Sample for manifest.xml
<manifest projecttype="ACCOUNTCUSTOMIZATION">
<projectname>Business Process Automation</projectname>
<feature required="false">CREATESUITEBUNDLES</feature>
<feature required="true">SERVERSIDESCRIPTING</feature>
<feature required="false">ADVRECEIVING</feature>
<feature required="false">ASSEMBLIES</feature>
<feature required="false">INVENTORY</feature>
<feature required="false">PAYABLES</feature>
<feature required="false">RECEIVABLES</feature>
<feature required="false">CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS</feature>
<feature required="false">MULTILOCINVT</feature>
<feature required="false">OPPORTUNITIES</feature>
<feature required="false">EXPREPORTS</feature>
<feature required="false">ACCOUNTING</feature>
<feature required="false">CRM</feature>
<feature required="true">CUSTOMRECORDS</feature>
<feature required="false">MATRIXITEMS</feature>
<feature required="false">WEBSTORE</feature>
<feature required="false">WORKORDERS</feature>
Sample for deply.xml
<!-- <path>~/Objects/*</path> -->
Careful on the sequence of deploy, separate to multiple round will minimum the dependency issues.
See detail usage sample in previous article :
How to use NetSuite SDF CLI, CLI for Node.js on Mac, suitecloud command
(mkdir SDF_Top)
cd SDF_Top
suitecloud project:create -i
- Created new project(SDF_Test1), it will create new folder under SDF_Top with project name: SDF_Test1.
cd SDF_Test1
suitecloud account:setup
Now this folder is the main project folder
suitecloud object:import -i
? Do you want to import all object types? Yes
? Do you want to enter a script ID to filter your list? Yes
? Enter the full or partial script ID. _track
? Select the objects you want to import (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
suitecloud account:setup
Create a new authentication ID (authID).
suitecloud project:adddependencies
suitecloud project:validate
The validation process has finished.
suitecloud project:deploy
Installation COMPLETE
Error handling
-----Validation failed--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An error occurred during custom object validation. (customscript_scriptinternalid)
Details: The file reference /SuiteScripts/Project_Name/ScriptFileName.js is missing in the project and also not included in the dependencies list.
File: ~/Objects/customscript_ScriptFileName.xml
1. Upload Files(Deploy files)
2. Deploy Script Records
2.1 Update manifest.xml to enable the dependency for all files section(see Sample for manifest.xml above), MODIFY it to add depenency objects, sometime it's <objects> custom objects(transaction body fields, line item fields or custom entity fields, record types, etc), sometimes it's <files>, add detail referenced files to this section when validation message is error out.
2.2 Update deploy.xml to enable the specific objects section ONLY. It will helps isolate.
2.3 suitecloud project:deploy