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1、接收POST参数,使用HTTPServlet,在接收参数前,使用 request.setCharacterEncoding("GBK"); 指明文字编码,避免中文乱码。
public Article() { super(); Conn = new DBUtil(); }
Class.forName("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver").newInstance(); Connstr = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost/Web"; Conn = DriverManager.getConnection(Connstr,"java_user","java_user"); Conn.setAutoCommit(true); stmt = Conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
//查询返回结果集 public ResultSet Execute(String sql) throws Exception{ ResultSet rsC = null; try{ rsC = stmt.executeQuery(sql); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("DBUtil->Execute:" + e.getMessage()); } return rsC; } //执行SQL语句返回影响行数 public int Execute(String sql,int iR) throws Exception{ iR = stmt.executeUpdate(sql); return iR; }
Date date = new Date(); String s = String.format("%tF",date) + " " + String.format("%tT",date); out.println(s);
if(!ID.matches("[0-9]+")){ out.print("参数错误!"); }
jtds"Network error IOException Connection refused: connect"问题解决 ,需要打SP4补丁
Why do I get java.sql.SQLException: "Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect" when trying to get a connection?
The "Connection refused" exception is thrown by jTDS when it is unable to connect to the server. There may be a number of reasons why this could happen:
The server name is misspelled or the port number is incorrect.
SQL Server is not configured to use TCP/IP. Either enable TCP/IP from SQL Server's Network Utility app or have jTDS connect via named pipes (see the URL format for information on how to do this).
There is a firewall blocking port 1433 on the server.
To check whether TCP/IP is enabled and the port is not blocked you can use "telnet <server_host> 1433". Until telnet doesn't connect, jTDS won't either. If you can't figure out why, ask your network administrator for help.