FUNCTION zrfc_mm001. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(CALLNO) TYPE ZCALLNO *" VALUE(DOC_TYPE) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-DOC_TYPE DEFAULT 'ZIPR' *" VALUE(PURCH_ORG) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-PURCH_ORG DEFAULT 'POIC' *" VALUE(PUR_GROUP) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-PUR_GROUP *" VALUE(VENDOR) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-VENDOR *" VALUE(COMP_CODE) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-COMP_CODE DEFAULT 'GF50' *" VALUE(DZTERM) TYPE DZTERM DEFAULT '0001' *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(PO_NUMBER) LIKE BAPIMEPOHEADER-PO_NUMBER *" VALUE(FLAG) LIKE BAPIRET2-TYPE *" VALUE(MESSAGE) LIKE BAPIRET2-MESSAGE *" TABLES *" POITEM STRUCTURE ZPOITEM *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: lv_currency TYPE bapimepoheader-currency VALUE 'RMB', "货币码 ls_poitem TYPE zpoitem, lv_message TYPE bapiret2-message, lv_po_item TYPE bapimepoitem-po_item, "行项目号 lv_pckg_no TYPE bapimepoitem-pckg_no. "PCKG_NO DATA: quantity(18), net_price(37), limit(27), exp_value(27), l_lifnr TYPE lfa1-lifnr, lv_datano TYPE zdatano. DATA: lt_eskl TYPE TABLE OF eskl WITH HEADER LINE. CLEAR:gs_poheader, gs_poheaderx, gv_po_number, gt_return, gs_return, gt_poitem, gs_poitem, gt_poitemx, gs_poitemx, gt_poschedule, gs_poschedule, gt_poschedulex, gs_poschedulex, gt_poaccount, gs_poaccount, gt_poaccountx, gs_poaccountx, gt_polimits, gs_polimits. *数据检查. PERFORM frm_check_data USING doc_type purch_org pur_group vendor comp_code poitem[] CHANGING flag message. *补齐前导零 CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = vendor IMPORTING output = l_lifnr. *抬头数据 gs_poheader-doc_type = doc_type. "采购凭证类型 gs_poheader-purch_org = purch_org. "采购组织 gs_poheader-pur_group = pur_group. "采购组 gs_poheader-vendor = l_lifnr. "供应商帐户号 gs_poheader-comp_code = comp_code. "公司代码 gs_poheader-currency = lv_currency. "货币码 gs_poheader-pmnttrms = dzterm. "付款条件 gs_poheaderx-doc_type = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-purch_org = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-pur_group = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-vendor = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-comp_code = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-currency = g_flag. gs_poheaderx-pmnttrms = g_flag. SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_eskl FROM eskl UP TO 500 ROWS WHERE loekz = '' . LOOP AT poitem INTO ls_poitem. *行项目 READ TABLE lt_eskl INDEX sy-tabix. lv_pckg_no = lt_eskl-packno. lv_po_item = lv_po_item + 10. PERFORM frm_poitem USING ls_poitem lv_po_item lv_pckg_no. *计划行 PERFORM frm_poschedule USING ls_poitem lv_po_item. *账户分配 PERFORM frm_poaccount USING ls_poitem lv_po_item. *服务限制 PERFORM frm_polimits USING ls_poitem lv_po_item lv_pckg_no. ENDLOOP. *创建采购订单 CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' EXPORTING poheader = gs_poheader poheaderx = gs_poheaderx IMPORTING exppurchaseorder = gv_po_number TABLES return = gt_return poitem = gt_poitem poitemx = gt_poitemx poschedule = gt_poschedule poschedulex = gt_poschedulex poaccount = gt_poaccount poaccountx = gt_poaccountx polimits = gt_polimits. READ TABLE gt_return INTO gs_return WITH KEY type = 'E'. IF sy-subrc NE 0. po_number = gv_po_number. flag = 'S'. CONCATENATE '生成PO:' po_number INTO message. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. LOOP AT gt_return INTO gs_return WHERE type CA 'AEX'. MESSAGE ID gs_return-id TYPE gs_return-type NUMBER gs_return-number WITH gs_return-message_v1 gs_return-message_v2 gs_return-message_v3 gs_return-message_v4 INTO lv_message. CONCATENATE message lv_message INTO message SEPARATED BY '|'. ENDLOOP. SHIFT message LEFT DELETING LEADING '|'. flag = 'E'. ENDIF. *记录日志 CLEAR:gt_log,gs_log,ls_poitem. LOOP AT poitem INTO ls_poitem. lv_datano = lv_datano + 1. gs_log-datano = lv_datano. gs_log-name = 'ZRFC_MM001'. gs_log-cdate = sy-datum. GET TIME. gs_log-ctime = sy-uzeit. gs_log-callno = callno. gs_log-flag = flag. gs_log-log = message. quantity = ls_poitem-quantity. net_price = ls_poitem-net_price. limit = ls_poitem-limit. exp_value = ls_poitem-exp_value. CONCATENATE doc_type purch_org pur_group vendor comp_code dzterm ls_poitem-po_item ls_poitem-acctasscat ls_poitem-item_cat ls_poitem-short_text quantity ls_poitem-po_unit ls_poitem-orderpr_un ls_poitem-matl_group ls_poitem-plant ls_poitem-tax_code net_price ls_poitem-del_datcat_ext ls_poitem-delivery_date ls_poitem-gl_account ls_poitem-co_area ls_poitem-costcenter ls_poitem-asset_no ls_poitem-wbs_element limit exp_value ls_poitem-afnam po_number INTO gs_log-content SEPARATED BY '|'. CONDENSE gs_log-content NO-GAPS. gs_log-length = STRLEN( gs_log-content ). APPEND gs_log TO gt_log. CLEAR: ls_poitem,quantity,net_price,limit,exp_value. ENDLOOP. IF gt_log IS NOT INITIAL. INSERT zrfc_mm01in_log FROM TABLE gt_log. IF sy-subrc = 0. COMMIT WORK. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.