=FORMAT       Set the format in which to print errors.
                                  FORMAT may be 'gcc' (the default) or 'msvs'
                                  (Microsoft Visual Studio format).
      --print_free_field_numbers  Print the free field numbers of the messages
                                  defined in the given proto files. Groups share
                                  the same field number space with the parent
                                  message. Extension ranges are counted as
                                  occupied fields numbers.
      --plugin=EXECUTABLE         Specifies a plugin executable to use.
                                  Normally, protoc searches the PATH for
                                  plugins, but you may specify additional
                                  executables not in the path using this flag.
                                  Additionally, EXECUTABLE may be of the form
                                  NAME=PATH, in which case the given plugin name
                                  is mapped to the given executable even if
                                  the executable's own name differs.
      --cpp_out=OUT_DIR           Generate C++ header and source.
      --csharp_out=OUT_DIR        Generate C# source file.
      --java_out=OUT_DIR          Generate Java source file.
      --js_out=OUT_DIR            Generate JavaScript source.
      --objc_out=OUT_DIR          Generate Objective C header and source.
      --php_out=OUT_DIR           Generate PHP source file.
      --python_out=OUT_DIR        Generate Python source file.
      --ruby_out=OUT_DIR          Generate Ruby source file.
      @<filename>                 Read options and filenames from file. If a
                                  relative file path is specified, the file
                                  will be searched in the working directory.
                                  The --proto_path option will not affect how
                                  this argument file is searched. Content of
                                  the file will be expanded in the position of
                                  @<filename> as in the argument list. Note
                                  that shell expansion is not applied to the
                                  content of the file (i.e., you cannot use
                                  quotes, wildcards, escapes, commands, etc.).
                                  Each line corresponds to a single argument,
                                  even if it contains spaces.




    不行, 看看源码:



    // New new a bm server.
    func New(s pb.DemoServer) (engine *bm.Engine, err error) {
    	var (
    		hc struct {
    			Server *bm.ServerConfig
    	if err = paladin.Get("http.toml").UnmarshalTOML(&hc); err != nil {
    		if err != paladin.ErrNotExist {
    		err = nil
    	svc = s
    	engine = bm.DefaultServer(hc.Server)
    	pb.RegisterDemoBMServer(engine, s)
    	err = engine.Start()
    func initRouter(e *bm.Engine) {
    	g := e.Group("/abc")
    		g.GET("/start", howToStart)

    添加了个/abc组,注册了/start 路由.

    // Group creates a new router group. You should add all the routes that have common middlwares or the same path prefix.
    // For example, all the routes that use a common middlware for authorization could be grouped.
    func (group *RouterGroup) Group(relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup {
    	return &RouterGroup{
    		Handlers: group.combineHandlers(handlers),
    		basePath: group.calculateAbsolutePath(relativePath),
    		engine:   group.engine,
    		root:     false,




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