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  • LINQ标准查询运算符的执行方式-即时



    • Aggregate 应用累计器函数和结果选择器,返回传入泛型类型TSource
    string[] fruits = { "apple", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape" };
    string longestName =
                        (longest, next) =>
                            next.Length > longest.Length ? next : longest,
                        fruit => fruit.ToUpper());
        "The fruit with the longest name is {0}.",
    • All 判断所有函数是否满足条件,返回bool
    string[] names = { "ab","abc","abcd"};
    bool allStartWithab = names.All(p => p.StartsWith("ab"));
    bool allStartWithabc = names.All(p => p.StartsWith("abc"));
        "{0} pet names start with 'ab'. {1} pet names start with 'abc'",
        allStartWithab ? "All" : "Not all", allStartWithabc ? "all":"not all");
    • Any 判断序列是否包含元素,返回bool
    List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2 };
    bool hasElements = numbers.Any();
    bool hasElementsEquals2 = numbers.Any(num=>num==2);
    Console.WriteLine($"{hasElements} {hasElementsEquals2}");
    • Average 求平均值
    List<int> grades = new List<int> { 78, 92, 100, 37, 81 };
    var average = grades.Average();
    Console.WriteLine("The average grade is {0}.", average);
    • Contains 是否包含特定的元素
    string[] fruits = { "apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape" };
    string fruit = "mango";
    bool hasMango = fruits.Contains(fruit);
    • Count 计算序列的数目,返回类型Int
    string[] fruits = { "apple", "banana", "mango", "orange", "passionfruit", "grape" };
    • ElementAt 返回源序列指定位置的元素
    string[] names =
    { "Hartono, Tommy", "Adams, Terry", "Andersen, Henriette Thaulow",
        "Hedlund, Magnus", "Ito, Shu" };
    Random random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
    var name = names.ElementAt(5);
    Console.WriteLine("The name chosen at random is '{0}'.", name);




    FirstDefault 返回序列的第一个元素 ,如果为空则返回类型的默认值

    string[] names = { "Hartono, Tommy", "Adams, Terry",
                         "Andersen, Henriette Thaulow",
                         "Hedlund, Magnus", "Ito, Shu" };
                string firstLongName = names.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Length > 20);
                Console.WriteLine("The first long name is '{0}'.", firstLongName);
                string firstVeryLongName = names.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Length > 30);
                    "There is {0} name longer than 30 characters.",
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstVeryLongName) ? "not a" : "a");
                //如果为空,希望设另一个值,可以使用DefaultIfEmpty 后面必须使用First方法.
                List<int> months = new List<int> { };            
                int firstMonth2 = months.DefaultIfEmpty(1).First();
                Console.WriteLine("The value of the firstMonth2 variable is {0}", firstMonth2);        
    •  Last、LastOrDefault
    int[] numbers = { 9, 34, 65, 92, 87, 435, 3, 54,
            83, 23, 87, 67, 12, 19 };
    int last = numbers.Last(num => num > 80);
    int last1 = numbers.Last();
    int[] numbers1 = { };
    • LongCount
    namespace ConsoleApp4
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Pet[] pets = { new Pet { Name="Barley", Age=8 },
                       new Pet { Name="Boots", Age=4 },
                       new Pet { Name="Whiskers", Age=1 } };
                const int Age = 3;
                int count0 = pets.Count(pet => pet.Name.StartsWith("B"));
                long count = pets.LongCount(pet => pet.Age > Age);
                long count1 = pets.LongCount();
                long count2 = pets.LongLength;
                Console.WriteLine("There are {0} animals over age {1}.{2},{3}", count, Age,count1,count2);
        class Pet
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int Age { get; set; }
    •  Max
    List<long> longs = new List<long> { 4294967296L, 466855135L, 81125L };
    long max = longs.Max();
    Console.WriteLine("The largest number is {0}.", max);            
    Pet[] pets = { new Pet { Name="Barley", Age=8 },
           new Pet { Name="Boots", Age=4 },
           new Pet { Name="Whiskers", Age=1 } };

    int min = pets.Min(pet => pet.Age+pet.Name.Length);
    Console.WriteLine("The youngest animal is age {0}.", min)
    • SequenceEquals 比较两个序列是否相等,使用默认比较器,也可以传一个新的比较器。返回bool值
    Pet pet1 = new Pet { Name = "Turbo", Age = 2 };
    Pet pet2 = new Pet { Name = "Peanut", Age = 8 };
    List<Pet> pets1 = new List<Pet> { pet1, pet2 };
    List<Pet> pets2 = new List<Pet> { pet1, pet2 };
    bool equal = pets1.SequenceEqual(pets2);
        "The lists {0} equal.",
        equal ? "are" : "are not");
    List<Pet> pets3 = new List<Pet> { pet2, pet1 };
    equal = pets1.SequenceEqual(pets3);
        "The lists {0} equal.",
        equal ? "are" : "are not");
    •  Single 返回序列中特定的元素,元素不唯一和找不到元素都抛异常。
    string[] fruits = { "apple", "banana", "mango",
              "orange", "passionfruit", "grape" };
    string fruit1 = fruits.Single(fruit => fruit.Length >10);
    //string fruit2 = fruits.Single(fruit => fruit.Length >0);
    //string fruit3 = fruits.Single();
    • SingleDefault 返回序列中特定的元素,元素不唯一则抛异常
    int[] pageNumbers = { };
    int pageNumber1 = pageNumbers.SingleOrDefault();           
    Console.WriteLine("The value of the pageNumber1 variable is {0}", pageNumber1);
    int pageNumber2 = pageNumbers.DefaultIfEmpty(1).Single();
    Console.WriteLine("The value of the pageNumber2 variable is {0}", pageNumber2);
    •  Sum
    float?[] points = { null, 0, 92.83F, null, 100.0F, 37.46F, 81.1F };
    float? sum = points.Sum();
    Console.WriteLine("Total points earned: {0}", sum);           
    • ToArray 
    List<Package> packages =
        new List<Package>
     { new Package { Company = "Coho Vineyard", Weight = 25.2 },
      new Package { Company = "Lucerne Publishing", Weight = 18.7 },
      new Package { Company = "Wingtip Toys", Weight = 6.0 },
      new Package { Company = "Adventure Works", Weight = 33.8 } };
    string[] companies = packages.Select(pkg => pkg.Company).ToArray();
    • ToDictionary
    List<Package> packages = new List<Package>
     new Package { Company = "Coho Vineyard", Weight = 25.2, TrackingNumber = 89453312L },
      new Package { Company = "Lucerne Publishing", Weight = 18.7, TrackingNumber = 89112755L },
      new Package { Company = "Wingtip Toys", Weight = 6.0, TrackingNumber = 299456122L },
      new Package { Company = "Adventure Works", Weight = 33.8, TrackingNumber = 4665518773L } };
    Dictionary<long, Package> dictionary =
    foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
            "Key {0}: {1}, {2} pounds",
    • ToList
    string[] fruits = { "apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango",
              "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry" };
    List<int> lengths = fruits.Select(fruit => fruit.Length).ToList();
    foreach (int length in lengths)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/bibi-feiniaoyuan/p/12369386.html
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