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  • C++ Unicode SBCS 函数对照表

    因为项目碰到了国际化的问题,自己整理了一下, 主要是从tchar.h里面导出的

    包括类型和各类字符相关的处理函数,大部分都应该是用不到的。如果有想用自动化工具替换字符升级到unicode版本的,这个列表就比较全了。至于 转换工具的替换规则,以后再发

    Generic SBCS UNICODE
    TCHAR char wchar_t
    _TINT int wint_t
    _TSCHAR signed char wchar_t
    _TUCHAR unsigned char wchar_t
    _TXCHAR char wchar_t
    __T(x) x L
    __targv __argv __wargv
    __tcserror _strerror __wcserror
    __tcserror_s _strerror_s __wcserror_s
    _cgetts _cgets _cgetws
    _cgetts_s _cgets_s _cgetws_s
    _cputts _cputs _cputws
    _fgettc fgetc fgetwc
    _fgettc_nolock _fgetc_nolock _fgetwc_nolock
    _fgettchar _fgetchar _fgetwchar
    _fgetts fgets fgetws
    _fputtc fputc fputwc
    _fputtc_nolock _fputc_nolock _fputwc_nolock
    _fputtchar _fputchar _fputwchar
    _fputts fputs fputws
    _ftprintf fprintf fwprintf
    _ftprintf_l _fprintf_l _fwprintf_l
    _ftprintf_p _fprintf_p _fwprintf_p
    _ftprintf_p_l _fprintf_p_l _fwprintf_p_l
    _ftprintf_s fprintf_s fwprintf_s
    _ftprintf_s_l _fprintf_s_l _fwprintf_s_l
    _ftscanf fscanf fwscanf
    _ftscanf_l _fscanf_l _fwscanf_l
    _ftscanf_s fscanf_s fwscanf_s
    _ftscanf_s_l _fscanf_s_l _fwscanf_s_l
    _get_tpgmptr _get_pgmptr _get_wpgmptr
    _gettc getc getwc
    _gettc_nolock _getc_nolock _getwc_nolock
    _gettch _getch _getwch
    _gettch_nolock _getch_nolock _getwch_nolock
    _gettchar getchar getwchar
    _gettchar_nolock _getchar_nolock _getwchar_nolock
    _gettche _getche _getwche
    _gettche_nolock _getche_nolock _getwche_nolock
    _getts gets _getws
    _getts_s gets_s _getws_s
    _i64tot _i64toa _i64tow
    _i64tot_s _i64toa_s _i64tow_s
    _istalnum isalnum iswalnum
    _istalnum_l _isalnum_l _iswalnum_l
    _istalpha isalpha iswalpha
    _istalpha_l _isalpha_l _iswalpha_l
    _istascii __isascii iswascii
    _istcntrl iscntrl iswcntrl
    _istcntrl_l _iscntrl_l _iswcntrl_l
    _istdigit isdigit iswdigit
    _istdigit_l _isdigit_l _iswdigit_l
    _istgraph isgraph iswgraph
    _istgraph_l _isgraph_l _iswgraph_l
    _istlower islower iswlower
    _istlower_l _islower_l _iswlower_l
    _istprint isprint iswprint
    _istprint_l _isprint_l _iswprint_l
    _istpunct ispunct iswpunct
    _istpunct_l _ispunct_l _iswpunct_l
    _istspace isspace iswspace
    _istspace_l _isspace_l _iswspace_l
    _istupper isupper iswupper
    _istupper_l _isupper_l _iswupper_l
    _istxdigit isxdigit iswxdigit
    _istxdigit_l _isxdigit_l _iswxdigit_l
    _itot _itoa _itow
    _itot_s _itoa_s _itow_s
    _ltot _ltoa _ltow
    _ltot_s _ltoa_s _ltow_s
    _puttc putc putwc
    _puttc_nolock _putc_nolock _putwc_nolock
    _puttch _putch _putwch
    _puttch_nolock _putch_nolock _putwch_nolock
    _puttchar putchar putwchar
    _puttchar_nolock _putchar_nolock _putwchar_nolock
    _putts puts _putws
    _sctprintf _scprintf _scwprintf
    _sctprintf_l _scprintf_l _scwprintf_l
    _sctprintf_p _scprintf_p _scwprintf_p
    _sctprintf_p_l _scprintf_p_l _scwprintf_p_l
    _sntprintf _snprintf _snwprintf
    _sntprintf_l _snprintf_l _snwprintf_l
    _sntprintf_s _snprintf_s _snwprintf_s
    _sntprintf_s_l _snprintf_s_l _snwprintf_s_l
    _sntscanf _snscanf _snwscanf
    _sntscanf_l _snscanf_l _snwscanf_l
    _sntscanf_s _snscanf_s _snwscanf_s
    _sntscanf_s_l _snscanf_s_l _snwscanf_s_l
    _stprintf sprintf _swprintf
    _stprintf_l _sprintf_l __swprintf_l
    _stprintf_p _sprintf_p _swprintf_p
    _stprintf_p_l _sprintf_p_l _swprintf_p_l
    _stprintf_s sprintf_s swprintf_s
    _stprintf_s_l _sprintf_s_l _swprintf_s_l
    _stscanf sscanf swscanf
    _stscanf_l _sscanf_l _swscanf_l
    _stscanf_s sscanf_s swscanf_s
    _stscanf_s_l _sscanf_s_l _swscanf_s_l
    _tWinMain WinMain wWinMain
    _taccess _access _waccess
    _taccess_s _access_s _waccess_s
    _tasctime asctime _wasctime
    _tasctime_s asctime_s _wasctime_s
    _tchdir _chdir _wchdir
    _tchmod _chmod _wchmod
    _tcprintf _cprintf _cwprintf
    _tcprintf_l _cprintf_l _cwprintf_l
    _tcprintf_p _cprintf_p _cwprintf_p
    _tcprintf_p_l _cprintf_p_l _cwprintf_p_l
    _tcprintf_s _cprintf_s _cwprintf_s
    _tcprintf_s_l _cprintf_s_l _cwprintf_s_l
    _tcreat _creat _wcreat
    _tcscanf _cscanf _cwscanf
    _tcscanf_l _cscanf_l _cwscanf_l
    _tcscanf_s _cscanf_s _cwscanf_s
    _tcscanf_s_l _cscanf_s_l _cwscanf_s_l
    _tcscat strcat wcscat
    _tcscat_s strcat_s wcscat_s
    _tcschr strchr wcschr
    _tcsclen strlen wcslen
    _tcscmp strcmp wcscmp
    _tcscnlen strnlen wcsnlen
    _tcscoll strcoll wcscoll
    _tcscoll_l _strcoll_l _wcscoll_l
    _tcscpy strcpy wcscpy
    _tcscpy_s strcpy_s wcscpy_s
    _tcscspn strcspn wcscspn
    _tcsdec _strdec _wcsdec
    _tcsdup _strdup _wcsdup
    _tcsdup_dbg _strdup_dbg  
    _tcserror strerror _wcserror
    _tcserror_s strerror_s _wcserror_s
    _tcsftime strftime wcsftime
    _tcsftime_l _strftime_l _wcsftime_l
    _tcsicmp _stricmp _wcsicmp
    _tcsicmp_l _stricmp_l _wcsicmp_l
    _tcsicoll _stricoll _wcsicoll
    _tcsicoll_l _stricoll_l _wcsicoll_l
    _tcsinc _strinc _wcsinc
    _tcslen strlen wcslen
    _tcslwr _strlwr _wcslwr
    _tcslwr_l _strlwr_l _wcslwr_l
    _tcslwr_s _strlwr_s _wcslwr_s
    _tcslwr_s_l _strlwr_s_l _wcslwr_s_l
    _tcsnbcnt _strncnt _wcsncnt
    _tcsncat strncat wcsncat
    _tcsncat_l _strncat_l _wcsncat_l
    _tcsncat_s strncat_s wcsncat_s
    _tcsncat_s_l _strncat_s_l _wcsncat_s_l
    _tcsnccat strncat wcsncat
    _tcsnccat_l _strncat_l _wcsncat_l
    _tcsnccat_s strncat_s wcsncat_s
    _tcsnccat_s_l _strncat_s_l _wcsncat_s_l
    _tcsnccmp strncmp wcsncmp
    _tcsnccnt _strncnt _wcsncnt
    _tcsnccoll _strncoll _wcsncoll
    _tcsnccoll_l _strncoll_l _wcsncoll_l
    _tcsnccpy strncpy wcsncpy
    _tcsnccpy_l _strncpy_l _wcsncpy_l
    _tcsnccpy_s strncpy_s wcsncpy_s
    _tcsnccpy_s_l _strncpy_s_l _wcsncpy_s_l
    _tcsncicmp _strnicmp _wcsnicmp
    _tcsncicmp_l _strnicmp_l _wcsnicmp_l
    _tcsncicoll _strnicoll _wcsnicoll
    _tcsncicoll_l _strnicoll_l _wcsnicoll_l
    _tcsncmp strncmp wcsncmp
    _tcsncoll _strncoll _wcsncoll
    _tcsncoll_l _strncoll_l _wcsncoll_l
    _tcsncpy strncpy wcsncpy
    _tcsncpy_l _strncpy_l _wcsncpy_l
    _tcsncpy_s strncpy_s wcsncpy_s
    _tcsncpy_s_l _strncpy_s_l _wcsncpy_s_l
    _tcsncset _strnset _wcsnset
    _tcsnextc _strnextc _wcsnextc
    _tcsnicmp _strnicmp _wcsnicmp
    _tcsnicmp_l _strnicmp_l _wcsnicmp_l
    _tcsnicoll _strnicoll _wcsnicoll
    _tcsnicoll_l _strnicoll_l _wcsnicoll_l
    _tcsninc _strninc _wcsninc
    _tcsnlen strnlen wcsnlen
    _tcsnset _strnset _wcsnset
    _tcsnset_l _strnset_l _wcsnset_l
    _tcsnset_s _strnset_s _wcsnset_s
    _tcsnset_s_l _strnset_s_l _wcsnset_s_l
    _tcspbrk strpbrk wcspbrk
    _tcsrchr strrchr wcsrchr
    _tcsrev _strrev _wcsrev
    _tcsset _strset _wcsset
    _tcsset_l   _wcsset_l
    _tcsset_s _strset_s _wcsset_s
    _tcsset_s_l _strset_s_l _wcsset_s_l
    _tcsspn strspn wcsspn
    _tcsspnp _strspnp _wcsspnp
    _tcsstr strstr wcsstr
    _tcstod strtod wcstod
    _tcstod_l _strtod_l _wcstod_l
    _tcstoi64 _strtoi64 _wcstoi64
    _tcstoi64_l _strtoi64_l _wcstoi64_l
    _tcstok strtok wcstok
    _tcstok_l _strtok_l _wcstok_l
    _tcstok_s strtok_s wcstok_s
    _tcstok_s_l _strtok_s_l _wcstok_s_l
    _tcstol strtol wcstol
    _tcstol_l _strtol_l _wcstol_l
    _tcstoui64 _strtoui64 _wcstoui64
    _tcstoui64_l _strtoui64_l _wcstoui64_l
    _tcstoul strtoul wcstoul
    _tcstoul_l _strtoul_l _wcstoul_l
    _tcsupr _strupr _wcsupr
    _tcsupr_l _strupr_l _wcsupr_l
    _tcsupr_s _strupr_s _wcsupr_s
    _tcsupr_s_l _strupr_s_l _wcsupr_s_l
    _tcsxfrm strxfrm wcsxfrm
    _tcsxfrm_l _strxfrm_l _wcsxfrm_l
    _tctime ctime _wctime
    _tctime32 _ctime32 _wctime32
    _tctime32_s _ctime32_s _wctime32_s
    _tctime64 _ctime64 _wctime64
    _tctime64_s _ctime64_s _wctime64_s
    _tctime_s ctime_s _wctime_s
    _tdupenv_s _dupenv_s _wdupenv_s
    _tdupenv_s_dbg _dupenv_s_dbg _wdupenv_s_dbg
    _tenviron _environ _wenviron
    _texecl _execl _wexecl
    _texecle _execle _wexecle
    _texeclp _execlp _wexeclp
    _texeclpe _execlpe _wexeclpe
    _texecv _execv _wexecv
    _texecve _execve _wexecve
    _texecvp _execvp _wexecvp
    _texecvpe _execvpe _wexecvpe
    _tfdopen _fdopen _wfdopen
    _tfinddata32_t _finddata32_t _wfinddata32_t
    _tfinddata32i64_t _finddata32i64_t _wfinddata32i64_t
    _tfinddata64_t __finddata64_t _wfinddata64_t
    _tfinddata64i32_t _finddata64i32_t _wfinddata64i32_t
    _tfinddata_t _finddata_t _wfinddata_t
    _tfinddatai64_t _finddatai64_t _wfinddatai64_t
    _tfindfirst _findfirst _wfindfirst
    _tfindfirst32 _findfirst32 _wfindfirst32
    _tfindfirst32i64 _findfirst32i64 _wfindfirst32i64
    _tfindfirst64 _findfirst64 _wfindfirst64
    _tfindfirst64i32 _findfirst64i32 _wfindfirst64i32
    _tfindfirsti64 _findfirsti64 _wfindfirsti64
    _tfindnext _findnext _wfindnext
    _tfindnext32 _findnext32 _wfindnext32
    _tfindnext32i64 _findnext32i64 _wfindnext32i64
    _tfindnext64 _findnext64 _wfindnext64
    _tfindnext64i32 _findnext64i32 _wfindnext64i32
    _tfindnexti64 _findnexti64 _wfindnexti64
    _tfopen fopen _wfopen
    _tfopen_s fopen_s _wfopen_s
    _tfreopen freopen _wfreopen
    _tfreopen_s freopen_s _wfreopen_s
    _tfsopen _fsopen _wfsopen
    _tfullpath _fullpath _wfullpath
    _tfullpath_dbg _fullpath_dbg _wfullpath_dbg
    _tgetcwd _getcwd _wgetcwd
    _tgetcwd_dbg _getcwd_dbg _wgetcwd_dbg
    _tgetdcwd _getdcwd _wgetdcwd
    _tgetdcwd_dbg _getdcwd_dbg _wgetdcwd_dbg
    _tgetdcwd_lk_dbg _getdcwd_lk_dbg _wgetdcwd_lk_dbg
    _tgetdcwd_nolock _getdcwd_nolock _wgetdcwd_nolock
    _tgetenv getenv _wgetenv
    _tgetenv_s getenv_s _wgetenv_s
    _tmain main wmain
    _tmakepath _makepath _wmakepath
    _tmakepath_s _makepath_s _wmakepath_s
    _tmkdir _mkdir _wmkdir
    _tmktemp _mktemp _wmktemp
    _tmktemp_s _mktemp_s _wmktemp_s
    _topen _open _wopen
    _totlower tolower towlower
    _totlower_l _tolower_l _towlower_l
    _totupper toupper towupper
    _totupper_l _toupper_l _towupper_l
    _tperror perror _wperror
    _tpgmptr _pgmptr _wpgmptr
    _tpopen _popen _wpopen
    _tprintf printf wprintf
    _tprintf_l _printf_l _wprintf_l
    _tprintf_p _printf_p _wprintf_p
    _tprintf_p_l _printf_p_l _wprintf_p_l
    _tprintf_s printf_s wprintf_s
    _tprintf_s_l _printf_s_l _wprintf_s_l
    _tputenv _putenv _wputenv
    _tputenv_s _putenv_s _wputenv_s
    _tremove remove _wremove
    _trename rename _wrename
    _trmdir _rmdir _wrmdir
    _tscanf scanf wscanf
    _tscanf_l _scanf_l _wscanf_l
    _tscanf_s scanf_s wscanf_s
    _tscanf_s_l _scanf_s_l _wscanf_s_l
    _tsearchenv _searchenv _wsearchenv
    _tsearchenv_s _searchenv_s _wsearchenv_s
    _tsetlocale setlocale _wsetlocale
    _tsopen _sopen _wsopen
    _tsopen_s _sopen_s _wsopen_s
    _tspawnl _spawnl _wspawnl
    _tspawnle _spawnle _wspawnle
    _tspawnlp _spawnlp _wspawnlp
    _tspawnlpe _spawnlpe _wspawnlpe
    _tspawnv _spawnv _wspawnv
    _tspawnve _spawnve _wspawnve
    _tspawnvp _spawnvp _wspawnvp
    _tspawnvpe _spawnvpe _wspawnvpe
    _tsplitpath _splitpath _wsplitpath
    _tsplitpath_s _splitpath_s _wsplitpath_s
    _tstat _stat _wstat
    _tstat32 _stat32 _wstat32
    _tstat32i64 _stat32i64 _wstat32i64
    _tstat64 _stat64 _wstat64
    _tstat64i32 _stat64i32 _wstat64i32
    _tstati64 _stati64 _wstati64
    _tstof atof _wtof
    _tstof_l _atof_l _wtof_l
    _tstoi atoi _wtoi
    _tstoi64 _atoi64 _wtoi64
    _tstoi64_l _atoi64_l _wtoi64_l
    _tstoi_l _atoi_l _wtoi_l
    _tstol atol _wtol
    _tstol_l _atol_l _wtol_l
    _tstrdate _strdate _wstrdate
    _tstrdate_s _strdate_s _wstrdate_s
    _tstrtime _strtime _wstrtime
    _tstrtime_s _strtime_s _wstrtime_s
    _tsystem system _wsystem
    _ttempnam _tempnam _wtempnam
    _ttempnam_dbg _tempnam_dbg _wtempnam_dbg
    _ttmpnam tmpnam _wtmpnam
    _ttmpnam_s tmpnam_s _wtmpnam_s
    _ttoi atoi _wtoi
    _ttoi64 _atoi64 _wtoi64
    _ttol atol _wtol
    _tunlink _unlink _wunlink
    _tutime _utime _wutime
    _tutime32 _utime32 _wutime32
    _tutime64 _utime64 _wutime64
    _ui64tot _ui64toa _ui64tow
    _ui64tot_s _ui64toa_s _ui64tow_s
    _ultot _ultoa _ultow
    _ultot_s _ultoa_s _ultow_s
    _ungettc ungetc ungetwc
    _ungettc_nolock _ungetc_nolock _ungetwc_nolock
    _ungettch _ungetch _ungetwch
    _ungettch_nolock _ungetch_nolock _ungetwch_nolock
    _vftprintf vfprintf vfwprintf
    _vftprintf_l _vfprintf_l _vfwprintf_l
    _vftprintf_p _vfprintf_p _vfwprintf_p
    _vftprintf_p_l _vfprintf_p_l _vfwprintf_p_l
    _vftprintf_s vfprintf_s vfwprintf_s
    _vftprintf_s_l _vfprintf_s_l _vfwprintf_s_l
    _vsctprintf _vscprintf _vscwprintf
    _vsctprintf_l _vscprintf_l _vscwprintf_l
    _vsctprintf_p _vscprintf_p _vscwprintf_p
    _vsctprintf_p_l _vscprintf_p_l _vscwprintf_p_l
    _vsntprintf _vsnprintf _vsnwprintf
    _vsntprintf_l _vsnprintf_l _vsnwprintf_l
    _vsntprintf_s _vsnprintf_s _vsnwprintf_s
    _vsntprintf_s_l _vsnprintf_s_l _vsnwprintf_s_l
    _vstprintf vsprintf _vswprintf
    _vstprintf_l _vsprintf_l _vswprintf_l
    _vstprintf_p _vsprintf_p _vswprintf_p
    _vstprintf_p_l _vsprintf_p_l _vswprintf_p_l
    _vstprintf_s vsprintf_s vswprintf_s
    _vstprintf_s_l _vsprintf_s_l _vswprintf_s_l
    _vtcprintf _vcprintf _vcwprintf
    _vtcprintf_l _vcprintf_l _vcwprintf_l
    _vtcprintf_p _vcprintf_p _vcwprintf_p
    _vtcprintf_p_l _vcprintf_p_l _vcwprintf_p_l
    _vtcprintf_s _vcprintf_s _vcwprintf_s
    _vtcprintf_s_l _vcprintf_s_l _vcwprintf_s_l
    _vtprintf vprintf vwprintf
    _vtprintf_l _vprintf_l _vwprintf_l
    _vtprintf_p _vprintf_p _vwprintf_p
    _vtprintf_p_l _vprintf_p_l _vwprintf_p_l
    _vtprintf_s vprintf_s vwprintf_s
    _vtprintf_s_l _vprintf_s_l _vwprintf_s_l
    vtprintf_s_l _vprintf_s_l _vwprintf_s_l
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenhs/p/1711525.html
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