select,a.数量 - b.数量 from abc a left join abc b on + 1 =
select datediff(mi,b.start_time ,a.end_time) from (select id=row_number()over(order by getdate()),* from tb)a, (select id=row_number()over(order by getdate()),* from tb)b where
SELECT a.RowId, b.RowId, a.CreateOn, b.CreateOn, DATEDIFF(SECOND, b.CreateOn, a.CreateOn) FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.CreateOn ASC) AS RowId, a.CreateOn FROM dbo.tbm_tpl_TaskProcessorLog a INNER JOIN dbo.tbm_sjb_ScheduledJob AS b ON a.TaskID = b.ScheduledJobID WHERE a.TaskID = 1109 AND a.CreateOn >= '20200317' ) AS a INNER JOIN ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.CreateOn ASC) AS RowId, a.CreateOn FROM dbo.tbm_tpl_TaskProcessorLog a INNER JOIN dbo.tbm_sjb_ScheduledJob AS b ON a.TaskID = b.ScheduledJobID WHERE a.TaskID = 1109 AND a.CreateOn >= '20200317' ) AS b ON a.RowId - 1 = b.RowId;
;WITH t AS (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.CreateOn ASC) AS RowId, a.CreateOn FROM dbo.tbm_tpl_TaskProcessorLog a INNER JOIN dbo.tbm_sjb_ScheduledJob AS b ON a.TaskID = b.ScheduledJobID WHERE a.TaskID = 1109 AND a.CreateOn >= '20200317') SELECT a.*, b.CreateOn AS BCreatedOn, val = DATEDIFF(SECOND, a.CreateOn, b.CreateOn) FROM t a LEFT JOIN t AS b ON a.RowId + 1 = b.RowId;