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    you will never look at your life in the same way again

    dr marshall goldsmith said if you do not

    create and control your environment

    your environment creates and controls

    you this is something you cannot escape

    you're the product of the five people

    you spend the most time with

    and your input shapes your outlook your

    input is anything that comes in

    information food experiences anything

    that comes in

    literally becomes you it becomes your

    your physical body but it also becomes


    your mental body if you are letting in

    garbage then your mind is becoming a

    garden filled with weeds

    and whatever you let in ultimately is

    going to produce fruit so your input

    shapes your outlook

    and so this is why your environment

    shapes you you can't escape that your

    environment shapes your thoughts it

    shapes your goals it shapes your

    identity the author james clear

    said that thoughts are downstream from

    environment so whatever

    environment you have and whatever

    information you're consuming ultimately

    that's what's shaping your thoughts

    it's what's shaping your goals it's

    what's shaping your beliefs it's what's

    shaping your identity it's what's

    shaping who you are this is why you're

    the product of the five people you spend

    the most time with

    what the research has found is that your

    peer group determines your income level

    whether or not you're religious or

    spiritual whether you're an alcoholic

    whether you're an entrepreneur whether


    graduate well in school your your peer

    group determines

    so much about yourself as does the

    information you consume

    the people you consume the food you

    consume and so you've got to start

    questioning initially what you consume

    and in this video i'm going to share

    with you a few powerful strategies for

    upgrading your situation upgrading your

    environment the first

    is strategic ignorance the truth is is

    that you don't necessarily need to be

    aware of everything going on in the


    most high achievers aren't aware of most

    things that are going on because if you

    if you're too aware of everything going

    on this doesn't mean you should be

    radically ignorant or radically

    uninformed it means you're strategically

    ignorant it means

    you know that for the most part most

    things outside outside the world are out

    of your control

    and so you focus on the sphere that you

    can control

    this is a big problem in today's world

    because we're so hyper connected that we

    know what's going on all over the world

    versus in the past we knew what was

    going on in our local community

    and so we get stressed out when

    something bad happens like

    five states away or across the world and

    yes it's important to be globally


    but at the same time if we're getting

    hyper stressed and and freaking

    ourselves out and creating the

    fight-or-flight response because of

    something that happened 5000 miles away

    then we're going to constantly be in a

    stress state

    and so this is why most high achievers

    don't consume mainstream news

    mainstream media they don't scroll

    through their news feed because think

    about it

    most of that is created at a low level

    it's created out of a level of fear a

    level of pessimism a level

    of scarcity and a scarcity and a level


    victimhood and so why would you as

    someone who's trying to create a better

    life for yourself

    create consume content that's created by

    people at a level of scarcity

    and of emotional fear and hate you

    wouldn't do that because whatever you

    consume you can you

    consume the energy of it as well and so

    you block that out you don't watch

    mainstream news

    you don't watch mainstream media you

    actually get your

    media from better sources and so the

    first one is just strategic ignorance

    and there's a lot of research on this

    there's a great book actually called the

    paradox of choice

    showing that the more options you think

    you have ultimately the less

    you're able to make high quality

    decisions and so ultimately you want to

    cut off most of the information that's

    available to you so that you can be

    fully aware

    of what you're trying to create for

    yourself for your family for your life

    if you have too much stuff coming in

    which is ultimately sending your brain

    in a thousand different directions and

    ultimately creating a state of fear and

    uncertainty and confusion for you then

    you can't be in a flow state

    you're ultimately creating for yourself

    what's called decision fatigue

    you're throwing too much stuff in your

    brain you're heightening your stress

    you're throwing your brain in a thousand

    different directions and you're

    ultimately consuming a lot of stuff

    that's freaking you out over stuff you

    can't control

    instead you want to be strategically

    ignorant you want to be unaware of most

    things because most things are

    irrelevant to you and to your goals

    you want to focus on and consume

    information and media that ultimately

    helps you there's actually a lot of

    research on this subject when it comes

    to hope

    people who are high hope they they

    consume media that relates to their

    goals if they're trying to

    for example build their financial wealth

    they consume media and information that

    helps them build their wealth whereas

    people with low hope

    they actually specifically consume media


    justifies their not having hope there's

    a lot of media out there i would say

    most of the mainstream media

    is actually targeted towards killing

    your hope

    killing your belief that the future is

    going to be better there's a lot of

    important research on the subject of the

    concept prospection prospection is the

    idea that whatever view you have of the


    that's what shapes your attitudes your

    motivation and your behavior in the


    and most media actually is intended to

    make you feel more uncertain

    and more fearful about the future a lot

    of that media is to make you feel like

    the future is going to be worse than the

    present and if you believe the future is

    worse than the present

    then how do you think you're going to

    feel in the present that's actually the

    opposite of what high achievers do high

    achievers consume media that makes them

    realize their future is bigger than

    their past

    as dan sullivan said the only way to

    make your present better is by making

    your future bigger

    well people with high hope they study


    that helps them think better that helps

    them focus better that helps them

    actually tangibly know how to achieve

    their goals one of the big differences

    again between high and low hope people


    that high hope people they're very clear

    on their goals they want accountability

    which is also another aspect of

    environment you want

    an environment that holds you

    accountable to your goals you want to be


    explicit about your goals and you want

    people who hold you accountable you also

    want to be in relationships

    where there's a higher expectation again

    that's called the pygmalion effect the

    pygmalion effect says that we're either

    rising or falling to the demands of

    those around us or to the expectations

    of those around us

    so people with high hope they've got

    clear goals they want high


    they're also constantly studying

    information that ultimately helps them

    to achieve their goals

    and they avoid or they're strategically

    ignorant of information that ultimately

    tries to tear away their hope and their

    confidence in their future

    one other key aspect of this and it's

    super deep

    and interesting is that low hope people

    they don't want to learn new methods or

    ways of achieving their goals

    instead they keep trying the same way

    over and over and over again and

    expecting a different result which is

    obviously insanity

    they're unwilling to learn different

    methods and means

    basically what the pure definition of

    hope is from a psychology standpoint is

    it's both having the will

    and the way you need a clear vision you

    need the belief that you can achieve it

    but you also need to find a

    better strategic pathway to getting

    there you need a pathway to getting

    getting there and that's why i hope

    people consume better and better media

    is so that they can learn better

    strategies mindsets behaviors

    that ultimately allow them new and

    unique ways of achieving their goals

    they're not just stuck doing something

    one way lojo people on the other hand

    they're unwilling to

    learn new things to adjust their

    strategies they're unwilling to learn

    new ways of doing things

    if it's not in their comfort zone then

    they're just going to consume media that

    tells them

    you shouldn't believe in the future

    anyways so that's step one

    is strategic ignorance blocking out


    that ultimately destroys your hope and

    that's ultimately irrelevant to you

    so that you can focus on your life and

    your world and actually move yourself


    versus being caught in paralysis by

    analysis being caught in decision

    fatigue and caught in fear mode

    about something you can't control the

    next one

    is ultimately strategic remembering so

    david goggins wrote the book can't hurt

    me and one of the things that he talks


    is the mirror of truth he talks about

    staring at yourself in the mirror

    and being fully honest with yourself if

    you're someone who's massively

    overweight you've got to be honest with

    yourself rather than just lying to

    yourself and pretending like you're in


    stare at yourself in the mirror but one

    of the things that gogan says is putting

    post-its on the mirror about your goals

    looking at your current self and then

    looking at the post it's of your goals

    this is a way of strategically designing

    your environment to remind your

    you of your future self to remind you of

    your goals to remind you of what you

    want you need constant reminders

    all around your environment of who

    you're trying to be that's actually why

    i have this culture wall right behind me

    this culture wall is filled

    with many of my favorite beliefs many of

    my favorite values

    and it's how i've engineered my

    environment so that i can ultimately

    have the life i want by the way these

    culture walls are created by gaping void

    they're a culture design company they've

    worked with many of the biggest

    companies in the world it's

    brilliant it's amazing ultimately you

    want an environment that triggers and

    reminds you of your future self

    most people they have an environment

    that triggers them and throws them back

    into their former traumas into their

    former addictions

    and so they're around people that keep

    triggering and reminding them of their

    former self of their of their

    failures and things like that and so

    they can't get out of that loop the only

    way to get out of the loop

    is to cut off the trigger and to create

    a new one to create

    a transformational trigger that reminds

    you of your future self that's why

    gogen's exercise is so powerful he

    stares at himself in the mirror he's

    fully honest with himself but he's also

    looking at the post it notes

    on his mirror of his goals then he

    straight up gets to work

    so the final one is called forcing


    a forcing function is any situational

    factor that ultimately forces you to

    produce an outcome

    so the historian will durant said that

    the ability of the average person could

    be doubled

    if the situation demanded it if the

    situation demanded it you're again

    either rising or falling to the demands

    of your situation

    and if your situation isn't demanding

    you to rise up then you probably won't

    but if you can create a situation that

    forces you to rise up

    then you will so for example parkinson's

    law parkinson's law says that work

    expands or contracts based on how much

    time you have to give it so this is why

    short deadlines really work if you gave


    a month to do something it would take a

    month if you gave yourself a week to do

    it it would take a week if you gave

    yourself three days

    it would take three days so that's a

    forcing function is creating a very

    short timeline and forcing yourself to

    do it

    social accountability is another form of

    forcing function

    if for example you have a workout

    partner who's waiting for you at the gym

    you're probably going to go but if you

    don't have that social accountability

    you're very likely to let yourself down

    we will let ourselves down more than we

    let other people down which is why you

    want to involve other people in your

    goals you want other people

    to help you achieve your goals you want

    to have high accountability as high hope

    people have so you want to have

    coaching you want to have mentorships

    you want to have accountability partners

    you want to have people who are

    involved in your goals with you so that

    your performance not only affects your

    outcomes but it

    impacts other people's outcomes this is

    another thing that gogan said when

    david goggins actually started having

    kids i think he might have had maybe a


    he realized that his performance not

    only affected him anymore it actually

    impacted his family and that gave him

    more incentive to get down to work i can

    speak from experience on this principle

    when i was doing my phd my wife and i

    became foster parents of three kids

    a lot of people think that having three

    kids would be detrimental to my


    and to my productivity but the opposite

    is true because of the pygmalion effect

    when once i had three kids all of a

    sudden i had this new weight of

    responsibility forced upon me

    and now i needed to rise up i need to

    get things done interestingly i started

    blogging online

    the same month or around the same month

    that we got our foster kids

    and that had been something i

    procrastinated for literally years i

    wanted to become a writer for years

    but it wasn't until i had that new

    responsibility heaved upon me

    the saying that with great power comes

    great responsibility is actually the

    opposite of truth it's with great

    responsibility comes great power you've

    got to take on responsibility you've got

    to take on that ownership

    you've got to put those forcing

    functions in your life short deadlines

    social accountability high investment

    think about it

    there's a lot of research that shows

    that the more invested you are the more

    committed you become

    so if you invest in your goal if you

    invest in your future self you're going

    to be a lot more committed to that

    future self

    i'm now right now training for for

    example an ultra marathon and i'm just

    hiring a coach

    and when you hire someone when you put

    money down you start to really have

    ownership over that thing

    you start to identify with it more and

    more so whatever your goal is you want

    to invest in that thing and it becomes a

    forcing function

    you want to have high consequences for

    failure that's one of the things that

    they've found with the flow research

    people who for example are extreme

    athletes snowboarders who are hitting

    huge jumps and flying 100

    like 100 feet the consequences for


    could be death so they lock into an

    extreme flow state

    and then they ultimately can tap into

    their highest performance that's what

    you want to do

    you want to engineer situations and

    environments that put pressure on you

    there's a great quote that says pressure

    can bust pipes or it can make a diamond

    you ultimately want to put yourself in a

    situation where there's pressure to

    succeed it's good healthy pressure it's

    you stress it's the kind of stress that

    makes you stronger a lot of people are

    just too afraid

    to create an environment that ultimately

    forces them to succeed they're too

    afraid to publicly commit to their goals

    they're too afraid

    to socially say who their future self is

    they're too afraid to admit what they

    want they're too afraid to invest in

    their future self

    they're too complacent to remove the

    negative inputs from their life

    and to become strategically ignorant and

    to design an environment that keeps them

    strategically aware of their future self

    such as the post-it notes and they're

    unwilling to

    apply forcing functions to their life a

    forcing function is creating an

    engineering a situation that forces your

    hand it forces you forward because you


    that if you haven't created a situation

    that forces you forward then your weaker

    self will come out and you'll try to get

    out of it but if you engineer a

    situation where it's like no you got to

    show up you got to do it you've publicly

    committed to this thing now people know

    it's coming

    then you've outsourced your motivation

    to a situation which is the most

    powerful thing you can do

    so your willpower is weak compared to


    you've got to design the situation

    ultimately to pull you to where you want

    to go

    this is why they say that you can't

    overcome an addiction through willpower

    ultimately you need other people you

    need help you need support as johann

    hari said

    in his famous ted talk he said the

    opposite of addiction is not sobriety

    the opposite of addiction is human

    connection you need other people you

    need social support you need

    vulnerability you need what peter levine

    would call an empathetic witness

    someone who's empathetic towards you

    someone who can hear you someone who can

    help you reconstruct the meaning of your


    you can't overcome an addiction through

    willpower alone

    you ultimately need to change your

    environment and change your system

    and you need to get social support

    social accountability

    and help your input shapes your outlook

    when you start surrounding yourself with

    new people you're going to have new


    you're going to start to adapt to your

    new environment that's one of the things


    is so powerful about human beings is how

    adaptive we are it doesn't matter how

    big the leap is from one situation to

    another you will quickly adapt to the

    stresses the pressures

    and the demands of that new environment

    i found that when going from zero to

    three kids

    immediately i was able to quickly adapt

    and adjust yes it was stressful yes it

    was a shock to my system for a little

    while just like jumping in a swimming

    pool but when you jump into a swimming


    you quickly adapt to the new situation

    and that's what happens when you change

    your environment you quickly adapt

    and then all of a sudden your thoughts

    your goals and your identity start to

    mimic and match your environment

    so to repeat the quote i started with

    from marshall goldsmith if you do not

    crit and control your environment your

    environment creates and controls you

    on this page you can get access to

    another video where i will show you how

    you can create and become your desired

    future self

    i will see you over there talk to you


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