好久没有对这一系列进行更新了,不知道各位亲的Android功力有没有更上一层楼?本来并没有打算在这段时间发表新的博客,但是由于这一两天找到了一个能够让Android上显示Gif图片的方法,这样一来,寒假里没有解决的QQ添加动态表情的问题便有了一个初步的解决方法。下面进入正题~ PS:本讲源码地址在文末。
一、使用Movie类,将Gif当成视频来播放。 经验证之后发现这种方法并不靠谱,播放的Gif不是花屏就是完全黑屏,而且另外一个缺点是可操作性不强,比如就没有办法把它嵌在TextView中。因此,不推荐用此方法,各位所有为此困扰的建议果断抛弃这种思路。
二、将Gif文件 分解成多帧图片,然后由一个线程控制ImageView或者ImageSpan按照一定的时间间隔循环加载这几帧图片。
而对于如何将Gif图片分解成多帧图片又有两种思路:一个是人工采用一个软件将gif图片分解成多个帧,然后把这每一帧都放进资源文件夹中,然后按照上面的方法进行加载,这种方法虽然看起来很笨,但是效果最流畅,我估计较早版本的手机QQ可能这样干过== 另外一种思路就是采用工具类进行即时解码,这种方法看起来比较高端,但对内存资源的消耗比较多,还有一个关键的问题是现在很难找到一个完美的工具类可以对Gif图片有较好的解码,我想腾讯肯定会有,但是不见得会开源..现在code.google.com上一个gifView.jar的工具包,有兴趣可以去网上搜一下,这个工具包里面对于gif的软解码还是比较全,当然也不完美。
package com.example.textactivity; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Vector; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Bitmap.Config; //Handler for read & extract Bitmap from *.gif public class GifOpenHelper { // to store *.gif data, Bitmap & delay class GifFrame { // to access image & delay w/o interface public Bitmap image; public int delay; public GifFrame(Bitmap im, int del) { image = im; delay = del; } } // to define some error type public static final int STATUS_OK = 0; public static final int STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR = 1; public static final int STATUS_OPEN_ERROR = 2; protected int status; protected InputStream in; protected int width; // full image width protected int height; // full image height protected boolean gctFlag; // global color table used protected int gctSize; // size of global color table protected int loopCount = 1; // iterations; 0 = repeat forever protected int[] gct; // global color table protected int[] lct; // local color table protected int[] act; // active color table protected int bgIndex; // background color index protected int bgColor; // background color protected int lastBgColor; // previous bg color protected int pixelAspect; // pixel aspect ratio protected boolean lctFlag; // local color table flag protected boolean interlace; // interlace flag protected int lctSize; // local color table size protected int ix, iy, iw, ih; // current image rectangle protected int lrx, lry, lrw, lrh; protected Bitmap image; // current frame protected Bitmap lastImage; // previous frame protected int frameindex = 0; public int getFrameindex() { return frameindex; } public void setFrameindex(int frameindex) { this.frameindex = frameindex; if (frameindex > frames.size() - 1) { frameindex = 0; } //设置循环播放 } protected byte[] block = new byte[256]; // current data block protected int blockSize = 0; // block size // last graphic control extension info protected int dispose = 0; // 0=no action; 1=leave in place; 2=restore to bg; 3=restore to prev protected int lastDispose = 0; protected boolean transparency = false; // use transparent color protected int delay = 0; // delay in milliseconds protected int transIndex; // transparent color index protected static final int MaxStackSize = 4096; // max decoder pixel stack size // LZW decoder working arrays protected short[] prefix; protected byte[] suffix; protected byte[] pixelStack; protected byte[] pixels; protected Vector<GifFrame> frames; // frames read from current file protected int frameCount; // to get its Width / Height public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeigh() { return height; } /** * Gets display duration for specified frame. * * @param n * int index of frame * @return delay in milliseconds */ public int getDelay(int n) { delay = -1; if ((n >= 0) && (n < frameCount)) { delay = ((GifFrame) frames.elementAt(n)).delay; } return delay; } public int getFrameCount() { return frameCount; } public Bitmap getImage() { return getFrame(0); } public int getLoopCount() { return loopCount; } protected void setPixels() { int[] dest = new int[width * height]; // fill in starting image contents based on last image's dispose code if (lastDispose > 0) { if (lastDispose == 3) { // use image before last int n = frameCount - 2; if (n > 0) { lastImage = getFrame(n - 1); } else { lastImage = null; } } if (lastImage != null) { lastImage.getPixels(dest, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); // copy pixels if (lastDispose == 2) { // fill last image rect area with background color int c = 0; if (!transparency) { c = lastBgColor; } for (int i = 0; i < lrh; i++) { int n1 = (lry + i) * width + lrx; int n2 = n1 + lrw; for (int k = n1; k < n2; k++) { dest[k] = c; } } } } } // copy each source line to the appropriate place in the destination int pass = 1; int inc = 8; int iline = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ih; i++) { int line = i; if (interlace) { if (iline >= ih) { pass++; switch (pass) { case 2: iline = 4; break; case 3: iline = 2; inc = 4; break; case 4: iline = 1; inc = 2; } } line = iline; iline += inc; } line += iy; if (line < height) { int k = line * width; int dx = k + ix; // start of line in dest int dlim = dx + iw; // end of dest line if ((k + width) < dlim) { dlim = k + width; // past dest edge } int sx = i * iw; // start of line in source while (dx < dlim) { // map color and insert in destination int index = ((int) pixels[sx++]) & 0xff; int c = act[index]; if (c != 0) { dest[dx] = c; } dx++; } } } image = Bitmap.createBitmap(dest, width, height, Config.RGB_565); } public Bitmap getFrame(int n) { Bitmap im = null; if ((n >= 0) && (n < frameCount)) { im = ((GifFrame) frames.elementAt(n)).image; } return im; } public Bitmap nextBitmap() { frameindex++; if (frameindex > frames.size() - 1) { frameindex = 0; } return ((GifFrame) frames.elementAt(frameindex)).image; } public int nextDelay() { return ((GifFrame) frames.elementAt(frameindex)).delay; } // to read & parse all *.gif stream public int read(InputStream is) { init(); if (is != null) { in = is; readHeader(); if (!err()) { readContents(); if (frameCount < 0) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } } } else { status = STATUS_OPEN_ERROR; } try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return status; } protected void decodeImageData() { int NullCode = -1; int npix = iw * ih; int available, clear, code_mask, code_size, end_of_information, in_code, old_code, bits, code, count, i, datum, data_size, first, top, bi, pi; if ((pixels == null) || (pixels.length < npix)) { pixels = new byte[npix]; // allocate new pixel array } if (prefix == null) { prefix = new short[MaxStackSize]; } if (suffix == null) { suffix = new byte[MaxStackSize]; } if (pixelStack == null) { pixelStack = new byte[MaxStackSize + 1]; } // Initialize GIF data stream decoder. data_size = read(); clear = 1 << data_size; end_of_information = clear + 1; available = clear + 2; old_code = NullCode; code_size = data_size + 1; code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1; for (code = 0; code < clear; code++) { prefix[code] = 0; suffix[code] = (byte) code; } // Decode GIF pixel stream. datum = bits = count = first = top = pi = bi = 0; for (i = 0; i < npix;) { if (top == 0) { if (bits < code_size) { // Load bytes until there are enough bits for a code. if (count == 0) { // Read a new data block. count = readBlock(); if (count <= 0) { break; } bi = 0; } datum += (((int) block[bi]) & 0xff) << bits; bits += 8; bi++; count--; continue; } // Get the next code. code = datum & code_mask; datum >>= code_size; bits -= code_size; // Interpret the code if ((code > available) || (code == end_of_information)) { break; } if (code == clear) { // Reset decoder. code_size = data_size + 1; code_mask = (1 << code_size) - 1; available = clear + 2; old_code = NullCode; continue; } if (old_code == NullCode) { pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code]; old_code = code; first = code; continue; } in_code = code; if (code == available) { pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first; code = old_code; } while (code > clear) { pixelStack[top++] = suffix[code]; code = prefix[code]; } first = ((int) suffix[code]) & 0xff; // Add a new string to the string table, if (available >= MaxStackSize) { break; } pixelStack[top++] = (byte) first; prefix[available] = (short) old_code; suffix[available] = (byte) first; available++; if (((available & code_mask) == 0) && (available < MaxStackSize)) { code_size++; code_mask += available; } old_code = in_code; } // Pop a pixel off the pixel stack. top--; pixels[pi++] = pixelStack[top]; i++; } for (i = pi; i < npix; i++) { pixels[i] = 0; // clear missing pixels } } protected boolean err() { return status != STATUS_OK; } // to initia variable public void init() { status = STATUS_OK; frameCount = 0; frames = new Vector<GifFrame>(); gct = null; lct = null; } protected int read() { int curByte = 0; try { curByte = in.read(); } catch (Exception e) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } return curByte; } protected int readBlock() { blockSize = read(); int n = 0; if (blockSize > 0) { try { int count = 0; while (n < blockSize) { count = in.read(block, n, blockSize - n); if (count == -1) { break; } n += count; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (n < blockSize) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } } return n; } // Global Color Table protected int[] readColorTable(int ncolors) { int nbytes = 3 * ncolors; int[] tab = null; byte[] c = new byte[nbytes]; int n = 0; try { n = in.read(c); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (n < nbytes) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } else { tab = new int[256]; // max size to avoid bounds checks int i = 0; int j = 0; while (i < ncolors) { int r = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff; int g = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff; int b = ((int) c[j++]) & 0xff; tab[i++] = 0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } } return tab; } // Image Descriptor protected void readContents() { // read GIF file content blocks boolean done = false; while (!(done || err())) { int code = read(); switch (code) { case 0x2C: // image separator readImage(); break; case 0x21: // extension code = read(); switch (code) { case 0xf9: // graphics control extension readGraphicControlExt(); break; case 0xff: // application extension readBlock(); String app = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { app += (char) block[i]; } if (app.equals("NETSCAPE2.0")) { readNetscapeExt(); } else { skip(); // don't care } break; default: // uninteresting extension skip(); } break; case 0x3b: // terminator done = true; break; case 0x00: // bad byte, but keep going and see what happens break; default: status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; } } } protected void readGraphicControlExt() { read(); // block size int packed = read(); // packed fields dispose = (packed & 0x1c) >> 2; // disposal method if (dispose == 0) { dispose = 1; // elect to keep old image if discretionary } transparency = (packed & 1) != 0; delay = readShort() * 10; // delay in milliseconds transIndex = read(); // transparent color index read(); // block terminator } // to get Stream - Head protected void readHeader() { String id = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { id += (char) read(); } if (!id.startsWith("GIF")) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; return; } readLSD(); if (gctFlag && !err()) { gct = readColorTable(gctSize); bgColor = gct[bgIndex]; } } protected void readImage() { // offset of X ix = readShort(); // (sub)image position & size // offset of Y iy = readShort(); // width of bitmap iw = readShort(); // height of bitmap ih = readShort(); // Local Color Table Flag int packed = read(); lctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 - local color table flag // Interlace Flag, to array with interwoven if ENABLE, with order // otherwise interlace = (packed & 0x40) != 0; // 2 - interlace flag // 3 - sort flag // 4-5 - reserved lctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 - local color table size if (lctFlag) { lct = readColorTable(lctSize); // read table act = lct; // make local table active } else { act = gct; // make global table active if (bgIndex == transIndex) { bgColor = 0; } } int save = 0; if (transparency) { save = act[transIndex]; act[transIndex] = 0; // set transparent color if specified } if (act == null) { status = STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR; // no color table defined } if (err()) { return; } decodeImageData(); // decode pixel data skip(); if (err()) { return; } frameCount++; // create new image to receive frame data image = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Config.RGB_565); // createImage(width, height); setPixels(); // transfer pixel data to image frames.addElement(new GifFrame(image, delay)); // add image to frame // list if (transparency) { act[transIndex] = save; } resetFrame(); } // Logical Screen Descriptor protected void readLSD() { // logical screen size width = readShort(); height = readShort(); // packed fields int packed = read(); gctFlag = (packed & 0x80) != 0; // 1 : global color table flag // 2-4 : color resolution // 5 : gct sort flag gctSize = 2 << (packed & 7); // 6-8 : gct size bgIndex = read(); // background color index pixelAspect = read(); // pixel aspect ratio } protected void readNetscapeExt() { do { readBlock(); if (block[0] == 1) { // loop count sub-block int b1 = ((int) block[1]) & 0xff; int b2 = ((int) block[2]) & 0xff; loopCount = (b2 << 8) | b1; } } while ((blockSize > 0) && !err()); } // read 8 bit data protected int readShort() { // read 16-bit value, LSB first return read() | (read() << 8); } protected void resetFrame() { lastDispose = dispose; lrx = ix; lry = iy; lrw = iw; lrh = ih; lastImage = image; lastBgColor = bgColor; dispose = 0; transparency = false; delay = 0; lct = null; } /** * Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block. */ protected void skip() { do { readBlock(); } while ((blockSize > 0) && !err()); } }
read(InputStream Is) 读取gif图片流,注意只能是Gif! 具体调用方法参考下面的MyTextView.java类
getImage(); 获取第一帧图片;
nextBitmap() 获取下一帧图片;
getFrameCount(); 获取分解后的总帧数;
nextDelay() 获取帧与帧之间的时间间隔,用于在线程中控制播放效果
下面给出来利用GifOpenHelper类设计的TextView升级版本,这个TextView在原有功能的基础上还可以实现静态图片显示、动态图片显示,以及动态图片、静态图片和文字混合显示。 这个类是我自己写的,所以注释给的比较全面~
package com.example.android_qqfix; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.example.utils.FaceData; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.style.ImageSpan; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.widget.TextView; public class MyTextView extends TextView{ /** * @author Dragon * SpanInfo 类用于存储一个要显示的图片(动态或静态)的信息,包括分解后的每一帧mapList、替代文字的起始位置、终止位置 * 、帧的总数、当前需要显示的帧、帧与帧之间的时间间隔 */ private class SpanInfo{ ArrayList<Bitmap> mapList; int start,end,frameCount,currentFrameIndex,delay; public SpanInfo(){ mapList=new ArrayList<Bitmap>(); start=end=frameCount=currentFrameIndex=delay=0; } } /** * spanInfoList 是一个SpanInfo的list ,用于处理一个TextView中出现多个要匹配的图片的情况 */ private ArrayList<SpanInfo> spanInfoList=null; private Handler handler; //用于处理从子线程TextView传来的消息 private String myText; //存储textView应该显示的文本 /** * 这三个构造方法一个也不要少,否则会产生CastException,注意在这三个构造函数中都为spanInfoList实例化,可能有些浪费 * ,但保证不会有空指针异常 * @param context * @param attrs * @param defStyle */ public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub spanInfoList=new ArrayList<SpanInfo>(); } public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub spanInfoList=new ArrayList<SpanInfo>(); } public MyTextView(Context context) { super(context); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub spanInfoList=new ArrayList<SpanInfo>(); } /** * 对要显示在textView上的文本进行解析,看看是否文本中有需要与Gif或者静态图片匹配的文本 * 若有,那么调用parseGif 对该文本对应的Gif图片进行解析 或者嗲用parseBmp解析静态图片 * @param inputStr */ private void parseText(String inputStr){ myText=inputStr; Pattern mPattern=Pattern.compile("\\.."); Matcher mMatcher=mPattern.matcher(inputStr); while(mMatcher.find()){ String faceName=mMatcher.group(); Integer faceId=null; /** * 这里匹配时用到了图片库,即一个专门存放图片id和其匹配的名称的静态对象,这两个静态对象放在了FaceData.java * 中,并采用了静态块的方法进行了初始化,不会有空指针异常 */ if((faceId=FaceData.gifFaceInfo.get(faceName))!=null){ parseGif(faceId, mMatcher.start(), mMatcher.end()); } else if((faceId=FaceData.staticFaceInfo.get(faceName))!=null){ parseBmp(faceId, mMatcher.start(), mMatcher.end()); } } } /** * 对静态图片进行解析: * 创建一个SpanInfo对象,帧数设为1,按照下面的参数设置,最后不要忘记将SpanInfo对象添加进spanInfoList中, * 否则不会显示 * @param resourceId * @param start * @param end */ private void parseBmp(int resourceId,int start, int end){ Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext().getResources(), resourceId); ImageSpan imageSpan=new ImageSpan(getContext(),bitmap); SpanInfo spanInfo=new SpanInfo(); spanInfo.currentFrameIndex=0; spanInfo.frameCount=1; spanInfo.start=start; spanInfo.end=end; spanInfo.delay=100; spanInfo.mapList.add(bitmap); spanInfoList.add(spanInfo); } /** * 解析Gif图片,与静态图片唯一的不同是这里需要调用GifOpenHelper类读取Gif返回一系一组bitmap(用for 循环把这一 * 组的bitmap存储在SpanInfo.mapList中,此时的frameCount参数也大于1了) * @param resourceId * @param start * @param end */ private void parseGif(int resourceId ,int start, int end){ GifOpenHelper helper=new GifOpenHelper(); helper.read(getContext().getResources().openRawResource(resourceId)); SpanInfo spanInfo=new SpanInfo(); spanInfo.currentFrameIndex=0; spanInfo.frameCount=helper.getFrameCount(); spanInfo.start=start; spanInfo.end=end; spanInfo.mapList.add(helper.getImage()); for(int i=1; i<helper.getFrameCount(); i++){ spanInfo.mapList.add(helper.nextBitmap()); } spanInfo.delay=helper.nextDelay(); //获得每一帧之间的延迟 spanInfoList.add(spanInfo); } /** * MyTextView 与外部对象的接口,以后设置文本内容时使用setSpanText() 而不再是setText(); * @param handler * @param text */ public void setSpanText(Handler handler, String text){ this.handler=handler; //获得UI的Handler parseText(text); //对String对象进行解析 TextRunnable r=new TextRunnable(); //生成Runnable对象 handler.post(r); //利用UI线程的Handler 将r添加进消息队列中。 } public class TextRunnable implements Runnable{ @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub SpannableString sb=new SpannableString(""+myText); //获得要显示的文本 int gifCount=0; SpanInfo info=null; for(int i=0; i<spanInfoList.size(); i++){ //for循环,处理显示多个图片的问题 info=spanInfoList.get(i); if(info.mapList.size()>1){ /* * gifCount用来区分是Gif还是BMP,若是gif gifCount>0 ,否则gifCount=0 */ gifCount++; } Bitmap bitmap=info.mapList.get(info.currentFrameIndex); info.currentFrameIndex=(info.currentFrameIndex+1)%(info.frameCount); /** * currentFrameIndex 用于控制当前应该显示的帧的序号,每次显示之后currentFrameIndex * 应该加1 ,加到frameCount后再变成0循环显示 */ if(gifCount!=0){ bitmap=Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 60, 60, true); } else{ bitmap=Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 30, 30, true); } ImageSpan imageSpan=new ImageSpan(getContext(),bitmap); sb.setSpan(imageSpan, info.start, info.end, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } //对所有的图片对应的ImageSpan完成设置后,调用TextView的setText方法设置文本 MyTextView.this.setText(sb); /** * 这一步是为了节省内存而是用,即如果文本中只有静态图片没有动态图片,那么该线程就此终止,不会重复执行 * 。而如果有动图,那么会一直执行 */ if(gifCount!=0){ handler.postDelayed(this,info.delay ); } } } }
1、不能在MyTextView中开辟子线程,然后利用sleep方法每隔一段时间像ChatActivity的Handler发送一个Message, 这样的话系统也认为是线程不安全的,会报错。经过我尝试,目前可行的办法,就是在MyTextView中创建一个Runnable对象,然后用UI的Handler的post() 和postDelay() 方法按照一定的时间间隔调用。至于其原因我也不太明白,但这说明采用Runnable对象比采用Message对象的线程安全性更高一些。
2、还有一点是为什么创建这个类?因为在QQ聊天ListView中有多个TextView,几乎不可能在UI线程中获得每一个TextView的引用然后同步控制它们所显示的图片,因此只能把这个操作放给每一个TextView自己去执行相关的操作,这样的代码写出来比较简洁,最大的一个好处就是可复用性好,并且接口调用十分简单:只需要setSpanText(Handler handler, String text);即可,后面会有说明。
package com.example.utils; import java.util.HashMap; import com.example.android_qqfix.R; public class FaceData { public static HashMap<String, Integer> gifFaceInfo; public static HashMap<String,Integer> staticFaceInfo; public static String[] gifFaceName={"\ji","\gl"}; public static Integer[] gifFaceId={R.raw.ji,R.raw.gl}; public static int[] faceId={R.drawable.f_static_000,R.drawable.f_static_001,R.drawable.f_static_002,R.drawable.f_static_003 ,R.drawable.f_static_004,R.drawable.f_static_005,R.drawable.f_static_006,R.drawable.f_static_009,R.drawable.f_static_010,R.drawable.f_static_011 ,R.drawable.f_static_012,R.drawable.f_static_013,R.drawable.f_static_014,R.drawable.f_static_015,R.drawable.f_static_017,R.drawable.f_static_018}; public static String[] faceName={"\呲牙","\淘气","\流汗","\偷笑","\再见","\敲打","\擦汗","\流泪","\掉泪","\小声","\炫酷","\发狂" ,"\委屈","\便便","\菜刀","\微笑","\色色","\害羞"}; //静态块的使用 static { gifFaceInfo=new HashMap<String,Integer>(); staticFaceInfo=new HashMap<String,Integer>(); for(int i=0;i<gifFaceName.length;i++){ gifFaceInfo.put(gifFaceName[i], gifFaceId[i]); } for(int i=0;i<faceId.length;i++){ staticFaceInfo.put(faceName[i], faceId[i]); } } }
以上三个类(MyTextView,GifOpenHelper, FaceData)配合起来使用,就可以构成一个比较独立的自定义TextView, 具有显示图片的功能,并且不需要在外部使用SpannableString 的方法设置,因为MyTextView内部已经封装好了,下面那QQ ChatActivity的代码做一个对比:
private void setFaceText(TextView textView,String text){ SpannableString spanStr=parseString(text); textView.setText(spanStr); } private void setFace(SpannableStringBuilder spb, String faceName){ Integer faceId=faceMap.get(faceName); if(faceId!=null){ Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), faceId); bitmap=Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 30, 30, true); ImageSpan imageSpan=new ImageSpan(this,bitmap); SpannableString spanStr=new SpannableString(faceName); spanStr.setSpan(imageSpan, 0, faceName.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); spb.append(spanStr); } else{ spb.append(faceName); } } private SpannableString parseString(String inputStr){ SpannableStringBuilder spb=new SpannableStringBuilder(); Pattern mPattern= Pattern.compile("\\.."); Matcher mMatcher=mPattern.matcher(inputStr); String tempStr=inputStr; while(mMatcher.find()){ int start=mMatcher.start(); int end=mMatcher.end(); spb.append(tempStr.substring(0,start)); String faceName=mMatcher.group(); setFace(spb, faceName); tempStr=tempStr.substring(end, tempStr.length()); mMatcher.reset(tempStr); } spb.append(tempStr); return new SpannableString(spb); } //然后调用时 setFaceText(holder.textView, chatList.get(position).get(from[1]).toString());
可见虽然设计MyTextView需要花点功夫,但是调用时换来极大的方便! 而且可以支持动态表情。
另外注意一点如使用MyTextView 那么xml布局文件中需要做一些修改,就是把TextView 改成自己定义的TextView子类
<com.example.android_qqfix.MyTextView android:id="@+id/chatlist_text_me" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_toLeftOf="@id/chatlist_image_me" android:layout_alignTop="@id/chatlist_image_me" android:textSize="8pt" android:background="@drawable/balloon_back_right" android:paddingTop="13dip" android:paddingBottom="18dip" />
以上就是本节的主要内容,痛痛快快的写一下博客心情很好~ 不过我想下次见面应该是暑假了,到时我可能会做一个类似FlappyBird之类的小游戏与大家共享,安卓有你更精彩!