- 1. 安装wget
[root@localhost ~]# yum -y install wget
- 2. 在oneinstack官网配置安装环境
wget http://mirrors.linuxeye.com/oneinstack-full.tar.gz && tar xzf oneinstack-full.tar.gz && ./oneinstack/install.sh --nginx_option 1 --apache_option 1 --php_option 5 --phpcache_option 1 --php_extensions redis --phpmyadmin --tomcat_option 2 --jdk_option 2 --db_option 2 --dbinstallmethod 1 --dbrootpwd 123456 --pureftpd --redis --memcached --iptables --ssh_port 22 –reboot
Total OneinStack Install Time: 38 minutes
Nginx install dir: /usr/local/nginx
Apache install dir: /usr/local/apache
Tomcat install dir: /usr/local/tomcat
Database install dir: /usr/local/mysql
Database data dir: /data/mysql
Database user: root
Database password: 123456
PHP install dir: /usr/local/php
Opcache Control Panel URL:
Pure-FTPd install dir: /usr/local/pureftpd
Create FTP virtual script: ./pureftpd_vhost.sh
phpMyAdmin dir: /data/wwwroot/default/phpMyAdmin
phpMyAdmin Control Panel URL:
redis install dir: /usr/local/redis
memcached install dir: /usr/local/memcached
Index URL:
Connection closing...Socket close.
Connection closed by foreign host.
Disconnected from remote host(虚拟机) at 17:11:21.
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