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  • Perl log 0906

    1. comment and uncomment
    this page is very comprehensive about commenting in vim.
    After trial and error, the plugin alternative is chosen.
    Below is how-to use the plugin, multiple-line comment and uncomment(not applicable)
    Global Plugin to comment and un-comment lines in different source files in both normal and visual <Shift-V> mode 
    ctrl-c to comment a single line 
    ctrl-x to un-comment a single line 
    shift-v and select multiple lines, then ctrl-c to comment the selected multiple lines 
    shift-v and select multiple lines, then ctrl-x to un-comment the selected multiple lines 
    supports: c, c++, java, php[2345], proc, css, html, htm, xml, xhtml, vim, vimrc, sql, sh, ksh, csh, perl, tex, fortran, ml, caml, ocaml, vhdl, haskel and normal files
    Only ctrl-c and ctrl-x are used, but also powerful enough.
    2. chop()
    if no chop on the file line input, no futher file tests can be conducted.
    The purpose is choping away the return cursor.
    3. system()
    Return value of -1 indicates a failure to start the program or an error of the wait(2) system call (inspect $! for the reason).
    A friend at work said that in his experience, the return code from "system" isn't reliable when used that way. He said I should capture the actual return code from the system call and evaluate it. If it's not zero, there's an error and to print $! at that point. I followed his recommendation and the problem went away. Here's the code I used.
    use strict;
    &doSystemCommand(  "cp /analysis/fasta1.fa /analysis2/fasta1.fa"  );
    sub doSystemCommand
        my $systemCommand = $_[0];
        print LOG "$0: Executing [$systemCommand] \n";
        my $returnCode = system( $systemCommand );
        if ( $returnCode != 0 ) 
            die "Failed executing [$systemCommand]\n"; 
    The return code from "system" is not unreliable, you're just interpreting it backwards. It's a really easy mistake to make - the shell interprets 0 as success and nonzero as failure. So a zero return code from a system call means it succeeded. The actual return code, if nonzero, is returned in the high-order byte of the return code, so if the shell returns 1 you'll get 256. That is usually not what you care about, you just want to know did it succeed or fail. So - change "or" to "and" and you're all set. It is clearer to say: if(system(...) != 0) { die(" ... "); }
    4. file manipulation
    after the script, the great issue is the files goes to the same directory.
    So I have to sort them out with the stored info in the file.
    ~~~split fcn
    whitespace (not just a single space character) is used as a separator. However, this special treatment can be avoided by specifying the pattern / / instead of the string " " , thereby allowing only a single space character to be a separator.
    ~~~ this is for something after split the directory into array
    If you're doing a global match (/g) then the regex in list context will return all of the captured matches. Simply do:
    my @matches = ( $str =~ /pa(tt)ern/g )
    This command for example:
    perl -le '@m = ( "foo12gfd2bgbg654" =~ /(\d+)/g ); print for @m'
    Gives the output:
    #! /usr/bin/perl
    #filename: sort.pl
    use strict;
    my $dir= "./mmsim_docs/doc/UltraSim_UWI/UltraSim_UWI.pdf";
    if($dir =~ /mmsim_docs/)
              my @dir = split(/\//,$dir);
             foreach my $str(@dir)
                    {print "$str","\n";
                    if ($str =~/pdf/) {print "here is the match for .pdf: $str, \n";}
             print "here is the match: \n";
    ~~~~join function
    print "1.$info"."\n";
    print "2.$str\n";
    print "3.@array";
    5. vim change-line alignment 
    This is about add some settings in the user_directory/.vimrc.
    Recommended settings from the website:
    set nocompatible
    set number
    filetype on 
    set history=1000 
    set background=dark 
    syntax on 
    set autoindent
    set smartindent
    set tabstop=4
    set shiftwidth=4
    set showmatch
    set guioptions-=T
    set vb t_vb=
    set ruler
    set nohls
    set incsearch
    if has("vms")
    set nobackup
    set backup


  • 相关阅读:
    Python之 文件操作
    Python 基础三
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenrui/p/2674866.html
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