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  • Python

    1- Setuptools简介


    Python打包用户指南(Python Packaging User Guide

    1.1 安装Setuptools

    • 目前官网新版本Python的安装包已自带pip(封装了setuptools),并不需要手工安装;
    • 也可通过pip安装新版本;
    $ pip3 show setuptools
    Name: setuptools
    Version: 40.0.0
    Summary: Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
    Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools
    Author: Python Packaging Authority
    Author-email: distutils-sig@python.org
    License: UNKNOWN
    Location: c:python36libsite-packages
    Required-by: PyInstaller, pipenv, kiwisolver, ipython, html5lib

    1.2 简单的安装脚本

    # coding=utf-8
    from setuptools import setup
          description='A simple example',

    创建setup.py文件后,可通过执行“python setup.py --help”命令获得帮助信息
    >>python setup.py --help
      --name              包名称
      --version (-V)      包版本
      --author            程序的作者
      --author_email      程序的作者的邮箱地址
      --maintainer        维护者
      --maintainer_email  维护者的邮箱地址
      --url               程序的官网地址
      --license           程序的授权信息
      --description       程序的简单描述
      --long_description  程序的详细描述
      --platforms         程序适用的软件平台列表
      --classifiers       程序的所属分类列表
      --keywords          程序的关键字列表
      --packages  需要打包的目录列表
      --py_modules  需要打包的python文件列表
      --download_url  程序的下载地址
      --data_files  打包时需要打包的数据文件,如图片,配置文件等
      --scripts  安装时需要执行的脚步列表

    1.3 获得帮助信息

    usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
       or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
       or: setup.py --help-commands
       or: setup.py cmd --help


    $ py -3 setup.py --help


    $ py -3 setup.py --help-commands

    命令sdist(Source distribution)

    $ py -3 setup.py sdist --help

    2- 构建模块(执行build命令

    • 确保所在目录有模块文件hello.py;
    • 执行后,将创建build目录及子目录lib,同时将模块文件hello.py复制到子目录中;
    • 目录build:setuptools在此目录组装包以及编译扩展库等;
    $ ls -l
    total 2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    $ cat -n hello.py
         1  # coding=utf-8
         2  print("This is a test!")
    $ cat -n setup.py
         1  # coding=utf-8
         2  from setuptools import setup
         4  setup(name='Hello',
         5        version='1.0',
         6        description='A simple example',
         7        author='Anliven',
         8        author_email='anliven@yeah.net',
         9        url='www.cnblogs.com/anliven',
        10        py_modules=['hello'])
    $ py -3 setup.py build
    running build
    running build_py
    creating build
    creating buildlib
    copying hello.py -> buildlib
    $ ls -lR
    total 2
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 17:00 build/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 11 17:00 lib/
    total 1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    $ cat -n build/lib/hello.py
         1  # coding=utf-8
         2  print("This is a test!")

    3- 安装模块(执行install命令)

    • 执行insall命令时会根据需要自动运行build命令,不需要手工执行build命令;
    • 安装过程中,Setuptools将创建一个.egg文件(独立的的Python包);
    • 可用pip命令来确认安装结果;
    特别注意:建议使用“--record log.txt”参数来记录安装Python包的安装路径,以便以后卸载;
    $ pip3 show hello
    $ py -3 setup.py install --record log.txt
    running install
    running bdist_egg
    running egg_info
    creating Hello.egg-info
    writing Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt
    writing top-level names to Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    installing library code to builddist.win-amd64egg
    running install_lib
    running build_py
    creating builddist.win-amd64
    creating builddist.win-amd64egg
    copying buildlibhello.py -> builddist.win-amd64egg
    byte-compiling builddist.win-amd64egghello.py to hello.cpython-36.pyc
    creating builddist.win-amd64eggEGG-INFO
    copying Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO -> builddist.win-amd64eggEGG-INFO
    copying Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt -> builddist.win-amd64eggEGG-INFO
    copying Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt -> builddist.win-amd64eggEGG-INFO
    copying Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt -> builddist.win-amd64eggEGG-INFO
    zip_safe flag not set; analyzing archive contents...
    creating dist
    creating 'distHello-1.0-py3.6.egg' and adding 'builddist.win-amd64egg' to it
    removing 'builddist.win-amd64egg' (and everything under it)
    Processing Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    Copying Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg to c:python36libsite-packages
    Adding Hello 1.0 to easy-install.pth file
    Installed c:python36libsite-packageshello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    Processing dependencies for Hello==1.0
    Finished processing dependencies for Hello==1.0
    writing list of installed files to 'log.txt'
    $ ls -lR
    total 3
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 17:03 build/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 17:03 dist/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 17:03 Hello.egg-info/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  51 Oct 11 17:03 log.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 11 17:03 bdist.win-amd64/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 11 17:00 lib/
    total 0
    total 1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 1259 Oct 11 17:03 Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   1 Oct 11 17:03 dependency_links.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 221 Oct 11 17:03 PKG-INFO
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 133 Oct 11 17:03 SOURCES.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   6 Oct 11 17:03 top_level.txt
    $ cat log.txt
    $ pip3 show hello
    Name: hello
    Version: 1.0
    Summary: A simple example
    Home-page: www.cnblogs.com/anliven
    Author: Anliven
    Author-email: anliven@yeah.net
    License: UNKNOWN
    Location: c:python36libsite-packageshello-1.0-py3.6.egg

    4- 安装演示

    --dry-run (-n) don't actually do anything
    py -3 setup.py install -n

    5- 卸载模块

    • 执行“python setup.py install --record log.txt”命令,安装包的同时记录Python包的安装文件路径;
    • 卸载时,只需要删除log.txt文件记录的安装文件路径,即可卸载;
    • 如在Linux环境下,可使用“cat log.txt | xargs rm –rf”命令删除,即可卸载;
    $ cat log.txt


    $ ls -l /c/Python36/Lib/site-packages/Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 1246 Oct 10 16:49 /c/Python36/Lib/site-packages/Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    $ pip3 show hello
    Name: hello
    Version: 1.0
    Summary: A simple example
    Home-page: UNKNOWN
    Author: Anliven
    Author-email: anliven@yeah.net
    License: UNKNOWN
    Location: c:python36libsite-packageshello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    $ rm -rf /c/Python36/Lib/site-packages/Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg
    $ pip3 show hello

    6- 程序打包(创建可分发的Python安装包)

    支持多种格式,主要分为sdist(Source distribution,源码发布)和bdist(Built Distribution,可执行文件发布)两类;

    6.1 Source Distribution(执行sdist命令)

    • 使用命令sdist(Source distribution)可以打包成源码发布;
    • 使用命令开关“--formats”可指定一种或多种压缩格式(用逗号分隔);
    如果执行“py -3 setup.py sdist --formats=tar,zip”,那么将生成.tar和.zip两个格式文件。
    $ py -3 setup.py sdist --help-formats
    List of available source distribution formats:
      --formats=bztar  bzip2'ed tar-file
      --formats=gztar  gzip'ed tar-file
      --formats=tar    uncompressed tar file
      --formats=xztar  xz'ed tar-file
      --formats=zip    ZIP file
      --formats=ztar   compressed tar file


    $ ls -l
    total 2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 10 16:34 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 214 Oct 10 16:40 setup.py
    $ cat -n hello.py
         1  # coding=utf-8
         2  print("This is a test!")
    $ cat -n setup.py
         1  # coding=utf-8
         2  from setuptools import setup
         4  setup(name='Hello',
         5        version='1.0',
         6        description='A simple example',
         7        author='Anliven',
         8        author_email='anliven@yeah.net',
         9        py_modules=['hello'])
    $ py -3 setup.py sdist
    running sdist
    running egg_info
    creating Hello.egg-info
    writing Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt
    writing top-level names to Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.rst, README.txt, README.md
    running check
    warning: check: missing required meta-data: url
    creating Hello-1.0
    creating Hello-1.0Hello.egg-info
    copying files to Hello-1.0...
    copying hello.py -> Hello-1.0
    copying setup.py -> Hello-1.0
    copying Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO -> Hello-1.0Hello.egg-info
    copying Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt -> Hello-1.0Hello.egg-info
    copying Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt -> Hello-1.0Hello.egg-info
    copying Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt -> Hello-1.0Hello.egg-info
    Writing Hello-1.0setup.cfg
    creating dist
    Creating tar archive
    removing 'Hello-1.0' (and everything under it)
    $ ls -l
    total 2
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 15:05 dist/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 15:05 Hello.egg-info/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 10 16:34 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 214 Oct 10 16:40 setup.py
    $ ls -lR
    total 2
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 15:05 dist/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 11 15:05 Hello.egg-info/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 10 16:34 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 214 Oct 10 16:40 setup.py
    total 1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 673 Oct 11 15:05 
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   1 Oct 11 15:05 dependency_links.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 205 Oct 11 15:05 PKG-INFO
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 133 Oct 11 15:05 SOURCES.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   6 Oct 11 15:05 top_level.txt


    warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.rst, README.txt, README.md
    warning: check: missing required meta-data: url



    6-2 Built Distribution(执行bdist命令)

    $ py -3 setup.py bdist --help-formats
    List of available distribution formats:
      --formats=rpm      RPM distribution
      --formats=gztar    gzip'ed tar file
      --formats=bztar    bzip2'ed tar file
      --formats=xztar    xz'ed tar file
      --formats=ztar     compressed tar file
      --formats=tar      tar file
      --formats=wininst  Windows executable installer
      --formats=zip      ZIP file
      --formats=msi      Microsoft Installer
    同时为了简化操作,Setuptools 提供了如下命令(执行“py -3 setup.py --help-commands”获得详细信息);
    例如:执行“py -3 setup.py bdist_wininst”
      bdist_dumb        create a "dumb" built distribution
      bdist_rpm         create an RPM distribution
      bdist_wininst     create an executable installer for MS Windows

    示例:wininst格式(Windows executable installer)

    $ ls -l
    total 2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    $ py -3 setup.py bdist --formats=wininst
    running bdist
    running bdist_wininst
    running build
    running build_py
    creating build
    creating buildlib
    copying hello.py -> buildlib
    installing to builddist.win-amd64wininst
    running install_lib
    creating builddist.win-amd64
    creating builddist.win-amd64wininst
    creating builddist.win-amd64wininstPURELIB
    copying buildlibhello.py -> builddist.win-amd64wininstPURELIB
    running install_egg_info
    running egg_info
    creating Hello.egg-info
    writing Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt
    writing top-level names to Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    Copying Hello.egg-info to builddist.win-amd64wininstPURELIBHello-1.0-py3.6.egg-info
    running install_scripts
    creating 'C:UsersguowliAppDataLocalTemp	mppdxufr2q.zip' and adding '.' to it
    adding 'PURELIBhello.py'
    adding 'PURELIBHello-1.0-py3.6.egg-infodependency_links.txt'
    adding 'PURELIBHello-1.0-py3.6.egg-infoPKG-INFO'
    adding 'PURELIBHello-1.0-py3.6.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    adding 'PURELIBHello-1.0-py3.6.egg-info	op_level.txt'
    creating dist
    removing 'builddist.win-amd64wininst' (and everything under it)
    $ ls -lR
    total 2
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 14:43 build/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 14:43 dist/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 14:43 Hello.egg-info/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 12 14:43 bdist.win-amd64/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 12 14:43 lib/
    total 0
    total 1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    total 580
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 591354 Oct 12 14:43 Hello-1.0.win-amd64.exe*
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   1 Oct 12 14:43 dependency_links.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 221 Oct 12 14:43 PKG-INFO
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 133 Oct 12 14:43 SOURCES.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   6 Oct 12 14:43 top_level.txt

    7- wheel与egg格式

    Wheel格式包其实也是一种 built 包,是官方推荐的打包方式,用来替换egg格式包;
    • 创建egg包:“python setup.py bdist_egg”
    • 创建wheel包:“python setup.py bdist_wheel”
    执行“py -3 setup.py --help-commands”获得详细信息;
    bdist_wheel    create a wheel distribution
    bdist_egg      create an "egg" distribution

    7-1 示例:生成Wheel格式包

    使用 wheel 打包,首先要安装 wheel:“pip install wheel”
    $ ls -l
    total 2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    $ py -3 setup.py bdist_wheel
    running bdist_wheel
    running build
    running build_py
    creating build
    creating buildlib
    copying hello.py -> buildlib
    installing to builddist.win-amd64wheel
    running install
    running install_lib
    creating builddist.win-amd64
    creating builddist.win-amd64wheel
    copying buildlibhello.py -> builddist.win-amd64wheel.
    running install_egg_info
    running egg_info
    creating Hello.egg-info
    writing Hello.egg-infoPKG-INFO
    writing dependency_links to Hello.egg-infodependency_links.txt
    writing top-level names to Hello.egg-info	op_level.txt
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    reading manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    writing manifest file 'Hello.egg-infoSOURCES.txt'
    Copying Hello.egg-info to builddist.win-amd64wheel.Hello-1.0-py3.6.egg-info
    running install_scripts
    creating builddist.win-amd64wheelHello-1.0.dist-infoWHEEL
    creating 'D:Anliven-RunningenPycharmProjectsTestPackagedistHello-1.0-py3-none-any.whl' and adding '.' to it
    adding 'hello.py'
    adding 'Hello-1.0.dist-info	op_level.txt'
    adding 'Hello-1.0.dist-infoWHEEL'
    adding 'Hello-1.0.dist-infoMETADATA'
    adding 'Hello-1.0.dist-infoRECORD'
    removing builddist.win-amd64wheel
    $ ls -lR
    total 2
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 15:36 build/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 15:36 dist/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089   0 Oct 12 15:36 Hello.egg-info/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089  39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 251 Oct 11 17:00 setup.py
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 12 15:36 bdist.win-amd64/
    drwxr-xr-x 1 guowli 1049089 0 Oct 12 15:36 lib/
    total 0
    total 1
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 39 Oct 11 16:57 hello.py
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 1178 Oct 12 15:36 Hello-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   1 Oct 12 15:36 dependency_links.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 221 Oct 12 15:36 PKG-INFO
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 133 Oct 12 15:36 SOURCES.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089   6 Oct 12 15:36 top_level.txt

    7-2 示例:安装Wheel格式包

    $ pip3 show hello
    $ ls -l dist/
    total 4
    -rw-r--r-- 1 guowli 1049089 1178 Oct 12 15:36 Hello-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
    $ pip3 install dist/Hello-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
    Processing d:anliven-runningzenpycharmprojects	estpackagedisthello-1.0-py3-none-any.whl
    Installing collected packages: Hello
    Successfully installed Hello-1.0
    $ pip3 show hello
    Name: Hello
    Version: 1.0
    Summary: A simple example
    Home-page: www.cnblogs.com/anliven
    Author: Anliven
    Author-email: anliven@yeah.net
    License: UNKNOWN
    Location: c:python36libsite-packages
    $ pip3 uninstall hello
    Uninstalling Hello-1.0:
      Would remove:
    Proceed (y/n)? y
      Successfully uninstalled Hello-1.0
    $ pip3 show hello

    8- 向PyPI注册包

    PyPI(Python Package Index):https://pypi.org/
    1. 执行命令“python setup.py register”向标准库注册,将显示菜单;
    2. 根据提示,注册包;
    3. 执行命令“python setup.py sdist upload”上传源码分发包到PyPI;
    $ py -3 setup.py register
    running register
    running check
    warning: check: missing required meta-data: name, version, url
    warning: check: missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) or (maintainer and maintainer_email) must be supplied
    We need to know who you are, so please choose either:
     1. use your existing login,
     2. register as a new user,
     3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or
     4. quit
    Your selection [default 1]:

    9- 拾遗


    目前安装新Python版本时,有“Add Python to Path”选项,选中则会自动完成环境变量配置;

    To set environment variable for Python, open environment variables setting, new a system variable named PYTHONPATH, set its value to the Python installation path and append PYTHONPATH to path.



    >>> import sys
    >>> print(sys.path)
    ['', 'C:\Python36\python36.zip', 'C:\Python36\DLLs', 'C:\Python36\lib', 'C:\Python36', 'C:\Python36\lib\site-packages', 'C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\win32', 'C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\win32\lib', 'C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\Pythonwin']

    9-2 对比egg与wheel

      - Wheel有一个官方的PEP427来定义,而Egg没有PEP定义;
      - Wheel是一种分发格式,即打包格式。而Egg既是一种分发格式,也是一种运行时安装的格式,并且是可以被import的;
      - Wheel文件不会包含.pyc文件;
      - Wheel使用和PEP376兼容的.dist-info目录,而Egg使用.egg-info目录;
      - Wheel有着更丰富的命名规则;
      - Wheel是有版本的。每个Wheel文件都包含wheel规格的版本和打包它的实现;
      - Wheel在内部被sysconfig path type管理,因此转向其他格式也更容易;

    9-3 Python的包管理工具

  • 相关阅读:
    yum 安装的软件包卸载
    yum install 软件包的安装路径
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/anliven/p/9840583.html
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