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    有一个正整数$N$满足$C$个条件,每个条件都形如“它除以$X$的余数在集合${Y_1, Y_2, ..., Y_k}$中”,所有条件中的$X$两两互质,



    $1leq Cleq9, 1 leq S leq 10, X geq 2, 1 leq k leq 100, 0 leq Y_i leq X$




    我们假设每个集合元素都不超过5。而当集合元素增加时,由于可行解是在模$M = prod X_i$下的在枚举复杂度提高的同时也意味着可行解在




      1 #include <algorithm>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <string>
      5 #include <queue>
      6 #include <map>
      7 #include <set>
      8 #include <ctime>
      9 #include <cmath>
     10 #include <iostream>
     11 #include <assert.h>
     12 #define pi acos(-1.)
     13 using namespace std;
     14 typedef long long ll;
     15 const int int_inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
     16 const ll ll_inf = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f;
     17 const int INT_INF = (int)((1ll << 31) - 1);
     18 const int mod = 1e9 + 9;
     19 const double double_inf = 1e30;
     20 typedef unsigned long long ul;
     21 #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000")
     22 #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
     23 #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
     24 #define mp make_pair
     25 #define st first
     26 #define nd second
     27 #define keyn (root->ch[1]->ch[0])
     28 #define lson (u << 1)
     29 #define rson (u << 1 | 1)
     30 #define pii pair<int, int>
     31 #define pll pair<ll, ll>
     32 #define pb push_back
     33 #define type(x) __typeof(x.begin())
     34 #define foreach(i, j) for(type(j)i = j.begin(); i != j.end(); i++)
     35 #define FOR(i, s, t) for(int i = (s); i <= (t); i++)
     36 #define ROF(i, t, s) for(int i = (t); i >= (s); i--)
     37 #define dbg(x) cout << x << endl
     38 #define dbg2(x, y) cout << x << " " << y << endl
     39 #define clr(x, i) memset(x, (i), sizeof(x))
     40 #define maximize(x, y) x = max((x), (y))
     41 #define minimize(x, y) x = min((x), (y))
     42 #define low_bit(x) ((x) & (-x))
     44 inline int readint(){
     45     int x;
     46     scanf("%d", &x);
     47     return x;
     48 }
     50 inline int readstr(char *s){
     51     scanf("%s", s);
     52     return strlen(s);
     53 }
     55 class cmpt{
     56 public:
     57     bool operator () (const int &x, const int &y) const{
     58         return x > y;
     59     }
     60 };
     62 int Rand(int x, int o){
     63     //if o set, return [1, x], else return [0, x - 1]
     64     if(!x) return 0;
     65     int tem = (int)((double)rand() / RAND_MAX * x) % x;
     66     return o ? tem + 1 : tem;
     67 }
     69 void data_gen(){
     70     srand(time(0));
     71     freopen("in.txt", "w", stdout);
     72     int times = 100;
     73     printf("%d
    ", times);
     74     while(times--){
     75         int r = Rand(1000, 1), a = Rand(1000, 1), c = Rand(1000, 1);
     76         int b = Rand(r, 1), d = Rand(r, 1);
     77         int m = Rand(100, 1), n = Rand(m, 1);
     78         printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d
    ", n, m, a, b, c, d, r);
     79     }
     80 }
     82 struct cmpx{
     83     bool operator () (int x, int y) { return x > y; }
     84 };
     85 int debug = 1;
     86 int dx[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0};
     87 int dy[] = {0, 0, -1, 1};
     88 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
     89 int C, S;
     90 ll mt[15][110];
     91 ll X[15], k[15];
     92 ll ans[50];
     93 ll buf[50];
     94 ll w[15], _w[15];
     95 ll M;
     96 int id[15];
     97 pair<pll, int> _buf[15];
     98 const int lim = 1e5;
    100 void egcd(ll a, ll b, ll &d, ll &x, ll &y){
    101     if(!b){
    102         d = a, x = 1, y = 0;
    103         return;
    104     }
    105     egcd(b, a % b, d, x, y);
    106     ll x1 = x, y1 = y;
    107     x = y1, y = x1 - a / b * y1;
    108 }
    110 void dfs(int pos){
    111     if(pos == C + 1){
    112         ll tem = 0;
    113         FOR(i, 1, C) tem += buf[i] * w[i] % M * _w[i] % M, tem %= M;
    114         if(!tem) tem = M;
    115         FOR(i, 0, S - 1) ans[i + S] = tem + M * i;
    116         sort(ans, ans + 2 * S);
    117         return;
    118     }
    119     FOR(i, 1, k[pos]){
    120         buf[pos] = mt[pos][i];
    121         dfs(1 + pos);
    122     }
    123 }
    125 bool cmp(pair<pll, int> x, pair<pll, int> y){
    126     return x.st.st * y.st.nd < x.st.nd * y.st.st;
    127 }
    129 void enu_solve(){
    130     FOR(i, 1, C) _buf[i] = mp(mp(k[i], X[i]), i);
    131     sort(_buf + 1, _buf + C + 1);
    132     FOR(i, 1, C) id[i] = _buf[i].nd;
    133     int cnt = 0;
    134     int bg = 1;
    135     while(cnt < S){
    136         int ok1 = 1;
    137         FOR(i, 1, C){
    138             int j = id[i];
    139             int tem = bg % X[j];
    140             int sz = k[j];
    141             int ok = 0;
    142             FOR(u, 1, sz) if(tem == mt[j][u]) { ok = 1; break; }
    143             if(!ok) { ok1 = 0; break; }
    144         }
    145         if(ok1) ans[cnt++] = bg;
    146         bg++;
    147     }
    148 }
    150 void crt_solve(){
    151     M = 1;
    152     FOR(i, 1, C) M *= X[i];
    153     FOR(i, 1, C) w[i] = M / X[i] % M;
    154     FOR(i, 1, C){
    155         ll d, x, y;
    156         egcd(w[i], X[i], d, x, y);
    157         _w[i] = (x % X[i] + X[i]) % X[i];
    158     }
    159     clr(ans, ll_inf);
    160     dfs(1);
    161 }
    163 void solve(){
    164     ll num = 1;
    165     int ok = 1;
    166     FOR(i, 1, C){
    167         num *= k[i];
    168         if(num > lim){
    169             ok = 0;
    170             break;
    171         }
    172     }
    173     if(ok) crt_solve();
    174     else enu_solve();
    175 }
    177 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
    178 int main(){
    179     //data_gen(); return 0;
    180     //C(); return 0;
    181     debug = 0;
    182     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    183     if(debug) freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    184     //freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
    185     while(~scanf("%d%d", &C, &S) && C){
    186         FOR(i, 1, C){
    187             X[i] = readint(), k[i] = readint();
    188             FOR(j, 1, k[i]) mt[i][j] = readint();
    189         }
    190         solve();
    191         FOR(i, 0, S - 1) printf("%lld
    ", ans[i]);
    192         printf("
    193     }
    194     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    195     return 0;
    196 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/astoninfer/p/5699988.html
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