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  • SUSE CaaS Platform 4

    SUSE CaaS Platform 相关文章

    (1)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - 简介

    (2)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - 安装部署

    (3)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - 安装技巧

    (4)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - Ceph RBD 作为 Pod 存储卷

    (5)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - 使用 Ceph RBD 作为持久存储(静态)

    (6)SUSE CaaS Platform 4 - 使用 Ceph RBD 作为持久存储(动态)



    • 操作系统版本: SLES15 SP1,无需安装 swap
    • 内核版本:4.12.14-197.18-default
    • Kubernetes版本:v1.15.2
    • VMware Workstation 14



    • 管理网络:带外访问,管理容器平台
    • 外部网络:访问互联网,便于从镜像仓库上下载镜像,架构图中使用的是 VMnet8,通过地址转换访问互联网
    • 存储网络:对接 SUSE Storage6 分布式存储的 Public 网络,提供给容器作为持久存储使用

    4、CaaSP4 环境架构图




    1、编辑 Hosts 文件

    # vim /etc/hosts   master01.example.com master01   master02.example.com master02   master03.example.com master03   worker01.example.com worker01   worker02.example.com worker02   worker03.example.com worker03   worker04.example.com worker04


    ## Pool 
    zypper ar                        SUSE-CAASP-4.0-Pool
    zypper ar          SLE-Module-Containers-15-SP1-Pool
    zypper ar               SLE-Product-SLES15-SP1-Pool 
    zypper ar          SLE-Module-Basesystem-SLES15-SP1-Pool 
    zypper ar SLE-Module-Server-Applications-SLES15-SP1-Pool
    zypper ar              SLE-Module-Legacy-SLES15-SP1-Pool
    ## Update 
    zypper ar               SLE-Product-SLES15-SP1-Updates
    zypper ar          SLE-Module-Basesystem-SLES15-SP1-Upadates 
    zypper ar SLE-Module-Server-Applications-SLES15-SP1-Upadates
    zypper ar              SLE-Module-Legacy-SLES15-SP1-Updates
    zypper ar                        SUSE-CAASP-4.0-Updates
    zypper ar          SLE-Module-Containers-15-SP1-Updates 


    # zypper in -y -t pattern yast2_basis base
    # zypper in -y net-tools vim man sudo tuned irqbalance
    # zypper in -y ethtool rsyslog iputils less supportutils-plugin-ses
    # zypper in -y net-tools-deprecated tree wget

    4、关闭IPV6 (所有节点和admin)和 关闭 swap

    # vim /etc/sysctl.conf
    net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
    net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
    net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

    5、创建和配置 after.local 文件 (可选)


    # touch /etc/init.d/after.local
    # chmod 744 /etc/init.d/after.local
    cat >> /etc/init.d/after.local << EOF
    #! /bin/sh
    # Copyright (c) 2010 SuSE LINUX Products GmbH, Germany.  All rights reserved.
    # Author: Werner Fink, 2010
    # /etc/init.d/after.local
    # script with local commands to be executed from init after all scripts
    # of a runlevel have been executed.
    # Here you should add things, that should happen directly after
    # runlevel has been reached.
    swapoff -a

    6、执行 after.local,关闭 swap

    # source /etc/init.d/after.local

    CaaSP4 集群搭建

    1、安装组件 (所有节点 )

    # zypper -n in -t pattern SUSE-CaaSP-Management

     2、SSH 互信 ,并启用ssh-agent
    (1)master01 主机生成密钥对,并把公钥复制给woker01和woker02主机

    # ssh-keygen
    # cd .ssh/
    # ssh-copy-id master01
    # ssh-copy-id worker01
    # ssh-copy-id worker02


    # eval `ssh-agent` $SHELL
    Agent pid 13701
    # ps -ef | grep ssh-agent
    root      13701      1  0 09:35 ?        00:00:00 ssh-agent
    root      13719  13702  0 09:35 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto ssh-agent


    # ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa
    Identity added: /root/.ssh/id_rsa (/root/.ssh/id_rsa)
    # ssh-add -l
    2048 SHA256:7sn4CfA7qk7/q38CA6Oz3tgvVShY9+fpOXZRdjAM1MM root@master01 (RSA)

    3、初始化 Master 节点
    语法:skuba cluster init --control-plane <LB IP/FQDN> my-cluster

    # skuba cluster init --control-plane master01 my-cluster
    [init] configuration files written to /root/.ssh/my-cluster

    初始化会产生 my-cluster目录,并且该目录具有kubeconfig配置文件

    # ll /root/.ssh/my-cluster/
    total 4
    drwx------ 8 root root  78 Sep 15 13:31 addons
    -rw------- 1 root root 804 Sep 15 13:31 kubeadm-init.conf
    drwx------ 2 root root  62 Sep 15 13:31 kubeadm-join.conf.d

     4、集群 Booststrap

    # cd /root/.ssh/my-cluster/
    # skuba node bootstrap --target master01 master01 -v3 

    由于使用 -v3 参数,因此终端会产生安装详细信息,直到最后显示 successfully bootstrapped

    I0915 13:58:55.780337    4730 files.go:29] uploading to remote file "/tmp/gangway.d/gangway.yaml" with contents
    I0915 13:58:55.867266    4730 ssh.go:167] running command: "kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf apply -f /tmp/gangway.d"
    I0915 13:58:56.136908    4730 ssh.go:190] stdout | configmap/oidc-gangway-config created
    I0915 13:58:56.143730    4730 ssh.go:190] stdout | deployment.apps/oidc-gangway created
    I0915 13:58:56.201805    4730 ssh.go:190] stdout | service/oidc-gangway created
    I0915 13:58:56.213596    4730 ssh.go:190] stdout | serviceaccount/oidc-gangway created
    I0915 13:58:56.213946    4730 ssh.go:167] running command: "rm -rf /tmp/gangway.d"
    I0915 13:58:56.255647    4730 states.go:40] === state gangway.deploy applied successfully ===
    [bootstrap] successfully bootstrapped node "master01" with Kubernetes: "1.15.2"  <=== 安装成功

    5、加入 worker 节点
      skuba node join --role <master/worker> --user <user-name> --sudo --target <IP/FQDN> <node-name>

    • master01节点并用root账户执行:
    # cd ~/.ssh/my-cluster
    # skuba node join --role worker --target worker01 worker01 -v3
    # skuba node join --role worker --target worker02 worker02 -v3 
    I0915 14:42:41.768349   46412 states.go:35] === applying state skuba-update.start ===
    I0915 14:42:41.769311   46412 ssh.go:167] running command: "systemctl enable --now skuba-update.timer"
    I0915 14:42:41.828002   46412 ssh.go:190] stderr | Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/skuba-update.timer → /usr/lib/systemd/system/skuba-update.timer.
    I0915 14:42:42.096214   46412 states.go:40] === state skuba-update.start applied successfully ===
    [join] node successfully joined the cluster


    1、Master 节点
    (1) Master 节点下载的镜像

    master01:~ # crictl images
    IMAGE                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            SIZE
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium-init   1.5.3               726a5a2fd9f8e       121MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium        1.5.3               15b448bea31e7       889MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/coredns       1.3.1               2f747b3021d99       163MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/etcd          3.3.11              b90b8b149824d       223MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/hyperkube     v1.15.2             e19d9ad312c9d       672MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/kured         1.2.0               9d0512cb475d8       358MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/pause         3.1                 247351923b047       936kB

     (2)Master 节点运行的容器

    # crictl ps -a
    CONTAINER           IMAGE                                                              CREATED             STATE        NAME                      ATTEMPT             POD ID
    98cc214ea02e6       e19d9ad312c9d698740a587857fdebc77c17bd7fc05214a74658b0b6f779c597   3 minutes ago       Running      kube-proxy                0                   21617c8adaa8d
    adb894ff5bd1e       b90b8b149824d799c958d04fd16df356ccf254944467e5666e3abb7e6789ffa5   3 minutes ago       Running      etcd                      0                   0629bbad3a0f8
    cfbab432bd3dd       e19d9ad312c9d698740a587857fdebc77c17bd7fc05214a74658b0b6f779c597   3 minutes ago       Running      kube-scheduler            0                   d463bbd4dbefd
    1cf5a0829a1ff       e19d9ad312c9d698740a587857fdebc77c17bd7fc05214a74658b0b6f779c597   3 minutes ago       Running      kube-controller-manager   0                   7c045016665d2
    597c1feedc3dd       e19d9ad312c9d698740a587857fdebc77c17bd7fc05214a74658b0b6f779c597   3 minutes ago       Running      kube-apiserver            0                   8f258d290806a

     (3)Master 节点运行的pods

    # crictl pods
    POD ID              CREATED             STATE               NAME                               NAMESPACE           ATTEMPT
    e897316a364c7       4 minutes ago       Ready               cilium-shddp                       kube-system         0
    21617c8adaa8d       5 minutes ago       Ready               kube-proxy-2f57p                   kube-system         0
    0629bbad3a0f8       6 minutes ago       Ready               etcd-master01                      kube-system         0
    d463bbd4dbefd       6 minutes ago       Ready               kube-scheduler-master01            kube-system         0
    7c045016665d2       6 minutes ago       Ready               kube-controller-manager-master01   kube-system         0
    8f258d290806a       6 minutes ago       Ready               kube-apiserver-master01            kube-system         0

     2、woker 节点
    (1)worker 节点下载镜像

    worker01:~ # crictl images
    IMAGE                                        TAG                 IMAGE ID            SIZE
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/caasp-dex         2.16.0              32d64343dba35       146MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium-init       1.5.3               726a5a2fd9f8e       121MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium-operator   1.5.3               918bd75777bb1       196MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium            1.5.3               15b448bea31e7       889MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/gangway           3.1.0               227070f1f75d6       136MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/hyperkube         v1.15.2             e19d9ad312c9d       672MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/kured             1.2.0               9d0512cb475d8       358MB
    registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/pause             3.1                 247351923b047       936kB

     (2)worker 节点运行的容器

    worker01:~ # crictl ps -a
    CONTAINER           IMAGE                                                                                                                CREATED             STATE               NAME                 ATTEMPT             POD ID
    b55f388e47cda       32d64343dba35eed1b365322f3f60ffe2dc42b7b327c7cc2870c881a2efdbf1b                                                     37 minutes ago      Running             oidc-dex             1                   4a536a9499080
    a0c58bf84de32       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/caasp-dex@sha256:0542dfb58a97e2de8d25128b673aaa8c1e2dc2680b0db31872eb47b8fe6ce409         37 minutes ago      Exited              oidc-dex             0                   4a536a9499080
    fd585e82ec6eb       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/gangway@sha256:85922202aaa071e5e13084c58c1375ae7029af77bfe7d99d63e22e98ca574bc3           37 minutes ago      Running             oidc-gangway         0                   c865bd3ac446c
    cdfbabee16375       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/kured@sha256:52d0bb956a4a012131436263cdc8126f86042af1d6f0c93bd461d229743f5bf3             38 minutes ago      Running             kured                0                   27af5c286c721
    7f9d9d80f52ed       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium-operator@sha256:02ba730698cba66dbd71d66b68aa3fd9ce9a78ece55e246bd837a0a444ebaaed   38 minutes ago      Running             cilium-operator      0                   9a90ff209bb50
    427c05258e7b8       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/hyperkube@sha256:6a7baa891d90d68bc856d321dcf4cbdd2b86b25204043276f44b4f81a270a515         39 minutes ago      Running             kube-proxy           0                   ed62ccc311d4e
    c5ac07f3c68ea       15b448bea31e7ff401acac76f6518986be200667c00869582b3cd3beb30dd69b                                                     39 minutes ago      Running             cilium-agent         1                   54c628d7909f9
    4b432bb3a085f       15b448bea31e7ff401acac76f6518986be200667c00869582b3cd3beb30dd69b                                                     41 minutes ago      Exited              cilium-agent         0                   54c628d7909f9
    27be548f473f5       registry.suse.com/caasp/v4/cilium-init@sha256:77d7101f0af12c3f6f1f1fd2062a0efc93d058b8358b3b9f2a02a69ba321dff4       41 minutes ago      Exited              clean-cilium-state   0                   54c628d7909f9
    c393915545030       15b448bea31e7ff401acac76f6518986be200667c00869582b3cd3beb30dd69b                                                     42 minutes ago      Exited              install-cni-bin      0                   54c628d7909f9
    8c0a5fd0fa598       15b448bea31e7ff401acac76f6518986be200667c00869582b3cd3beb30dd69b                                                     42 minutes ago      Exited              install-cni-conf     0                   54c628d7909f9

    (3)Worker 节点运行的pods      

    # crictl pods
    POD ID              CREATED             STATE               NAME                               NAMESPACE           ATTEMPT
    c865bd3ac446c       40 minutes ago      Ready               oidc-gangway-7b7fbbdbdf-s94h5      kube-system         0
    9a90ff209bb50       40 minutes ago      Ready               cilium-operator-7d6ddddbf5-8clw8   kube-system         0
    27af5c286c721       40 minutes ago      Ready               kured-n2zz4                        kube-system         0
    4a536a9499080       40 minutes ago      Ready               oidc-dex-55fc689dc-g6rbq           kube-system         0
    54c628d7909f9       43 minutes ago      Ready               cilium-4fp22                       kube-system         0
    ed62ccc311d4e       About an hour ago   Ready               kube-proxy-fwt2t                   kube-system         0

     3、CaaSP4 集群

    # cd /root/.ssh/my-cluster/
    # skuba cluster status
    master01   SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1   4.12.14-197.18-default   v1.15.2           cri-o://1.15.0      <none>        <none>
    worker01   SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1   4.12.14-197.18-default   v1.15.2           cri-o://1.15.0      <none>        <none>
    worker02   SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1   4.12.14-197.18-default   v1.15.2           cri-o://1.15.0      <none>        <none>

      CaaSP4 集群使用 kubectl 


    # zypper in kubernetes-client (默认已安装)


    # ln -s /root/.ssh/my-cluster/admin.conf ~/.kube/config


    # kubectl cluster-info
    Kubernetes master is running at https://master01:6443
    KubeDNS is running at https://master01:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
    To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.


    # kubectl get nodes
    # kubectl get nodes -o wide
    master01   Ready    master   72m   v1.15.2
    worker01   Ready    <none>   29m   v1.15.2
    worker02   Ready    <none>   28m   v1.15.2

    5、集群运行的 Pods 状态

    # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE     NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kube-system   cilium-dph24                       1/1     Running   0          28m
    kube-system   cilium-fjs6c                       1/1     Running   0          28m
    kube-system   cilium-operator-7d6ddddbf5-xd6p9   1/1     Running   0          72m
    kube-system   cilium-s5l4k                       1/1     Running   0          28m
    kube-system   coredns-69c4947958-25rsk           1/1     Running   4          72m
    kube-system   coredns-69c4947958-ntn7w           1/1     Running   6          72m
    kube-system   etcd-master01                      1/1     Running   0          71m
    kube-system   kube-apiserver-master01            1/1     Running   0          71m
    kube-system   kube-controller-manager-master01   1/1     Running   0          71m
    kube-system   kube-proxy-4hk7q                   1/1     Running   0          29m
    kube-system   kube-proxy-8jgd7                   1/1     Running   0          72m
    kube-system   kube-proxy-mwrzx                   1/1     Running   0          28m
    kube-system   kube-scheduler-master01            1/1     Running   0          71m
    kube-system   kured-26h25                        1/1     Running   0          26m
    kube-system   kured-hvhdm                        1/1     Running   0          28m
    kube-system   kured-tpgvh                        1/1     Running   0          70m
    kube-system   oidc-dex-55fc689dc-pxgv2           1/1     Running   1          72m
    kube-system   oidc-gangway-7b7fbbdbdf-jvfdk      1/1     Running   0          72m


    # kubectl version --short
    Client Version: v1.15.2
    Server Version: v1.15.2

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/alfiesuse/p/11624566.html
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