#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
print "
if(!open LOG, ">> Z/logfile"){
die "can't create logfile: $!";
print "
print "
unless(open PASSWD, "/etc/passwd"){
die "How did you get logged in? ($!)";
while(<PASSWD>) {
print $_;
print "
print "-----over----
close PASSWD;
print "
unless(open MYLOG, ">> logfile"){
die "err open logfile: $!";
my $done = 1;
my $total = 3;
print MYLOG "Captain's log, stardate 3.14159
printf STDERR "%d percent compete.
", $done/$total *100;
printf (STDERR "%d percent compete.
", $done/$total *100);
printf STDERR ("%d percent compete.
", $done/$total *100);
select MYLOG;
printf ("%d percent compete.
", $done/$total *100);
select STDOUT;
print "
close MYLOG;
print "
unless(open MYLOG, ">> logfile"){
die "err open logfile: $!";
$| = 1;
print MYLOG "flush buffer immediately after write.
close MYLOG;
print "
print "
unless(open STDERR, ">> mySTDERR"){
die "err open STDERR (>> mySTDERR): $!";
printf (STDERR "%d percent compete.
", 1/3 *100);
print "
print "
#you should always check the return value of open, since the rest of the
#program is relying upon its success.