本文的重点在于如何将截图功能继承到Cocos2d-x 3.0引擎。
1 void Director::saveScreenshot(const std::string& fileName,const std::function<void(const std::string&)>& callback)
2 {
3 Image::Format format;
4 //进行后缀判断
5 if(std::string::npos != fileName.find_last_of(".")){
6 auto extension = fileName.substr(fileName.find_last_of("."),fileName.length());
7 if (!extension.compare(".png")) {
8 format = Image::Format::PNG;
9 } else if(!extension.compare(".jpg")) {
10 format = Image::Format::JPG;
11 } else{
12 CCLOG("cocos2d: the image can only be saved as JPG or PNG format");
13 return;
14 }
15 } else {
16 CCLOG("cocos2d: the image can only be saved as JPG or PNG format");
17 return ;
18 }
19 //获取屏幕尺寸,初始化一个空的渲染纹理对象
20 auto renderTexture = RenderTexture::create(getWinSize().width, getWinSize().height, Texture2D::PixelFormat::RGBA8888);
21 //清空并开始获取
22 renderTexture->beginWithClear(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
23 //遍历场景节点对象,填充纹理到RenderTexture中
24 getRunningScene()->visit();
25 //结束获取
26 renderTexture->end();
27 //保存文件
28 renderTexture->saveToFile(fileName , format);
29 //使用schedule在下一帧中调用callback函数
30 auto fullPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() + fileName;
31 auto scheduleCallback = [&,fullPath,callback](float dt){
32 callback(fullPath);
33 };
34 auto _schedule = getRunningScene()->getScheduler();
35 _schedule->schedule(scheduleCallback, this, 0.0f,0,0.0f, false, "screenshot");
36 }
1 void ScreenshotTest::saveImage(Ref *pSender){
2 static int counter = 0;
4 char png[20];
5 sprintf(png, "image-%d.png", counter);
6 char jpg[20];
7 sprintf(jpg, "image-%d.jpg", counter);
9 //截屏后的回调函数,这里显示在左下角
10 auto callback = [&](const std::string& fullPath){
11 auto sprite = Sprite::create(fullPath);
12 CCASSERT(sprite!=nullptr, "Failed to create sprite.");
13 addChild(sprite);
14 sprite->setScale(0.3f);
15 sprite->setPosition(Point(40, 40));
16 sprite->setRotation(counter * 3);
17 CCLOG("Image saved %s", fullPath.c_str());
18 };
20 //调用Director的截屏功能
21 Director::getInstance()->saveScreenshot(png, callback);
22 counter++;
23 }