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  • 在 PHP5 中使用 DOM 控制 XML

    PHP5中增强了XML的支持,使用DOM扩展了XML操作的能耐。这些函数作为 PHP5 核心的一部分,无需被安装即可使用。


    ** use XML in PHP5
    ** reference site:
    ** http://cn.php.net/manual/zh/ref.dom.php
    ** the follow codes need PHP5 support
    ** www.knowsky.com

    $dom = new DomDocument();
    $dom -> load("test.xml");

    //header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=gb2312");
    //echo $dom -> saveXML();

    //$dom -> save("newfile.xml");

    echo "<hr/>取得所有的title元素:<hr/>";
    $titles = $dom -> getElementsByTagName("title");
    foreach ($titles as $node){
    echo $node -> textContent . "<br/>";
    //echo $node->firstChild->data . "<br/>";


    echo "<hr/>从根结点遍历所有结点:<br/>";
    foreach ($dom->documentElement->childNodes as $items) {
    //如果节点是一个元素(nodeType == 1)并且名字是item就继续循环
    if ($items->nodeType == 1 && $items->nodeName == "item") {
    foreach ($items->childNodes as $titles) {
    if ($titles->nodeType == 1 && $titles->nodeName == "title") {
    print $titles->textContent . "\n";

    echo "<hr/>使用XPath查询的title节点结果:<hr/>";
    $xpath = new domxpath($dom);
    $titles = $xpath->query("/rss/channel/item/title");
    foreach ($titles as $node){
    echo $node->textContent."<br/>";
    /rss/channel/item[position() = 1]/title 返回第一个item元素的所有
    /rss/channel/item/title[@id = '23'] 返回所有含有id属性并且值为23的title
    /rss/channel/&folder&/title 返回所有articles元素下面的title(译者注:&folder&代表目录深度)

    $item = $dom->createElement("item");
    $title = $dom->createElement("title");
    $titleText = $dom->createTextNode("title text");



    $firstTitle = $xpath->query("/rss/channel/item/title")->item(0);
    $newTitle = $dom->createElement("title");
    $newTitle->appendChild(new DOMText("This's the new title text!!!"));
    $firstTitle->parentNode->replaceChild($newTitle, $firstTitle);
    //$firstTitle = $xpath->query("/rss/channel/item/title")->item(0);
    //$firstTitle->setAttribute("orderby", "4");


    echo "<hr/><a href=\"newfile.xml\">查看newfile.xml</a>";


    $title = $dom->getElementsByTagName("title");
    print $title->item(0)->textContent;


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
    <rss version="2.0">
    <generator>.text version 0.958.2004.2001</generator>
    <title orderby="1">out put excel used javascript</title>
    <pubdate>wed, 15 sep 2004 13:32:00 gmt</pubdate>
    <description>test description</description>
    <title orderby="2">out put word used javascript</title>
    <pubdate>fri, 06 aug 2004 16:33:00 gmt</pubdate>
    <description>test word description</description>
    <title orderby="3">xmlhttp</title>
    <pubdate>mon, 02 aug 2004 10:11:00 gmt</pubdate>
    <description>xmlhttpaaa asd bb cc dd</description>

     资料来源 http://www.phpchina.com/html/09/n-33709.html

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/catprayer/p/1729670.html
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