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  • 【手游项目4】windows和linux通用时间管理类封装

    #pragma once
    #ifdef _WIN32
    #include <time.h>
    #include <sys/time.h>
    #include <string>
    typedef unsigned long long uint64;
    namespace Extralib
    	namespace Timer
    		// 时间,精确到s,可以调用GetCurMillis,获得ms时间
    		class DateTime
    		public:// 静态函数,调用c函数
    			static time_t	GetCurTime();					// 获得当前时间
    			static tm*		GetCurTM(time_t ntime = 0);		// 获得当前时间的,tm结构体
    			static double	DiffTime(time_t t1, time_t t2);	// 获得两个时间差
    			static time_t	MakeTime(tm* data);				// 通过tm转换成time_t结构
    			static int      standard_to_stamp(const char *str_time);		//字符串转化成time_t   
    			static uint64	GetCurMillis();					// 获得当前毫秒数,距离1970年开始
    			static unsigned int GetCurSec();				// 获得当前秒数,距离1970年开始
    			static void		Update();						// 更新一下静态时间
    			static void FormatNow(char* format, time_t ntime = 0);// 格式化输出当前时间 2011-10-24 11:11:11
    			static uint64 GetDayTimeOfDay();
    			static bool IsInSameDay(time_t t1,time_t t2);	//两个时间是否落在同一天
    			static bool IsInSameWeek(time_t dwTime1,time_t dwTime2); //两个时间是否落在同一周
    			DateTime(time_t timeSec);
    			void			ResetNow();						// 重新设置为当前时间
    			time_t			getTimeS();
    			tm*				GetTM();
    			int				getYear();
    			int				getMonth();
    			int				getDay();
    			int				getHours();
    			int				getMinutes();
    			int             getWDay();
    			int				getSeconds();
    			int				GetAllDays();
    			//Tests if this date is before the specified date.
    			bool before(DateTime& when);
    			//Tests if this date is after the specified date.
    			bool after(DateTime& when);
    			//Tests if this date is euqal the specified date.
    			bool equals(DateTime& when);
    			static time_t	s_NowTime;						// 全局的静态数据
    			static tm*		s_TM;							// 全局的tm
    			tm				m_tm;
    #ifdef WIN32
    	int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp);
    #include <cstring>
    #include "DateTime.h"
    #include <sys/timeb.h>
    #ifdef WIN32
    	#define localtime_r(A,B) localtime_s(B,A)
    namespace Extralib
    	namespace Timer
    		time_t DateTime::s_NowTime = 0;
    		tm*		DateTime::s_TM;
    		time_t DateTime::GetCurTime()
    			return time(NULL);
    		tm*	DateTime::GetCurTM(time_t ntime)
    			if (ntime == 0)
    				time_t ntime = time(NULL);
    			return localtime(&ntime);
    		double DateTime::DiffTime(time_t t1, time_t t2)
    			return difftime(t1, t2);
    		time_t	DateTime::MakeTime(tm* data)
    			return mktime(data);
    		int DateTime::standard_to_stamp(const char *str_time)  
    			tm stm;  
    			int iY, iM, iD, iH, iMin, iS;  
    			iY = atoi(str_time);  
    			iM = atoi(str_time+5);  
    			iD = atoi(str_time+8);  
    			iH = atoi(str_time+11);  
    			iMin = atoi(str_time+14);  
    			iS = atoi(str_time+17);  
    			/*printf("%d-%0d-%0d %0d:%0d:%0d
    ", iY, iM, iD, iH, iMin, iS);*/   //标准时间格式例如:2016:08:02 12:12:30
    			return (int)MakeTime(&stm);  
    		uint64 DateTime::GetDayTimeOfDay()
    #ifdef WIN32
    			struct _timeb tb;
    			struct timeb tb;
    			return (tb.time * 1000LL + tb.millitm);
    		bool DateTime::IsInSameDay(time_t t1,time_t t2)
    			// 注意: 28800是北京时间与格林威治时间差(秒)
    			return ((t1 + 28800) / 86400) == ((t2 + 28800) / 86400);
    		bool DateTime::IsInSameWeek(time_t dwTime1,time_t dwTime2)
    			tm tm1 = *localtime(&dwTime1);
    			tm tm2 = *localtime(&dwTime2);
    			tm1.tm_wday = (tm1.tm_wday==0)? 7:tm1.tm_wday;
    			tm2.tm_wday = (tm2.tm_wday==0)? 7:tm2.tm_wday;
    			time_t dwMoment1 = dwTime1-(tm1.tm_wday-1)*24*60*60-tm1.tm_hour*60*60-tm1.tm_min*60-tm1.tm_sec;
    			time_t dwMoment2 = dwTime2-(tm2.tm_wday-1)*24*60*60-tm2.tm_hour*60*60-tm2.tm_min*60-tm2.tm_sec;
    			return dwMoment1 == dwMoment2 ;
    		uint64 DateTime::GetCurMillis()
    			#ifdef WIN32
    				struct _timeb tb;
    				struct timeb tb;
    			return (tb.time * 1000LL + tb.millitm);
    		unsigned int DateTime::GetCurSec()
    			#ifdef WIN32
    				struct _timeb tb;
    				struct timeb tb;
    				ftime(&tb);	//毫秒级的精确度
    			return tb.time;
    		void DateTime::Update()
    			s_NowTime = time(NULL);
    			localtime_r(&s_NowTime, s_TM);
    		void DateTime::FormatNow(char* format, time_t ntime)
    			tm* st = GetCurTM(ntime);
    			sprintf(format, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d", st->tm_year + 1900, st->tm_mon + 1, st->tm_mday, st->tm_hour, st->tm_min, st->tm_sec);
    			time_t timeNow = time(NULL);
    			localtime_r(&timeNow, &m_tm);
    		DateTime::DateTime(time_t timeSec)
    			localtime_r(&timeSec, &m_tm);
    		void DateTime::ResetNow()
    			m_tm = *s_TM;
    		time_t DateTime::getTimeS()
    			return MakeTime(&m_tm);
    		tm*	DateTime::GetTM()
    			return& m_tm;
    		int DateTime::getYear()
    			return (m_tm.tm_year + 1900);
    		int DateTime::getMonth()
    			return m_tm.tm_mon;
    		int DateTime::getDay()
    			return m_tm.tm_mday;
    		int DateTime::getHours()
    			return m_tm.tm_hour;
    		int DateTime::getWDay()
    			return m_tm.tm_wday;
    		int DateTime::getMinutes()
    			return m_tm.tm_min;
    		int DateTime::getSeconds()
    			return m_tm.tm_sec;
    		int DateTime::GetAllDays()
    			return  ( GetCurSec() / (3600 * 24) );
    		bool DateTime::before(DateTime& when)
    			return getTimeS() < when.getTimeS();
    		bool DateTime::after(DateTime& when)
    			return getTimeS() > when.getTimeS();
    		bool DateTime::equals(DateTime& when)
    			return getTimeS() == when.getTimeS();
    #ifdef WIN32
    int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, void *tzp)
    	time_t clock;
    	struct tm tm;
    	SYSTEMTIME wtm;
    	tm.tm_year     = wtm.wYear - 1900;
    	tm.tm_mon     = wtm.wMonth - 1;
    	tm.tm_mday     = wtm.wDay;
    	tm.tm_hour     = wtm.wHour;
    	tm.tm_min     = wtm.wMinute;
    	tm.tm_sec     = wtm.wSecond;
    	tm. tm_isdst    = -1;
    	clock = mktime(&tm);
    	tp->tv_sec = clock;
    	tp->tv_usec = wtm.wMilliseconds * 1000;
    	return (0);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/byfei/p/14104103.html
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