zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 4-8,4-9

    class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
      self.abstract_class = true
      # 在数据被创建,更新,或删除后after_commit(*arg, &block)
      # 还 不理解
      after_commit { CommentRelayJob.perform_later(self) }

    <section id="comments" data-channel="comments" data-message-id="<%= message.id %>">


      <%= render message.comments %>


    html Global attribute (公共属性):如 id,  data_*

    data_*:   <element data-*="somevalue">  (点击看实际例子)

    Use the data-* attribute to embed custom data:

    Definition and Usage

    The data-* attributes is used to store custom data private to the page or application.

    The data-* attributes gives us the ability to embed custom data attributes on all HTML elements.

    The stored (custom) data can then be used in the page's JavaScript to create a more engaging user experience (without any Ajax calls or server-side database queries).

    The data-* attributes consist of two parts:

    1. The attribute name should not contain any uppercase letters, and must be at least one character long after the prefix "data-"
    2. The attribute value can be any string

    <%= form_for [message, Comment.new], remote: true do | form| %>
      <%= form.text_area :content, size: '100x20' %> <br>
      <%= from.submit "Post comment"%>
    <% end %>


    If your resource has associations defined, for example, you want to add comments to the document given that the routes are set correctly:

    <%= form_for([@document, @comment]) do |f| %>  ... <% end %>

    Where @document = Document.find(params[:id]) and@comment = Comment.new.

     解释2: submit->submit_tag 提交关联到Comment#create方法。 

      def create
        @comment = Comment.create!(
          content: params[:comment][:content],
          message: @message,
          user: @current_user

     4-9 上午练习了案例的结构

    Rails-Guide: 12.6  cookies  (内含API)


    删除cookies,使用cookies.delete(:key),  而删除session中的数据则是键的值设为nil

     The cookies being read are the ones received along with the request, the cookies being written will be sent out with the response. Reading a cookie does not get the cookie object itself back, just the value it holds.

    webserver接收request 时 , cookies being read ;发送response前,cookies being written。

    # Sets a simple session cookie.
    # This cookie will be deleted when the user's browser is closed.
    cookies[:user_name] = "david"
    # Cookie values are String based. Other data types need to be serialized.
    cookies[:lat_lon] = JSON.generate([47.68, -122.37])
    JSON.parse(cookies[:lat_lon]) # => [47.68, -122.37]
    # Sets a cookie that expires in 1 hour.设定一个小时内有效的cookie cookies[:login] = { value: "XJ-122", expires: 1.hour.from_now }


    # Sets a signed cookie, which prevents users from tampering with its value.
    # The cookie is signed by your app's `secrets.secret_key_base` value.
    # It can be read using the signed method `cookies.signed[:name]`
    cookies.signed[:user_id] = current_user.id


    # Sets an encrypted cookie value before sending it to the client which
    # prevent users from reading and tampering with its value.
    # The cookie is signed by your app's `secrets.secret_key_base` value.
    # It can be read using the encrypted method `cookies.encrypted[:name]`
    cookies.encrypted[:discount] = 45


    # You can also chain these methods(设定有效期20年的cookie,permanent):
    cookies.permanent.signed[:login] = "XJ-122" 
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chentianwei/p/8747335.html
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