The elements of Arduino (C++) code.
Further Syntax
/* */
(block comment)
(single line comment)
(curly braces)
Arithmetic Operators
(assignment operator)
Comparison Operators
(not equal to)
(less than)
(less than or equal to)
(equal to)
(greater than)
(greater than or equal to)
Boolean Operators
(logical not)
(logical and)
(logical or)
Pointer Access Operators
(reference operator)
(dereference operator)
Bitwise Operators
(bitwise and)
(bitshift left)
(bitshift right)
(bitwise xor)
(bitwise or)
(bitwise not)
Compound Operators
(compound remainder)
(compound bitwise and)
(compound multiplication)
(compound addition)
(compound subtraction)
(compound division)
(compound bitwise xor)
(compound bitwise or)