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  • 让SNIPER-MXNet从标准的COCO格式数据集中直接使用file_name作为图片路径

    告别项目中“依index生成路径”的方法,直接使用我们在生成.json标签时就已经写入的图片路径(这里我写入的是绝对路径 full path)来获取图片。


    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    # SNIPER: Efficient Multi-scale Training
    # Licensed under The Apache-2.0 License [see LICENSE for details]
    # Modified from https://github.com/msracver/Deformable-ConvNets
    # Modified by Mahyar Najibi
    # Second Modified by aimhabo
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    import cPickle
    import os
    import json
    import numpy as np

    from imdb import IMDB
    # coco api
    from .pycocotools.coco import COCO
    from .pycocotools.cocoeval import COCOeval
    from mask.mask_voc2coco import mask_voc2coco
    from bbox.bbox_transform import clip_boxes, bbox_overlaps_py
    import multiprocessing as mp

    def coco_results_one_category_kernel(data_pack):
    cat_id = data_pack['cat_id']
    ann_type = data_pack['ann_type']
    binary_thresh = data_pack['binary_thresh']
    all_im_info = data_pack['all_im_info']
    boxes = data_pack['boxes']
    if ann_type == 'bbox':
    masks = []
    elif ann_type == 'segm':
    masks = data_pack['masks']
    print 'unimplemented ann_type: ' + ann_type
    cat_results = []
    for im_ind, im_info in enumerate(all_im_info):
    index = im_info['index']
    dets = boxes[im_ind].astype(np.float)
    if len(dets) == 0:
    scores = dets[:, -1]
    if ann_type == 'bbox':
    xs = dets[:, 0]
    ys = dets[:, 1]
    ws = dets[:, 2] - xs + 1
    hs = dets[:, 3] - ys + 1
    result = [{'image_id': index,
    'category_id': cat_id,
    'bbox': [round(xs[k], 1), round(ys[k], 1), round(ws[k], 1), round(hs[k], 1)],
    'score': round(scores[k], 8)} for k in xrange(dets.shape[0])]
    elif ann_type == 'segm':
    width = im_info['width']
    height = im_info['height']
    dets[:, :4] = clip_boxes(dets[:, :4], [height, width])
    mask_encode = mask_voc2coco(masks[im_ind], dets[:, :4], height, width, binary_thresh)
    result = [{'image_id': index,
    'category_id': cat_id,
    'segmentation': mask_encode[k],
    'score': scores[k]} for k in xrange(len(mask_encode))]
    return cat_results

    class coco(IMDB):
    def __init__(self, image_set, root_path, data_path, result_path=None, mask_size=-1, binary_thresh=None,
    fill basic information to initialize imdb
    :param image_set: train2014, val2014, test2015
    :param root_path: 'data', will write 'rpn_data', 'cache'
    :param data_path: 'data/coco'
    super(coco, self).__init__('COCO', image_set, root_path, data_path, result_path)
    self.root_path = root_path
    self.data_path = data_path
    self.coco = COCO(self._get_ann_file())

    # deal with class names
    cats = [cat['name'] for cat in self.coco.loadCats(self.coco.getCatIds())]
    self.classes = ['__background__'] + cats
    self.num_classes = len(self.classes)
    self._class_to_ind = dict(zip(self.classes, xrange(self.num_classes)))
    self._class_to_coco_ind = dict(zip(cats, self.coco.getCatIds()))
    self._coco_ind_to_class_ind = dict([(self._class_to_coco_ind[cls], self._class_to_ind[cls])
    for cls in self.classes[1:]])

    # load image file names
    self.image_set_index = self._load_image_set_index()
    self.num_images = len(self.image_set_index)
    print 'num_images', self.num_images
    self.mask_size = mask_size
    self.binary_thresh = binary_thresh
    self.load_mask = load_mask

    # deal with data name
    view_map = {'minival2014': 'val2014',
    'sminival2014': 'val2014',
    'valminusminival2014': 'val2014',
    'test-dev2015': 'test2015'}

    self.data_name = view_map[image_set] if image_set in view_map else image_set

    self.image_id = self.coco.getImgIds()
    # print 'image_id = ', self.image_id
    self.file_name = ['None']
    for id in self.image_id:
    # print 'file_name = ', self.file_name
    self.image_id = []

    def _get_ann_file(self):
    """ self.data_path / annotations / instances_train2014.json """
    prefix = 'instances' if 'test' not in self.image_set else 'image_info'
    return os.path.join(self.data_path, 'annotations',
    prefix + '_' + self.image_set + '.json')

    def _load_image_set_index(self):
    """ image id: int """
    image_ids = self.coco.getImgIds()
    return image_ids

    def image_path_from_index(self, index):
    """???example: images / train2014 / COCO_train2014_000000119993.jpg???"""
    # filename = 'COCO_%s_%012d.jpg' % (self.data_name, index)
    # image_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'images', self.data_name, filename)

    image_path = self.file_name[index]

    assert os.path.exists(image_path), 'Path does not exist: {}'.format(image_path)
    return image_path

    def gt_roidb(self):
    cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.name + '_gt_roidb.pkl')
    index_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.name + '_index_roidb.pkl')
    sindex_file = os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.name + '_sindex_roidb.pkl')
    if os.path.exists(cache_file) and os.path.exists(index_file):
    with open(cache_file, 'rb') as fid:
    roidb = cPickle.load(fid)
    with open(index_file, 'rb') as fid:
    self.image_set_index = cPickle.load(fid)
    print '{} gt roidb loaded from {}'.format(self.name, cache_file)
    return roidb

    gt_roidb = []
    valid_id = []
    vids = []
    ct = 0
    for index in self.image_set_index:
    roientry, flag = self._load_coco_annotation(index)
    if flag:
    ct = ct + 1
    self.image_set_index = valid_id

    with open(cache_file, 'wb') as fid:
    cPickle.dump(gt_roidb, fid, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    with open(index_file, 'wb') as fid:
    cPickle.dump(valid_id, fid, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    with open(sindex_file, 'wb') as fid:
    cPickle.dump(vids, fid, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print 'wrote gt roidb to {}'.format(cache_file)
    return gt_roidb

    def _load_coco_annotation(self, index):
    def _polys2boxes(polys):
    boxes_from_polys = np.zeros((len(polys), 4), dtype=np.float32)
    for i in range(len(polys)):
    poly = polys[i]
    x0 = min(min(p[::2]) for p in poly)
    x1 = max(max(p[::2]) for p in poly)
    y0 = min(min(p[1::2]) for p in poly)
    y1 = max(max(p[1::2]) for p in poly)
    boxes_from_polys[i, :] = [x0, y0, x1, y1]
    return boxes_from_polys

    coco ann: [u'segmentation', u'area', u'iscrowd', u'image_id', u'bbox', u'category_id', u'id']
    crowd instances are handled by marking their overlaps with all categories to -1
    and later excluded in training
    [x1, y1, w, h]
    :param index: coco image id
    :return: roidb entry
    im_ann = self.coco.loadImgs(index)[0]
    width = im_ann['width']
    height = im_ann['height']

    annIds = self.coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=index, iscrowd=False)
    objs = self.coco.loadAnns(annIds)

    annIds = self.coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=index, iscrowd=True)
    objsc = self.coco.loadAnns(annIds)

    # sanitize bboxes
    valid_objs = []
    for obj in objs:
    x, y, w, h = obj['bbox']
    x1 = np.max((0, x))
    y1 = np.max((0, y))
    x2 = np.min((width - 1, x1 + np.max((0, w - 1))))
    y2 = np.min((height - 1, y1 + np.max((0, h - 1))))
    if obj['area'] > 0 and x2 >= x1 and y2 >= y1:
    obj['clean_bbox'] = [x1, y1, x2, y2]

    valid_objsc = []
    for obj in objsc:
    x, y, w, h = obj['bbox']
    x1 = np.max((0, x))
    y1 = np.max((0, y))
    x2 = np.min((width - 1, x1 + np.max((0, w - 1))))
    y2 = np.min((height - 1, y1 + np.max((0, h - 1))))
    if obj['area'] > 0 and x2 >= x1 and y2 >= y1:
    obj['clean_bbox'] = [x1, y1, x2, y2]

    objs = valid_objs
    objc = valid_objsc
    num_objs = len(objs)
    num_objsc = len(objsc)

    boxes = np.zeros((num_objs, 4), dtype=np.uint16)
    boxesc = np.zeros((num_objsc, 4), dtype=np.uint16)
    gt_classes = np.zeros((num_objs), dtype=np.int32)
    overlaps = np.zeros((num_objs, self.num_classes), dtype=np.float32)

    # for ix, obj in enumerate(objsc):
    # boxesc[ix, :] = obj['clean_bbox']

    for ix, obj in enumerate(objs): cls =
    self._coco_ind_to_class_ind[obj['category_id']] boxes[ix
    , :] = obj['clean_bbox'] gt_classes[ix] = cls

    if obj['iscrowd']: overlaps[ix
    , :] = -1.0
    else: overlaps[ix
    , cls] = 1.0

    ws = boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0]
    hs = boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] flag =


    roi_rec = {
    'image': self.image_path_from_index(index),
    'height': height,
    'width': width,
    'boxes': boxes,
    'boxesc': boxesc,
    'gt_classes': gt_classes,
    'gt_overlaps': overlaps,
    'max_classes': overlaps.argmax(axis=1),
    'max_overlaps': overlaps.max(axis=1),
    'flipped': False}
    if self.load_mask:
    # we only care about valid polygons

    segs = []
    for obj in objs:
    if not isinstance(obj['segmentation'], list):
    # This is a crowd box
    else: segs.append([np.array(p)
    for p in obj['segmentation'] if len(p) >= 6]) roi_rec[

    'gt_masks'] = segs

    # Uncomment if you need to compute gts based on segmentation masks
    # seg_boxes = _polys2boxes(segs)
    # roi_rec['mask_boxes'] = seg_boxes
    return roi_rec, flag

    def evaluate_detections(self, detections, ann_type='bbox', all_masks=None, extra_path=''):
    """ detections_val2014_results.json """
    res_folder = os.path.join(self.result_path + extra_path, 'results')
    if not os.path.exists(res_folder): os.makedirs(res_folder) res_file = os.path.join(res_folder

    , 'detections_%s_results.json' % self.image_set)
    self._write_coco_results(detections, res_file, ann_type, all_masks)
    if 'test' not in self.image_set: info_str =
    self._do_python_eval(res_file, res_folder, ann_type)
    return info_str

    def evaluate_sds(self, all_boxes, all_masks): info_str =
    self.evaluate_detections(all_boxes, 'segm', all_masks)
    return info_str

    def _write_coco_results(self, all_boxes, res_file, ann_type, all_masks):
    """ example results
    [{"image_id": 42,
    "category_id": 18,
    "bbox": [258.15,41.29,348.26,243.78],
    "score": 0.236}, ...]
    all_im_info = [{'index': index,
    'height': self.coco.loadImgs(index)[0]['height'],
    'width': self.coco.loadImgs(index)[0]['width']}
    for index in self.image_set_index]

    if ann_type == 'bbox': data_pack = [{
    'cat_id': self._class_to_coco_ind[cls],
    'cls_ind': cls_ind,
    'cls': cls,
    'ann_type': ann_type,
    'binary_thresh': self.binary_thresh,
    'all_im_info': all_im_info,
    'boxes': all_boxes[cls_ind]}
    for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes) if not cls == '__background__']
    elif ann_type == 'segm': data_pack = [{
    'cat_id': self._class_to_coco_ind[cls],
    'cls_ind': cls_ind,
    'cls': cls,
    'ann_type': ann_type,
    'binary_thresh': self.binary_thresh,
    'all_im_info': all_im_info,
    'boxes': all_boxes[cls_ind],
    'masks': all_masks[cls_ind]}
    for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes) if not cls == '__background__']
    print 'unimplemented ann_type: ' + ann_type
    # results = coco_results_one_category_kernel(data_pack[1])
    # print results[0]
    pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) results = pool.map(coco_results_one_category_kernel
    , data_pack) pool.close() pool.join() results =

    sum(results, [])
    print 'Writing results json to %s' % res_file
    with open(res_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(results
    , f, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    def _do_python_eval(self, res_file, res_folder, ann_type): coco_dt =
    self.coco.loadRes(res_file) coco_eval = COCOeval(
    self.coco, coco_dt) coco_eval.params.useSegm = (ann_type ==
    'segm') coco_eval.evaluate() coco_eval.accumulate() info_str =

    self._print_detection_metrics(coco_eval) eval_file = os.path.join(res_folder

    , 'detections_%s_results.pkl' % self.image_set)
    with open(eval_file, 'w') as f: cPickle.dump(coco_eval
    , f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
    print 'coco eval results saved to %s' % eval_file info_str +=
    'coco eval results saved to %s ' % eval_file
    return info_str

    def _print_detection_metrics(self, coco_eval): info_str =
    IoU_lo_thresh = 0.5
    IoU_hi_thresh = 0.95

    def _get_thr_ind(coco_eval, thr): ind = np.where((coco_eval.params.iouThrs > thr -
    1e-5) & (coco_eval.params.iouThrs < thr +
    1e-5))[0][0] iou_thr = coco_eval.params.iouThrs[ind]

    assert np.isclose(iou_thr, thr)
    return ind ind_lo = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval

    , IoU_lo_thresh) ind_hi = _get_thr_ind(coco_eval
    , IoU_hi_thresh)

    # precision has dims (iou, recall, cls, area range, max dets)
    # area range index 0: all area ranges
    # max dets index 2: 100 per image
    precision = coco_eval.eval[
    'precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, :, 0, 2] ap_default = np.mean(precision[precision > -
    print '~~~~ Mean and per-category AP @ IoU=%.2f,%.2f] ~~~~' % (IoU_lo_thresh, IoU_hi_thresh) info_str +=
    '~~~~ Mean and per-category AP @ IoU=%.2f,%.2f] ~~~~ ' % (IoU_lo_thresh, IoU_hi_thresh)
    print '%-15s %5.1f' % ('all', 100 * ap_default) info_str +=
    '%-15s %5.1f ' % ('all', 100 * ap_default)
    for cls_ind, cls in enumerate(self.classes):
    if cls == '__background__':
    # minus 1 because of __background__
    precision = coco_eval.eval['precision'][ind_lo:(ind_hi + 1), :, cls_ind - 1, 0, 2] ap = np.mean(precision[precision > -
    print '%-15s %5.1f' % (cls, 100 * ap) info_str +=
    '%-15s %5.1f ' % (cls, 100 * ap)

    print '~~~~ Summary metrics ~~~~'

    return info_str
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/aimhabo/p/11008075.html
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