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  • 【SAS ADVANCE】Performing Advanced Queries Using PROC SQL


    •  display all rows, eliminate duplicate rows, and limit the number of rows displayed
    •  subset rows using other conditional operators and caculated values
    •  enhance the formatting of query output
    •  Using summary functions, such as COUNT, with and without grouping
    •  subset groups of data by using the HAVING clause
    •  subset data by using correlatedd and noncorrelated subqueries 
    •  Validate query syntax.


    1 SELECT column-1<,...,column-n>                       /*SELECT指定用户需要输出到output内的列*/
    2       FROM table-1|view-1<,...,table-n|view-n>       /*FROM指定去查询的table 或者view*/
    3       <WHERE expression>                             /*WHERE子句:用表达式来subset或者restrict数据集的条件*/
    4       <GROUP BY column-1<,...,column-n>>            /*GROUP BY按后面指定的列将数据集分成若干组*/
    5       <HAVING expression>                          /*HAVING子句:在group条件下,用表达式subset或者restrict分组后的数据*/
    6       <ORDER BY column-1<,...,column-n>>;         /*ORDER BY:根据其后的变量对查询结果进行排序*/

        【备注】:PROC SQL SELECT语句中的子句需要按照上述顺序排列。

    三、Displaying All Columns

       1. 利用SELECT *:可将所有列呈现出来

    1 proc sql;
    2      select *
    3      from sasuser.staffchanges;

       2. FEEDBACK选项(debugging tools:让用户可以清楚的看到what is being submitted to the SQL processor)

               当指定SELECT *语句时,PROC SQL中的FEEDBACK选项则会在日志中输出expand list of columns(每一列的详细名称)。例如:

    1 proc sql feedback;
    2     select *
    3         from sasuser.staffchanges;


    202 proc sql feedback;
    203 select * 
    204 from sasuser.staffchages;
    NOTE: Statement tranforms to:
           select STAFFCHANGES.EmpID,

           【备注】:日志不仅仅将星号(*)展开成详细列表,还会resolves macro variables and places parentheses around expressions to show their order of evaluation.


            1.  通过OUTOBS=选项来限制 the Number of Rows Displayed

          General form:PROC SQL statment with OUTOBS= option:
          PROC SQL OUTOBS=n;  /*其中n指定了输出的行数,这里的OUTOBS=选项类似于DATA SET选项中的OBS=*/



    1 proc sql outobs=10;
    2      select flightnumber,date
    3          from sasuser.flightschedule; 

         日志提示:WARING: Statement terminated early due to OUTOBS=10 option.


             2.  通过SELECT语句中的DISTINCT关键词来剔除重复行


    /*代码1*/                                                /*代码2*/
    proc sql outobs=12;                                     proc sql ;
         select flightnumber, destination                       select distinct  flightnumber, destination  
              from sasuser.internationalflights;                   from sasuser.internationalflights;
                                                                    order by 1;/*按照SELECT语句中的第一个变量排序*/


             3.  利用PROC SQL中的条件运算符subseting rows

               PROC SQL中的条件运算符包括三种:comparison(例如:where membertype='GOLD')

                                                                          logical(例如:where visits<=3 or status='new')

                                                                          concetenation(连接符,例如:where name=trim(last)||','||first)


    1 proc sql;
    2      select ffid, name, state, pointsused
    3      from sasuser.frequentflyers
    4      where member='GOLD'  and pointsused>0
    5      order by pointsused;


    Conditional Operator Tests for...   Example 
    BETWEEN-AND valules that occur within an inclusive range where salary between 70000 and 80000
    CONTAINS或者? values that是否含有某一指定字符串 where name contains ‘ER’ 等价于where name ? 'ER'
    IN values that match列表中的某一个值 where code in ('PT','NA','FA')
    IS MISSING或IS NULL   缺失值 where dateofbirth is missing或where dataofbirth is null
    LIKE(with %,_) values that match a specified pattern where address like '% P%PLACE'                                   (筛选出以字母P开头并以单词PLACE结尾的字符串)
     =*   values that sounds like a specified value where lastname =* 'Smith'
    ANY values that meet a specified condition with respect to any one of the values returned by a subquery

    where dataofbirth <any(select dateofbirth from sasuser.parollmaster where jobcode='FA3')

    ALL values that meet a specified condition with respect to all the values returned by a subquery where dataofbirth <all(select dateofbirth from sasuser.parollmaster where jobcode='FA3')
    EXISTS the existence of values returned by a subquery where exists(select * from sasuser.flightschedule where fa.empid=flightschedule.empid)


    1. 上述条件运算符除了ANY, ALL和EXISTS外,其他都可以用于SAS的其他procedure中;
    2. 若需要对条件进行否定,则只需在运算符前面加上NOT即可(对ANY和ALL不适用);
    3. 在CONTAIN运算符做匹配时,区分大小写;
    4. 在IS MISSING或IS NULL语句中,也可以用where boarded=.(数值型)或where flight=' '(字符型)来判断;
      1 例子(供筛选的名字:Schmitt, Smith, Smithson, Smitt, Smythe):
      3 where lastname =* 'Smith';
      5 上述供筛选的名字里面,只有Schmitt和Smithson没有被选中。
    5. 在LIKE条件运算符中,_代表任意单个字符,而%代表任意sequence of zero or more characters.(注意,有时_和%也会被当做通配符)
      /*可供选择的几个名字列表:Diana, Diane, Dianna, Dianthus, Dyan*/
      /*LIKE Pattern*/                          /*Name(s) Selected*/
      LIKE 'D_an'                                      Dyan
      LIKE 'D_an_'                                     Diana, Diane
      LIKE 'D_an__'                                    Dianna
      LIKE 'D_an%'                                     上述所有名字
    6.      =*(Sounds-like条件运算法):souds-like利用SOUNDEX逻辑一次比较两个单词或表达式的每一列的值,筛选出任意contain a value that sounds like another value that you specify。

    五、通过Calculated Values 来subsetting rows

           1.   PROC SQL运行Calculated Columns的原理

                     我们通过一个例子来说明PROC SQL运行calculated columns的原理,若在SAS中运行如下代码:

    1 proc sql outobs=10;
    2      select flightnumber, date, destination, 
    3                boarded+transferred+nonrevenue as Total
    4             from sasuser.marchflights
    5             where total<100;

                    在这段代码运行后,SAS会在日志中提示错误:ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: total.


          2.  在WHERE子句中:利用关键词CALCULATED来引用SELECT子句中新定义的列


    1 proc sql outobs=10;
    2       select flightnumber, date, destination, 
    3                 boarded+transferred+nonrevenue as Total
    4              from sasuser.marchflights
    5              where calculated total<100;

          3. 在SELECT子句中:利用关键词CALCULATED来引用SELECT子句中新定义的列


    1  proc sql outobs=10;
    2        select flightnumber, date, destination, 
    3                  boarded+transferred+nonrevenue as Total,
    4                  calculated total/2 as Half
    5               from sasuser.marchflights
    6               where calculated total<100;


          1. 指定列的Format及Label

           在默认情况下,PROC SQL输出列的格式为查询的table中原有格式(若格式已保存在table中)或系统默认格式(若未保存在table中)。若用户需要控制输出的列的格式,可通过指定类似于LABEL=和FORMAT=等data set选项来实现。当用户在SELECT子句中定义一个新列示,除了分配一个新的名字外,也可以通过分配一个label来实现。

            【Data Set Option】: LABEL=    (select hiredate label='Date of Hire')/*若用户不希望在输出中出现label,则可以指定NOLABEL系统选项*/

                                                FORMAT=(select hiredate format=date9.)


    1 proc sql outobs=15;
    2     select empid labe='Employee ID',
    3               jobcode label='Job Code',
    4               salary,
    5               salary *.10 as Bonus format=dollar12.2
    6     from sasuser.payrollmaster
    7     where salary>75000
    8     order by salary desc;

        2. 指定Titles和Footnotes

            在PROC SQL查询中,若用户需要指定titles和footnotes,则须将TITLE和FOOTNOTE语句放在PROC SQL语句之前或者放在介于PROC SQL语句和SELECT语句之间。例如:

     1 proc sql outobs=15;
     2 title 'Current Bonus Information';
     3 title2 ‘Employee with Salaries > $75,000’;
     4     select empid label='Employee ID',
     5               jobcode label='Job Code',
     6               salary,
     7               salary*.10 as Bonus format=dollar12.2
     8      from sasuser.payrollmaster
     9      where salary>75000
    10      order by salary desc;

       3. 在输出中增加Character Constant

              在PROC SQL中,用户可在SELECT子句中加入一个由引号括起来的字符串,这样就定义了一个类似于常值字符型的列。例如:

     1   proc sql outobs=15;
     2   title 'Current Bonus Information';
     3   title2 ‘Employee with Salaries > $75,000’;
     4       select empid label='Employee ID',
     5                 jobcode label='Job Code',
     6                 salary,
     7                 ‘bonus is:’,
     8                 salary*.10 format=dollar12.2
     9        from sasuser.payrollmaster
    10        where salary>75000
    11        order by salary desc;

            在运行上述代码后,output中就会在salary后输出两列:一列是常值字符串列(所有的value都为bonus is:),另一列是由salary*.10构成的格式为dollar12.2的列,此时就不需要再为其定义一个别名了。

    七、 Summarizing和Grouping Data


    1 proc sql;
    2     select membertype, avg(milestraveled) as AvgMilesTraveled
    3     from sasuser.frequentflyers
    4     group by membertype


    • whether the summary function specifies one or multiple columns as arguments
    • whether the query contains a GROUP BY clause
    • if the summary function is specified in a SELECT clause, whether there are additional columns listed that are outside of a summary function
    • whether the WHERE clause, if there is one, contains only columns that are specified in the SELECT clause.

        1.  Summary函数及其参数个数


               有的函数,例如AVG、COUNT,是单参数函数。例如:proc sql; select avg(salary) as AvgSalary from sasuser.payrollmaster;

               而有一些函数,例如MEAN和N,适用于单个参数,也可适用于多个参数。例如:proc sql outobs=10; select sum(boarded, transferred, nonrevenue) as Total from sasuser.data;

        2.  作用在分组数据上的Summary函数

                若query子句中包含GROUP BY子句,则SELECT子句中所有没有被summary函数作用的列,都应该在GROUP BY子句中列出来,否则可能会出现意料之外的结果。


    1 proc sql outobs=10;
    2      select jobcode, avg(salary) as AvgSalary
    3      from sasuser.payrollmaster
    4      group by jobcode;

        3.  SELECT子句与Summary函数的作用方式

            在SELECT子句中,除了summary函数作用的列外,还可以列出其余没有被summary函数作用的列。SELECT子句中这些没有被summary函数使得PROC SQL展现出不同的output。下面举两个例子来说明这种不同:

     【例1】proc sql;    
              select avg(salary) as AvgSalary from sasuser.payrollmaster;

         例1的SELECT子句中,没有列是outside of summary functions的,因此在其输出结果中:

                               若没有指定了GROUP BY子句,则通过summary函数输出整张表的一个single value;

                               若指定了GROUP BY子句,则对每一个组输出summary函数作用的single value。

    【例2】 proc sql;  
                     select jobcode, gender, avg(salary) as AvgSalary 
                      from sasuser.payrollmaster
                       group by jobcode,gender ;

                          若没有指定了GROUP BY子句,则通过summary函数输出整张表的一个single value;

                                 若指定了GROUP BY子句,则对每一个组displays all the rows of output with the single or grouped values repeated。

       4. Argument(列)的个数对summary函数作用方式的影响


    【例1】 proc sql;  
             select avg(salary) as AvgSalary from sasuser.payrollmaster; /*PROC SQL查询结果为所有员工的薪水的平均值*/
    【例2】 proc sql outobs=10;
                     select sum(boarded, transferred, nonrevenue) as Total
                     from sasuser.marchflights;
    /*由于summary function(sum)包含了多个参数,因此结果中每一行都计算了作用于多列参数的统计量。在这里,输出了一列10行的数据集,每一行是这三列的值的和*/

      5.  GROUP BY对summary函数作用方式的影响


    • without GROUP BY子句
       proc sql;  
               select avg(salary) as AvgSalary
                from sasuser.payrollmaster; 
    • with Columns Outside of the Function
      【例2】/*这里的输出结果为20行的数据集,第一列jobcode(不是summary函数生成,所以不同);第二列为所有的salary的和,为single value,每一行都相同*/
       proc sql outobs=20;
              select jobcode, avg(salary) as AvgSalary
                from sasuser.marchflights;
    • with a GROUP BY子句
       proc sql;
              select jobcode, avg(salary) as AvgSalary format=dollar11.2
                from sasuser.marchflights
                group by jobcode;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenyn68/p/3900686.html
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