- We're proud to be doing our part for the country. 我们为伟大的祖国贡献自己的力量而骄傲。——2019.10.01
- We'll never stop learning, and we'll never stop growing. 我们不会停止学习,也不会停止成长。——2019.10.02
- We're on the path.我们在朝着正确的方向迈进,——2019.10.03
- Everthing's gonna be okay.一切都会好起来的。——2019.10.04
- The end is always right there in the beginning. 每一个结束也就是另一个开始。——2019.10.05
- Life is very capricious. 生命无常。——2019.10.06
- Never let anything stop you from chasing your dream. 永远不要让任何事组织你去追逐梦想。——2019.10.07
- Small steps lead to big accomplishments. 每次迈出一小步,日积月累也会成就大事。——2019.10.08
- Keep going. Don't quit. 继续前行,不要放弃。——2019.10.09
- Courage is daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness of our flesh.真正的勇敢意味着即便身处险境,也勇于匡扶正义。——2019.10.10
- We're on the same quest. We want the dynamic vitality of the city but also the life force of nature. 我们怀着同样的追求前行,我们钟情于城市的活力与自然的生命力。——2019.10.11
- We got things to do. Place to go. People to see. Futures to make. 我们还有事要做,有地儿要去,有人要见,有梦要实现。——2019.10.12
- Doing the things you want to do. 做你想做的事。——2019.10.13
- Everybody's good at something. 天生我材必有用。——2019.10.14
- Hard work may not always result in success, but it will never result in regret. 努力不一定能成功,但永远不会后悔。——2019.10.15
- Love is the beautiful thing. 爱,美妙无比。——2019.10.16
- As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. 只要一息尚存,请继续战斗。——2019.10.17
- Remember, every day is a miracle. 请记住,每一天都是一个奇迹。——2019.10.18
- Don't lost hope. You never know what tomorrow wil bring. 别灰心,谁知道明天会有怎样的惊喜。——2019.10.19
- Life is short, and no one deserves to ride the bus alone. 人生苦短,没人应该孤单乘车。——2019.10.20
- Don't wait. The time will never be just right. 别空等,时机是等不来的。——2019.10.21
- Being brilliant is not enough, young man. You have to work hard. 年轻人,头脑聪明还不够,你一定要努力向上。——2019.10.22
- Complex things is easy to do. Simplicity's the real challenge. 复杂的问题不难解决,简单的事才难做好。——2019.10.23
- You can tell a lot about somebody, looking him in eye. 注视着别人的眼睛,你能读出很多故事。——2019.10.24
- You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take. 如果你不去尝试,所有机会都会与你擦肩而过。——2019.10.25
- Life is found when you shed your skin. 当你放下一切才能找到声明意义——2019.10.26
- It's your choice how to live the rest of your life.你的人生你自己把握。——2019.10.27
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之前始于足下。——2019.10.28
- Moderation is for cowards. 懦夫才谈中庸。——2019.10.29
- The past is just a story we tell ourselves. 过去是我们说给自己听的故事。——2019.10.30
- Your heart is free. Have the courage to follow it. 你的心是自由的,要有勇气追随它。——2019.10.31