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  • 【STM32H7的DSP教程】第23章 DSP辅助运算-math_help中函数的使用


    第23章       DSP辅助运算-math_help中函数的使用


    23.1 初学者重要提示

    23.2 函数目录

    23.3 函数讲解

    23.4 总结

    23.1 初学者重要提示

    1.   math_help文件路径,本教程配套的任意一个例子如下路径都有此文件:LibrariesCMSISDSPExamplesARMarm_graphic_equalizer_example。

    23.2 函数目录


    float arm_snr_f32(float *pRef, float *pTest, uint32_t buffSize)
    uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q31(q31_t *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q15(q15_t *pIn, q15_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q31 (q31_t * input_buf, uint32_t blockSize,uint32_t guard_bits)
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q15 (q15_t * input_buf, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t guard_bits)
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q7 (q7_t * input_buf, uint32_t blockSize, uint32_t guard_bits)
    uint32_t arm_calc_guard_bits (uint32_t num_adds)
    void arm_apply_guard_bits (float32_t *pIn, uint32_t numSamples, uint32_t guard_bits)
    uint32_t arm_calc_2pow(uint32_t numShifts)
    void arm_clip_f32 (float *pIn, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_float_to_q12_20(float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_float_to_q14 (float *pIn, q15_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_float_to_q28 (float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_float_to_q29 (float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
    void arm_float_to_q30 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)

    23.3 函数讲解

    23.3.1        函数arm_snr_f32


     * @brief  Caluclation of SNR
     * @param[in]  pRef     Pointer to the reference buffer
     * @param[in]  pTest    Pointer to the test buffer
     * @param[in]  buffSize    total number of samples
     * @return     SNR
     * The function Caluclates signal to noise ratio for the reference output
     * and test output
    float arm_snr_f32(float *pRef, float *pTest, uint32_t buffSize)
      float EnergySignal = 0.0, EnergyError = 0.0;
      uint32_t i;
      float SNR;
      int temp;
      int *test;
      for (i = 0; i < buffSize; i++)
           /* 检测是否为NAN非值 */
          test =   (int *)(&pRef[i]);
          temp =  *test;
          if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
          test =   (int *)(&pTest[i]);
          temp =  *test;
          if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
          EnergySignal += pRef[i] * pRef[i];
          EnergyError += (pRef[i] - pTest[i]) * (pRef[i] - pTest[i]);
        test =   (int *)(&EnergyError);
        temp =  *test;
        if (temp == 0x7FC00000)
      SNR = 10 * log10 (EnergySignal / EnergyError);
      return (SNR);

    信噪比,即SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio)是指一个电子设备或者电子系统中信号与噪声的比例。这里面的信号指的是来自设备外部需要通过这台设备进行处理的电子信号,噪声是指经过该设备后产生的原信号中并不存在的无规则的额外信号(或信息),并且该种信号并不随原信号的变化而变化。


    公式如下:有用信号功率(Power of Signal)与噪声功率(Power of Noise)的比,那么幅度(Amplitude)平方的比如下:




    程序里面的10 * log10 (EnergySignal / EnergyError)对应的就是上面的公式实现。

    23.3.2        函数arm_compare_fixed_q31

     * @brief  Compare MATLAB Reference Output and ARM Test output
     * @param  q31_t*     Pointer to Ref buffer
     * @param  q31_t*     Pointer to Test buffer
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none 
    uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q31(q31_t *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i; 
      int32_t diff, diffCrnt = 0;
      uint32_t maxDiff = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          diff = pIn[i] - pOut[i];
          diffCrnt = (diff > 0) ? diff : -diff;
        if(diffCrnt > maxDiff)
            maxDiff = diffCrnt;


    23.3.3        函数arm_compare_fixed_q15

     * @brief  Compare MATLAB Reference Output and ARM Test output
     * @param  q15_t*     Pointer to Ref buffer
     * @param  q15_t*     Pointer to Test buffer
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none 
    uint32_t arm_compare_fixed_q15(q15_t *pIn, q15_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i; 
      int32_t diff, diffCrnt = 0;
      uint32_t maxDiff = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          diff = pIn[i] - pOut[i];
          diffCrnt = (diff > 0) ? diff : -diff;
        if(diffCrnt > maxDiff)
            maxDiff = diffCrnt;


    23.3.4        函数arm_provide_guard_bits_q31

     * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
     * @param  q31_t*     Pointer to input buffer
     * @param  uint32_t     blockSize
     * @param  uint32_t     guard_bits
     * @return none
     * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer 
     * to avoid overflow 
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q31 (q31_t * input_buf, 
                                     uint32_t blockSize,
                                     uint32_t guard_bits)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
          input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;


    23.3.5        函数arm_provide_guard_bits_q15

     * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
     * @param  q15_t*         Pointer to input buffer
     * @param  uint32_t     blockSize
     * @param  uint32_t     guard_bits
     * @return none
     * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer 
     * to avoid overflow 
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q15 (q15_t * input_buf, uint32_t blockSize,
                                uint32_t guard_bits)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
          input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;


    23.3.6        函数arm_provide_guard_bits_q7

     * @brief  Provide guard bits for Input buffer
     * @param[in,out]  input_buf   Pointer to input buffer
     * @param[in]       blockSize  block Size
     * @param[in]       guard_bits guard bits
     * @return none
     * The function Provides the guard bits for the buffer
     * to avoid overflow
    void arm_provide_guard_bits_q7 (q7_t * input_buf,
                                    uint32_t blockSize,
                                        uint32_t guard_bits)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < blockSize; i++)
          input_buf[i] = input_buf[i] >> guard_bits;


    23.3.7        函数arm_calc_guard_bits

     * @brief  Caluclates number of guard bits
     * @param[in]  num_adds     number of additions
     * @return guard bits
     * The function Caluclates the number of guard bits
     * depending on the numtaps
    uint32_t arm_calc_guard_bits (uint32_t num_adds)
      uint32_t i = 1, j = 0;
      if (num_adds == 1)
          return (0);
      while (i < num_adds)
          i = i * 2;
      return (j);


    23.3.8        函数arm_apply_guard_bits

     * @brief  Apply guard bits to buffer
     * @param[in,out]  pIn         pointer to input buffer
     * @param[in]      numSamples  number of samples in the input buffer
     * @param[in]      guard_bits  guard bits
     * @return none
    void arm_apply_guard_bits (float32_t *pIn,
                               uint32_t numSamples,
                               uint32_t guard_bits)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          pIn[i] = pIn[i] * arm_calc_2pow(guard_bits);


    23.3.9        函数arm_calc_2pow

     * @brief  Calculates pow(2, numShifts)
     * @param  uint32_t     number of shifts
     * @return pow(2, numShifts)
    uint32_t arm_calc_2pow(uint32_t numShifts)
      uint32_t i, val = 1;
      for (i = 0; i < numShifts; i++)
          val = val * 2;


    23.3.10   函数arm_clip_f32

     * @brief  Clip the float values to +/- 1
     * @param[in,out]  pIn           input buffer
     * @param[in]      numSamples    number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
    void arm_clip_f32 (float *pIn, uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          if (pIn[i] > 1.0f)
            pIn[i] = 1.0;
          else if ( pIn[i] < -1.0f)
            pIn[i] = -1.0;


    23.3.11   函数arm_float_to_q12_20

     * @brief  Converts float to fixed in q12.20 format                                                    
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point(q12.20) values 
    void arm_float_to_q12_20(float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          /* 1048576.0f corresponds to pow(2, 20) */
          pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 1048576.0f);                                                        
          pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
          if (pIn[i] == (float) 1.0)
              pOut[i] = 0x000FFFFF;
    •   这个函数用于将浮点数转换成Q12.20格式的数据。
    •   浮点数转换成Q12.20格式需要乘以2^20,然后再做舍入处理,特别注意这里的浮点数末尾要加符号f,这样才能保证是单精度。

    23.3.12   函数arm_float_to_q14

     * @brief  Converts float to fixed q14 
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values 
    void arm_float_to_q14 (float *pIn, q15_t * pOut, 
                           uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          /* 16384.0f corresponds to pow(2, 14) */
          pOut[i] = (q15_t) (pIn[i] * 16384.0f);
          pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
          if (pIn[i] == (float) 2.0)
              pOut[i] = 0x7FFF;
    •   这个函数用于将浮点数转换成Q14格式的数据。
    •   浮点数转换成Q14格式需要乘以2^14,然后再做舍入处理。

    23.3.13   函数arm_float_to_q28

     * @brief  Converts float to fixed q28 format
     * @param[in]  pIn         pointer to input buffer
     * @param[out] pOut        pointer to output buffer
     * @param[in]  numSamples  number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values
    void arm_float_to_q28 (float *pIn, q31_t *pOut, uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
        /* 268435456.0f corresponds to pow(2, 28) */
          pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 268435456.0f);
          pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
          if (pIn[i] == (float) 8.0)
              pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    •   这个函数用于将浮点数转换成Q28格式的数据。
    •   浮点数转换成Q28格式需要乘以2^28,然后再做舍入处理。

    23.3.14   函数arm_float_to_q29

     * @brief  Converts float to fixed q30 format
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values 
    void arm_float_to_q29 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, 
                           uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          /* 536870912.0f corresponds to pow(2, 29) */
          pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 536870912.0f);
          pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
          if (pIn[i] == (float) 4.0)
              pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    •   这个函数用于将浮点数转换成Q29格式的数据。
    •   浮点数转换成Q29格式需要乘以2^29,然后再做舍入处理。

    23.3.15   函数arm_float_to_q30

     * @brief  Converts float to fixed q30 format
     * @param  uint32_t     number of samples in the buffer
     * @return none
     * The function converts floating point values to fixed point values 
    void arm_float_to_q29 (float *pIn, q31_t * pOut, 
                           uint32_t numSamples)
      uint32_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++)
          /* 1073741824.0f corresponds to pow(2, 30) */
          pOut[i] = (q31_t) (pIn[i] * 536870912.0f);
          pOut[i] += pIn[i] > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
          if (pIn[i] == (float) 4.0)
              pOut[i] = 0x7FFFFFFF;
    •   这个函数用于将浮点数转换成Q30格式的数据。
    •   浮点数转换成Q30格式需要乘以2^30,然后再做舍入处理。

    23.4 总结


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/armfly/p/12881040.html
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