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  • GCII 1.4对1.31改进


    Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords v1.4 Patch
    Filename: GalCiv2_140X_102606.exe
    From: Stardock Size: 42.8MB
    Posted: Oct 27, 2006
    Downloads: 78
    This patch includes a number of minor gameplay tweaks, changes a number of missions, and includes graphics and AI improvements.
    Minimum System Requirements:
    256 MB RAM, 32 MB VRAM, 2000 MB disk space

    Download Details
    Here is what is new in Galactic Civilizations II 1.4 over 1.31.

    1.4 will be known as 1.4X on Stardock Central and in game.
    + Initial Colony buildings have less maintainence.
    + New colonies start out with a population cap of 6 instead of 5.
    + Farms provide less food.
    + Each citizen provides more tax income than previous.
    + Morale buildings have been increased in benefit but techs to get to them cost substantially more (ex: Virtual Reality Center now provides a 40% morale improvement vs. 25% in 1.31).
    + Stock market no longer gives morale bonus (wasn't supposed to in the first place)
    + Updated beam weapon model along with large hull models
    + Updated some of the planetary improvement icons to be prettier
    + Updated Achille's heel, Apocalypse, and Pathfinder missions in the campaign based on player feedback.
    + Tweaks to make money not too hard to get early on but not as easy to get ridiculous levels of money later on (though expert players will still be able to do this).
    + fixed bug where ships on auto-attack would try to attack ships they weren't at war with if the ship was in the way
    + fixed bug with auto attack where it was using the wrong function to check to see if a ship was hidden by the FOW.
    + fixed cheat key to force an AI player to surrender
    + added in code so that when using the CTRL+Z cheat to run the game in AI test mode, it will make the AI take over for the human player
    + fixed bug where ships that were being upgraded but were not selected tried to update the ShipContextWnd, resulting in a crash if the last ship to be selected was deleted
    + fixed a bug where a ship (under certain conditions) could fail to start moving even if it had a path calculated to its destination
    + added additional debug info for missing string in tradewnd, took precautions to avoid a crash + Tweaks to the AI code that handles planetary improvement so that they don't do stupid stuff by mistake + Fixed integer divide by zero crash (very rare but possible)
    + Fixed bug where if you upgrade a constructor and build a starbase while it is upgrading, the starbase will change into a ship when the upgrade is complete
    + If RAW file fails to load, a height field is generated randomly
    + Fixed crash in Quick Project Window (very rare case)
    + fixed a bug that could occur if you loaded a campaign save game and tried to continue after finishing that mission, instead of using the campaign screen.
    + added option to save ship design to disk. If turned off, the ship design will not be saved to disk and will not show up the next time you start GalCiv2. Ship designs will still remain in memory until the data is reloaded (from a save game, from starting a metaverse game after having played a normal game, etc).
    + Some minor memory leaks fixed.

    银河文明II:死亡领主 v1.4补丁




    以下是GCII 1.4对1.31改进更新的地方。

    在Stardock Central和游戏中1.4补丁被认为是1.4X。
    +Morale buildings(士气建筑)的益处被增加了,但是科技的进步使它们的花费大大增加(例如:Virtual Reality Center(虚拟现实中心)现在可提供40%的士气改善 vs 1.31中是25%)。
    +Stock market(股票市场)不再提供士气奖励(不用是首选了)。
    +基于用户反馈更新了战役中的Achille's heel,Apocalypse和Pathfinder任务。
    +如果RAW文件未能加载,会随机产生一个height field。
    +修正了Quick Project Window(快速计划界面)的崩溃(极少个例)。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cjh/p/545200.html
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