[01:55:25 root@C8-3-55 ~]#hexdump --help
hexdump [选项] <文件>...
以十六进制、十进制、八进制、二进制或 ascii 显示文件内容。
-b, --one-byte-octal 单字节八进制显示
-c, --one-byte-char 单字节字符显示
-C, --canonical 规范化 hex+ASCII 显示
-d, --two-bytes-decimal 双字节十进制显示
-o, --two-bytes-octal 双字节八进制显示
-x, --two-bytes-hex 双字节十六进制显示
-L, --color[=<模式>] 解释颜色格式化限定符
-e, --format <格式> 用于显示数据的格式化字符串
-f, --format-file <文件> 包含格式字符串的文件
-n, --length <长度> 只解释规定字节长度的输入
-s, --skip <偏移> 跳过开头的指定字节偏移
-v, --no-squeezing 输出相同的行
-h, --help display this help
-V, --version display version
更多信息请参阅 hexdump(1)。
- 显示二十六个字母对应的二进制数
[02:03:29 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | hexdump -C ##显示{a..z}|删除空格|以规范化ascii显示
00000000 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 |abcdefghijklmnop|
00000010 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 0a |qrstuvwxyz.|
[02:05:30 root@C8-3-55 ~]#od --help
用法:od [选项]... [文件]...
或:od [-abcdfilosx]... [文件] [[+]偏移量[.][b]]
或:od --traditional [选项]... [文件] [[+]偏移量[.][b] [+][标签][.][b]]
Write an unambiguous representation, octal bytes by default,
of FILE to standard output. With more than one FILE argument,
concatenate them in the listed order to form the input.
If first and second call formats both apply, the second format is assumed
if the last operand begins with + or (if there are 2 operands) a digit.
An OFFSET operand means -j OFFSET. LABEL is the pseudo-address
at first byte printed, incremented when dump is progressing.
For OFFSET and LABEL, a 0x or 0X prefix indicates hexadecimal;
suffixes may be . for octal and b for multiply by 512.
-A, --address-radix=RADIX output format for file offsets; RADIX is one
of [doxn], for Decimal, Octal, Hex or None
--endian={big|little} swap input bytes according the specified order
-j, --skip-bytes=BYTES skip BYTES input bytes first
-N, --read-bytes=BYTES limit dump to BYTES input bytes
-S BYTES, --strings[=BYTES] output strings of at least BYTES graphic chars;
3 is implied when BYTES is not specified
-t, --format=TYPE select output format or formats
-v, --output-duplicates do not use * to mark line suppression
-w[BYTES], --width[=BYTES] output BYTES bytes per output line;
32 is implied when BYTES is not specified
--traditional accept arguments in third form above
--help 显示此帮助信息并退出
--version 显示版本信息并退出
Traditional format specifications may be intermixed; they accumulate:
-a same as -t a, select named characters, ignoring high-order bit
-b same as -t o1, select octal bytes
-c same as -t c, select printable characters or backslash escapes
-d same as -t u2, select unsigned decimal 2-byte units
-f 即 -t fF,指定浮点数对照输出格式
-i 即 -t dl,指定十进制整数对照输出格式
-l 即 -t dL,指定十进制长整数对照输出格式
-o 即 -t o2,指定双字节单位八进制数的对照输出格式
-s 即 -t d2,指定双字节单位十进制数的对照输出格式
-x 即 -t x2,指定双字节单位十六进制数的对照输出格式
TYPE is made up of one or more of these specifications:
a named character, ignoring high-order bit
c printable character or backslash escape
d[SIZE] signed decimal, SIZE bytes per integer
f[SIZE] floating point, SIZE bytes per float
o[SIZE] octal, SIZE bytes per integer
u[SIZE] unsigned decimal, SIZE bytes per integer
x[SIZE] hexadecimal, SIZE bytes per integer
SIZE is a number. For TYPE in [doux], SIZE may also be C for
sizeof(char), S for sizeof(short), I for sizeof(int) or L for
sizeof(long). If TYPE is f, SIZE may also be F for sizeof(float), D
for sizeof(double) or L for sizeof(long double).
Adding a z suffix to any type displays printable characters at the end of
each output line.
BYTES is hex with 0x or 0X prefix, and may have a multiplier suffix:
b 512
KB 1000
K 1024
MB 1000*1000
M 1024*1024
and so on for G, T, P, E, Z, Y.
[02:06:26 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -t x
0000000 64636261 68676665 6c6b6a69 706f6e6d
0000020 74737271 78777675 000a7a79
[02:07:09 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -x
0000000 6261 6463 6665 6867 6a69 6c6b 6e6d 706f
0000020 7271 7473 7675 7877 7a79 000a
[02:09:38 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -t x1
0000000 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70
0000020 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 0a
[02:09:44 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -t x2
0000000 6261 6463 6665 6867 6a69 6c6b 6e6d 706f
0000020 7271 7473 7675 7877 7a79 000a
[02:09:47 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -t x1z
0000000 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c 6d 6e 6f 70 >abcdefghijklmnop<
0000020 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7a 0a >qrstuvwxyz.<
[02:10:43 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | od -t x2z
0000000 6261 6463 6665 6867 6a69 6c6b 6e6d 706f >abcdefghijklmnop<
0000020 7271 7473 7675 7877 7a79 000a >qrstuvwxyz.<
[02:10:48 root@C8-3-55 ~]#xxd --help
xxd [options] [infile [outfile]]
xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]]
-a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off.
-b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex.
-C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i).
-c cols format <cols> octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30).
-E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII.
-e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r).
-g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4).
-h print this summary.
-i output in C include file style.
-l len stop after <len> octets.
-o off add <off> to the displayed file position.
-ps output in postscript plain hexdump style.
-r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary.
-r -s off revert with <off> added to file positions found in hexdump.
-s [+][-]seek start at <seek> bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset.
-u use upper case hex letters.
-v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert".
[02:11:41 root@C8-3-55 ~]#echo {a..z} | tr -d ' ' | xxd
00000000: 6162 6364 6566 6768 696a 6b6c 6d6e 6f70 abcdefghijklmnop
00000010: 7172 7374 7576 7778 797a 0a qrstuvwxyz.