1. 什么是相位展开?
相位展开(Phase Unwrapping)是一个经典的信号处理问题,它指的是从值区间中恢复原始相位值(原因在于:计算相位时,运用反正切函数,则相位图中提取的相位都是包裹在一个周期相位区间的包裹相位值,并不是真实得到的相位)。二维相位展开问题广泛存在于诸如光学测量技术(数字全息干涉和条纹投影轮廓术、合成孔径雷达(SAR)[2]和磁共振成像(MRI)[3]...)等许多应用中。从这些应用中估算出的相位与考虑到的物体形状、地形高程和磁场不均匀性等物理参数有关。
//This program is written by Munther Gdeisat etc. to program the two-dimensional unwrapper //entitled "Fast two-dimensional phase-unwrapping algorithm based on sorting by //reliability following a noncontinuous path" //by M. A. Herraez, D. R. Burton, M. J. Lalor, and M. A. Gdeisat //published in the Applied Optics, Vol. 41, No. 35, pp. 7437, 2002. //This program is written on 15th August 2007 //The wrapped phase map is floating point data type. Also, the unwrapped phase map is foloating point #include <malloc.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "mex.h" //--This one is required static float PI = 3.141592654; static float TWOPI = 6.283185307; //pixel information struct PIXEL { //int x; //x coordinate of the pixel //int y; //y coordinate int increment; //No. of 2*pi to add to the pixel to unwrap it int number_of_pixels_in_group; //No. of pixels in the pixel group float value; //value of the pixel float reliability; int group; //group No. int new_group; struct PIXEL *head; //pointer to the first pixel in the group in the linked list struct PIXEL *last; //pointer to the last pixel in the group struct PIXEL *next; //pointer to the next pixel in the group }; //the EDGE is the line that connects two pixels. //if we have S PIXELs, then we have S horizental edges and S vertical edges struct EDGE { float reliab; //reliabilty of the edge and it depends on the two pixels PIXEL *pointer_1; //pointer to the first pixel PIXEL *pointer_2; //pointer to the second pixel int increment; //No. of 2*pi to add to one of the pixels to unwrap it with respect to the second }; //another version of Mixtogether but this function should only be use with the sort program void Mix(EDGE *Pointer1, int *index1, int *index2, int size) { int counter1 = 0; int counter2 = 0; int *TemporalPointer = index1; int *Result = (int *)calloc(size * 2, sizeof(int)); int *Follower = Result; while ((counter1 < size) && (counter2 < size)) { if ((Pointer1[*(index1 + counter1)].reliab <= Pointer1[*(index2 + counter2)].reliab)) { *Follower = *(index1 + counter1); Follower++; counter1++; } else { *Follower = *(index2 + counter2); Follower++; counter2++; } }//while if (counter1 == size) { memcpy(Follower, (index2 + counter2), sizeof(int)*(size - counter2)); } else { memcpy(Follower, (index1 + counter1), sizeof(int)*(size - counter1)); } Follower = Result; index1 = TemporalPointer; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2 * size; i++) { *index1 = *Follower; index1++; Follower++; } free(Result); } //this is may be the fastest sort program; //see the explination in quickSort function below void sort(EDGE *Pointer, int *index, int size) { if (size == 2) { if ((Pointer[*index].reliab) > (Pointer[*(index + 1)].reliab)) { int Temp; Temp = *index; *index = *(index + 1); *(index + 1) = Temp; } } else if (size > 2) { sort(Pointer, index, size / 2); sort(Pointer, (index + (size / 2)), size / 2); Mix(Pointer, index, (index + (size / 2)), size / 2); } } //this function tries to implement a nice idea explained below //we need to sort edge array. Each edge element conisists of 16 bytes. //In normal sort program we compare two elements in the array and exchange //their place under some conditions to do the sorting. It is very probable // that an edge element may change its place hundred of times which makes //the sorting a very time consuming operation. The idea in this function //is to give each edge element an index and move the index not the edge //element. The edge need 4 bytes which makes the sorting operation faster. // After finishingthe sorting of the indexes, we know the position of each index. //So we know how to sort edges void quick_sort(EDGE *Pointer, int size) { int *index = (int *)calloc(size, sizeof(int)); int i; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) index[i] = i; sort(Pointer, index, size); EDGE * a = (EDGE *)calloc(size, sizeof(EDGE)); for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) a[i] = Pointer[*(index + i)]; memcpy(Pointer, a, size * sizeof(EDGE)); free(index); free(a); } void read_data(char *inputfile, float *Data, int length) { printf("Reading the Wrapped Values form Binary File.............>"); FILE *ifptr; ifptr = fopen(inputfile, "rb"); if (ifptr == NULL) printf("Error opening the file "); fread(Data, sizeof(float), length, ifptr); fclose(ifptr); printf(" Done. "); } void write_data(char *outputfile, float *Data, int length) { printf("Writing the Unwrapped Values to Binary File.............>"); FILE *ifptr; ifptr = fopen(outputfile, "wb"); if (ifptr == NULL) printf("Error opening the file "); fwrite(Data, sizeof(float), length, ifptr); fclose(ifptr); printf(" Done. "); } //---------------start quicker_sort algorithm -------------------------------- #define swap(x,y) {EDGE t; t=x; x=y; y=t;} #define order(x,y) if (x.reliab > y.reliab) swap(x,y) #define o2(x,y) order(x,y) #define o3(x,y,z) o2(x,y); o2(x,z); o2(y,z) typedef enum { yes, no } yes_no; yes_no find_pivot(EDGE *left, EDGE *right, float *pivot_ptr) { EDGE a, b, c, *p; a = *left; b = *(left + (right - left) / 2); c = *right; o3(a, b, c); if (a.reliab < b.reliab) { *pivot_ptr = b.reliab; return yes; } if (b.reliab < c.reliab) { *pivot_ptr = c.reliab; return yes; } for (p = left + 1; p <= right; ++p) { if (p->reliab != left->reliab) { *pivot_ptr = (p->reliab < left->reliab) ? left->reliab : p->reliab; return yes; } return no; } } EDGE *partition(EDGE *left, EDGE *right, float pivot) { while (left <= right) { while (left->reliab < pivot) ++left; while (right->reliab >= pivot) --right; if (left < right) { swap(*left, *right); ++left; --right; } } return left; } void quicker_sort(EDGE *left, EDGE *right) { EDGE *p; float pivot; if (find_pivot(left, right, &pivot) == yes) { p = partition(left, right, pivot); quicker_sort(left, p - 1); quicker_sort(p, right); } } //--------------end quicker_sort algorithm ----------------------------------- //--------------------start initialse pixels ---------------------------------- //initialse pixels. See the explination of the pixel class above. //initially every pixel is a gorup by its self void initialisePIXELs(float *WrappedImage, PIXEL *pixel, int image_width, int image_height) { PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel; float *wrapped_image_pointer = WrappedImage; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < image_height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < image_width; j++) { //pixel_pointer->x = j; //pixel_pointer->y = i; pixel_pointer->increment = 0; pixel_pointer->number_of_pixels_in_group = 1; pixel_pointer->value = *wrapped_image_pointer; pixel_pointer->reliability = 9999999 + rand(); pixel_pointer->head = pixel_pointer; pixel_pointer->last = pixel_pointer; pixel_pointer->next = NULL; pixel_pointer->new_group = 0; pixel_pointer->group = -1; pixel_pointer++; wrapped_image_pointer++; } } } //-------------------end initialise pixels ----------- //gamma function in the paper float wrap(float pixel_value) { float wrapped_pixel_value; if (pixel_value > PI) wrapped_pixel_value = pixel_value - TWOPI; else if (pixel_value < -PI) wrapped_pixel_value = pixel_value + TWOPI; else wrapped_pixel_value = pixel_value; return wrapped_pixel_value; } // pixelL_value is the left pixel, pixelR_value is the right pixel int find_wrap(float pixelL_value, float pixelR_value) { float difference; int wrap_value; difference = pixelL_value - pixelR_value; if (difference > PI) wrap_value = -1; else if (difference < -PI) wrap_value = 1; else wrap_value = 0; return wrap_value; } void calculate_reliability(float *wrappedImage, PIXEL *pixel, int image_width, int image_height) { int image_width_plus_one = image_width + 1; int image_width_minus_one = image_width - 1; PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel + image_width_plus_one; float *WIP = wrappedImage + image_width_plus_one; //WIP is the wrapped image pointer float H, V, D1, D2; int i, j; for (i = 1; i < image_height - 1; ++i) { for (j = 1; j < image_width - 1; ++j) { H = wrap(*(WIP - 1) - *WIP) - wrap(*WIP - *(WIP + 1)); V = wrap(*(WIP - image_width) - *WIP) - wrap(*WIP - *(WIP + image_width)); D1 = wrap(*(WIP - image_width_plus_one) - *WIP) - wrap(*WIP - *(WIP + image_width_plus_one)); D2 = wrap(*(WIP - image_width_minus_one) - *WIP) - wrap(*WIP - *(WIP + image_width_minus_one)); pixel_pointer->reliability = H * H + V * V + D1 * D1 + D2 * D2; pixel_pointer++; WIP++; } pixel_pointer += 2; WIP += 2; } } //calculate the reliability of the horizental edges of the image //it is calculated by adding the reliability of pixel and the relibility of //its right neighbour //edge is calculated between a pixel and its next neighbour void horizentalEDGEs(PIXEL *pixel, EDGE *edge, int image_width, int image_height) { int i, j; EDGE *edge_pointer = edge; PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel; for (i = 0; i < image_height; i++) { for (j = 0; j < image_width - 1; j++) { edge_pointer->pointer_1 = pixel_pointer; edge_pointer->pointer_2 = (pixel_pointer + 1); edge_pointer->reliab = pixel_pointer->reliability + (pixel_pointer + 1)->reliability; edge_pointer->increment = find_wrap(pixel_pointer->value, (pixel_pointer + 1)->value); pixel_pointer++; edge_pointer++; } pixel_pointer++; } } //calculate the reliability of the vertical EDGEs of the image //it is calculated by adding the reliability of pixel and the relibility of //its lower neighbour in the image. void verticalEDGEs(PIXEL *pixel, EDGE *edge, int image_width, int image_height) { int i, j; PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel; EDGE *edge_pointer = edge + (image_height) * (image_width - 1); for (i = 0; i < image_height - 1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < image_width; j++) { edge_pointer->pointer_1 = pixel_pointer; edge_pointer->pointer_2 = (pixel_pointer + image_width); edge_pointer->reliab = pixel_pointer->reliability + (pixel_pointer + image_width)->reliability; edge_pointer->increment = find_wrap(pixel_pointer->value, (pixel_pointer + image_width)->value); pixel_pointer++; edge_pointer++; } //j loop } // i loop } //gather the pixels of the image into groups void gatherPIXELs(EDGE *edge, int image_width, int image_height) { int k; //Number of rialiable edges (not at the borders of the image) int no_EDGEs = (image_width - 1) * (image_height)+(image_width) * (image_height - 1); PIXEL *PIXEL1; PIXEL *PIXEL2; PIXEL *group1; PIXEL *group2; EDGE *pointer_edge = edge; int incremento; for (k = 0; k < no_EDGEs; k++) { PIXEL1 = pointer_edge->pointer_1; PIXEL2 = pointer_edge->pointer_2; //PIXEL 1 and PIXEL 2 belong to different groups //initially each pixel is a group by it self and one pixel can construct a group //no else or else if to this if if (PIXEL2->head != PIXEL1->head) { //PIXEL 2 is alone in its group //merge this pixel with PIXEL 1 group and find the number of 2 pi to add //to or subtract to unwrap it if ((PIXEL2->next == NULL) && (PIXEL2->head == PIXEL2)) { PIXEL1->head->last->next = PIXEL2; PIXEL1->head->last = PIXEL2; (PIXEL1->head->number_of_pixels_in_group)++; PIXEL2->head = PIXEL1->head; PIXEL2->increment = PIXEL1->increment - pointer_edge->increment; } //PIXEL 1 is alone in its group //merge this pixel with PIXEL 2 group and find the number of 2 pi to add //to or subtract to unwrap it else if ((PIXEL1->next == NULL) && (PIXEL1->head == PIXEL1)) { PIXEL2->head->last->next = PIXEL1; PIXEL2->head->last = PIXEL1; (PIXEL2->head->number_of_pixels_in_group)++; PIXEL1->head = PIXEL2->head; PIXEL1->increment = PIXEL2->increment + pointer_edge->increment; } //PIXEL 1 and PIXEL 2 both have groups else { group1 = PIXEL1->head; group2 = PIXEL2->head; //the no. of pixels in PIXEL 1 group is large than the no. of PIXELs //in PIXEL 2 group. Merge PIXEL 2 group to PIXEL 1 group //and find the number of wraps between PIXEL 2 group and PIXEL 1 group //to unwrap PIXEL 2 group with respect to PIXEL 1 group. //the no. of wraps will be added to PIXEL 2 grop in the future if (group1->number_of_pixels_in_group > group2->number_of_pixels_in_group) { //merge PIXEL 2 with PIXEL 1 group group1->last->next = group2; group1->last = group2->last; group1->number_of_pixels_in_group = group1->number_of_pixels_in_group + group2->number_of_pixels_in_group; incremento = PIXEL1->increment - pointer_edge->increment - PIXEL2->increment; //merge the other pixels in PIXEL 2 group to PIXEL 1 group while (group2 != NULL) { group2->head = group1; group2->increment += incremento; group2 = group2->next; } } //the no. of PIXELs in PIXEL 2 group is large than the no. of PIXELs //in PIXEL 1 group. Merge PIXEL 1 group to PIXEL 2 group //and find the number of wraps between PIXEL 2 group and PIXEL 1 group //to unwrap PIXEL 1 group with respect to PIXEL 2 group. //the no. of wraps will be added to PIXEL 1 grop in the future else { //merge PIXEL 1 with PIXEL 2 group group2->last->next = group1; group2->last = group1->last; group2->number_of_pixels_in_group = group2->number_of_pixels_in_group + group1->number_of_pixels_in_group; incremento = PIXEL2->increment + pointer_edge->increment - PIXEL1->increment; //merge the other pixels in PIXEL 2 group to PIXEL 1 group while (group1 != NULL) { group1->head = group2; group1->increment += incremento; group1 = group1->next; } // while } // else } //else };//if pointer_edge++; } } //unwrap the image void unwrapImage(PIXEL *pixel, int image_width, int image_height) { int i; int image_size = image_width * image_height; PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel; for (i = 0; i < image_size; i++) { pixel_pointer->value += TWOPI * (float)(pixel_pointer->increment); pixel_pointer++; } } //the input to this unwrapper is an array that contains the wrapped phase map. //copy the image on the buffer passed to this unwrapper to over write the unwrapped //phase map on the buffer of the wrapped phase map. void returnImage(PIXEL *pixel, float *unwrappedImage, int image_width, int image_height) { int i; int image_size = image_width * image_height; float *unwrappedImage_pointer = unwrappedImage; PIXEL *pixel_pointer = pixel; for (i = 0; i < image_size; i++) { *unwrappedImage_pointer = pixel_pointer->value; pixel_pointer++; unwrappedImage_pointer++; } } //the main function of the unwrapper void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { //Declarations of getting two arrays from Matlab //1)input wrapped image of type float and 2)mask of type unsigned char float *WrappedImage = (float *)mxGetData(prhs[0]); int image_width = mxGetM(prhs[0]); int image_height = mxGetN(prhs[0]); //declare a place to store the unwrapped image and return it to Matlab const mwSize *dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[0]); plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL); float *UnwrappedImage = (float *)mxGetPr(plhs[0]); int i, j; int image_size = image_height * image_width; int two_image_size = 2 * image_size; int No_of_Edges = (image_width)*(image_height - 1) + (image_width - 1)*(image_height); PIXEL *pixel = (PIXEL *)calloc(image_size, sizeof(PIXEL)); EDGE *edge = (EDGE *)calloc(No_of_Edges, sizeof(EDGE));; //initialise the pixels initialisePIXELs(WrappedImage, pixel, image_width, image_height); calculate_reliability(WrappedImage, pixel, image_width, image_height); horizentalEDGEs(pixel, edge, image_width, image_height); verticalEDGEs(pixel, edge, image_width, image_height); //sort the EDGEs depending on their reiability. The PIXELs with higher relibility (small value) first //if your code stuck because of the quicker_sort() function, then use the quick_sort() function //run only one of the two functions (quick_sort() or quicker_sort() ) //quick_sort(edge, No_of_Edges); quicker_sort(edge, edge + No_of_Edges - 1); //gather PIXELs into groups gatherPIXELs(edge, image_width, image_height); //unwrap the whole image unwrapImage(pixel, image_width, image_height); //copy the image from PIXEL structure to the wrapped phase array passed to this function returnImage(pixel, UnwrappedImage, image_width, image_height); free(edge); free(pixel); return; }