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  • SOA学习总结


    IBM developerworks平台对Web服务方面的初学者有很大的帮助

    When SOA implementation is guided by strategic business goals, you ensure the positive transformation of your business and can realize the chief benefits on an SOA, as follows:

    • Alignment of IT with the business 根据业务的变化灵活的调整IT
    • Maximal reuse of IT assets 最大化重用IT资源

    SOA entry points

    • People: This entry point to SOA focuses on the user experience to help generate innovation and greater collaboration, which enables consistent human and process interaction, thus improving business productivity. Using SOA you can, for example, create service-based portlets to increase this collaboration.
    •     从人员角度关注用户体验,帮助进行生产创新和更好的协作。
    • Process: The process entry point helps companies know what is happening in their business, allowing them to improve existing business models. Using SOA you can transform your business processes into reusable and flexible services, allowing you to improve and optimize these new processes.
    •     帮助企业制度业务的变化,允许改进现有的业务模型,能将现有业务流程转换为可重用和灵活的服务,并能够改善和优化这些过程
    • Information: Using this entry point to SOA you can leverage information in your company in a consistent and visible way. By providing this consistent and trusted information throughout all areas of your business, you empower all areas of your company to innovate, thus allowing you to compete more effectively. Using SOA you have better control over your information, and by aligning information with your business processes you can discover interesting new relationships.
    •     关注信息,企业能以一种一致而可见的方式关注企业各方面的信息,能帮助进行企业决策和变革,能更有效的进行竞争。使用SOA能更好的控制信息,并且能发现一些有趣的新的联系。
    •     ?这是不是商业智能business intelligent的一种表现
    • Connectivity: Take advantage of the connectivity entry point in order to effectively connect your infrastructure, integrating all of the people, processes, and information in your company. By having flexible SOA connections between services, and throughout your environment, you can take an existing business process and deliver it without much effort through a different business channel. You can even connect to external partners outside your firewall in a secure way.
    •     更有效的链接基础设施,集成所有的人员,程序和信息。拥有灵活的SOA服务间的连通性,你现有的业务流程将不需要很多尝试就能通过不同的业务通道部署出来。并且能与外部合作伙伴     进行安全的通信
    • Reuse: Reusing services with SOA allows you to tap into the services that already exist in your company. By building from your existing resources you can streamline your business processes, ensure consistency throughout your company, and cut development time. All of this saves you time and money. You also reduce any duplication of functionality in your services and get to take advantage of using the proven core applications the people in your company are familiar with.
    •     关注重用,能重用已有的服务,能以流线型的方式生成新的业务过程。通过重用减少开发时间,所有这一切都能节省你的时间和金钱。你还能减少重复性的功能并有利于关注核心应用和人员。


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