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  • 2016.5.23


    news from BBC

    China's Science Revolution




    From building the biggest experiments the world has ever seen to rolling out the latest medical advances on a massive scale and pushing the boundaries of exploration from the deepest ocean to outer space - China’s scientific ambitions are immense.

    Just a few decades ago the nation barely featured in the world science rankings. Now, in terms of research spending and the number of scientific papers published, it stands only behind the US.

    But despite this rapid progress, China faces a number of challenges.

    Here are five key science projects that illustrate its enormous strengths, as well as some of its weaknesses, and may help answer the question whether China can become a global leader in research. 

    0.  barely 仅仅

    1.  roll out 延伸  

    2.  immense 【ɪˈmens】 巨大的

    3.  feature in 在...中占重要地位

    4.  rank 排名

    part 1: The biggest radio telescope

    即中国的500米口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope 简称 FAST),据说今年9月就完工了,到时候肯定是铺天盖地的报道

    BBC最后做了一个非常客观的总结:Only once it’s switched on will we see whether it can help China to reclaim its science crown.

    1.  China’s new telescope is so large that the team hopes it will pick up radio waves from the far reaches of the cosmos.

       telescope 【ˈtelɪskoʊp】 望远镜

       cosmos = university 【ˈkɒzmɒs】

    2.  It took 10 years of trawling through satellite images of the Chinese countryside to find a natural depression big enough to fit the telescope inside.

       depression 坑,衰减,沮丧,萎靡不振 

    3.  It will attract a lot of scientists and tourists, and it’s also a very good model for education, for the next generations, and for Chinese industry

       attract 吸引

    part 2: Pig's-eye view

    1.  Once (一旦) the pigs are killed, their corneas - the thin, transparent films that cover the front of the eye - are removed from some of them and set aside, to be transplanted into humans.

       cornea 【ˈkɔ:niə】 眼角膜

       transparent 透明的  

       transplant 移植 

    2.  Once (曾经) the main source of organs in China was from executed prisoners. But last year, the government stopped this controversial practice, and instead began encouraging people to sign up to donate their corneas after death.

    3.  Eventually he lost his sight in that eye - and subsequently lost his job as a security guard. Now, 24 hours after surgery, some sight is returning.

       sight 景象,视野,视力 

    4.  Just 35 years ago, the city of Shenzhen was a fishing village. Today it’s been transformed into a hub for innovation, and China Regenerative Medicine International (CRMI), the company that has developed the new cornea procedure, has its laboratory here.

       transfrom 变换,改变 

       hub 中心,焦点 

    part 3: The particle hunt


    1.  Like many scientists in China, Wang has spent time working abroad, in Italy and the US. It used to be the case that scientists who left the country rarely returned, but now this brain drain is being reversed.

       brain drain 【dreɪn】 智囊流失 

       reverse 【rɪˈvɜ:s】 倒退,翻转,颠倒

    part 4: Race to the deep

    1.  A huge crowd has gathered to watch China’s new scientific research ship enter the water for the first time. And after the obligatory bottle of champagne is smashed, the tethers are cut and the 100m-long vessel rolls into the water.

       vessel 【ˈvesl】 容器

       roll into 滚进 

    2.  He explains that there is room inside for a crew of three, who will be protected by a thick metal sphere.

       crew 【kru:】 全体船员,工作人员

       metal 金属 

    the end

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/an9wer/p/5521941.html
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