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  • SBX(Simulated binary crossover)模拟二进制交叉算子和DE(differential evolution)差分进化算子

    一起来学演化计算-SBX(Simulated binary crossover)模拟二进制交叉算子和DE(differential evolution)差分进化算子



    [1] https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36347331/article/details/96351162
    [2] http://www.it1352.com/994287.html
    [3] https://www.egr.msu.edu/~kdeb/



    SBX matlab版本实现

    function object=crossover(object,p1,p2,cf)
              object.rnvec=0.5*((1+cf).*p1.rnvec + (1-cf).*p2.rnvec);
              % 截断范围
    u = rand(1,D_multitask);
    cf = zeros(1,D_multitask);
    child(count) = crossover(child(count),population(p1),population(p2),cf);
    child(count+1) = crossover(child(count+1),population(p2),population(p1),cf);

    SBX java版本实现

     * This class allows to apply a SBX crossover operator using two parent
     * solutions.
     * 关于此代码和Deb论文中代码不一致可以查看http://www.it1352.com/994287.html帖子或者查看Deb官方源码
    //  SBXCrossover.java
    //  Author:
    //       Antonio J. Nebro <antonio@lcc.uma.es>
    //       Juan J. Durillo <durillo@lcc.uma.es>
    //  Copyright (c) 2011 Antonio J. Nebro, Juan J. Durillo
    //  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    //  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
    //  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    //  (at your option) any later version.
    //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    //  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    //  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.*/
    public Solution[] doCrossover(double probability, Solution parent1, Solution parent2) throws JMException {
    		Solution[] offSpring = new Solution[2];
    		 *	public Solution(Solution solution) {
    		 * 		problemSet_ = solution.problemSet_;
    		 * 		type_ = solution.type_;
    		 * 		numberOfObjectives_ = solution.getNumberOfObjectives();
    		 * 		objective_ = new double[numberOfObjectives_];
    		 * 		for (int i = 0; i < objective_.length; i++) {
    		 * 			objective_[i] = solution.getObjective(i);
    		 *                } // for
    		 * 			// <-
    		 * 		variable_ = type_.copyVariables(solution.variable_);
    		 * 		overallConstraintViolation_ = solution.getOverallConstraintViolation();
    		 * 		numberOfViolatedConstraints_ = solution.getNumberOfViolatedConstraint();
    		 * 		distanceToSolutionSet_ = solution.getDistanceToSolutionSet();
    		 * 		crowdingDistance_ = solution.getCrowdingDistance();
    		 * 		kDistance_ = solution.getKDistance();
    		 * 		fitness_ = solution.getFitness();
    		 * 		rank_ = solution.getRank();
    		 * 		location_ = solution.getLocation();
    		 * 		skillFactor_ = solution.getSkillFactor();* 	} // Solution
    		 * */
    		offSpring[0] = new Solution(parent1);
    		offSpring[1] = new Solution(parent2);
    		int i;
    		double rand;
    		double y1, y2, yL, yu;
    		double c1, c2;
    		double alpha, beta, betaq;
    		double valueX1, valueX2;
    		XReal x1 = new XReal(parent1);
    		XReal x2 = new XReal(parent2);
    		XReal offs1 = new XReal(offSpring[0]);
    		XReal offs2 = new XReal(offSpring[1]);
    		int numberOfVariables = x1.getNumberOfDecisionVariables();
    		if (PseudoRandom.randDouble() <= probability) {
    			for (i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) {
    				valueX1 = x1.getValue(i);
    				valueX2 = x2.getValue(i);
    				if (PseudoRandom.randDouble() <= 0.5) {
    					if (java.lang.Math.abs(valueX1 - valueX2) > EPS) {
    						if (valueX1 < valueX2) {
    							y1 = valueX1;
    							y2 = valueX2;
    						} else {
    							y1 = valueX2;
    							y2 = valueX1;
    						} // if
    						yL = x1.getLowerBound(i);
    						yu = x1.getUpperBound(i);
    						rand = PseudoRandom.randDouble();
    						beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (y1 - yL) / (y2 - y1));
    						alpha = 2.0 - java.lang.Math.pow(beta, -(distributionIndex_ + 1.0));
    						if (rand <= (1.0 / alpha)) {
    							betaq = java.lang.Math.pow((rand * alpha), (1.0 / (distributionIndex_ + 1.0)));
    						} else {
    							betaq = java.lang.Math.pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
    									(1.0 / (distributionIndex_ + 1.0)));
    						} // if
    						c1 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) - betaq * (y2 - y1));
    						beta = 1.0 + (2.0 * (yu - y2) / (y2 - y1));
    						alpha = 2.0 - java.lang.Math.pow(beta, -(distributionIndex_ + 1.0));
    						if (rand <= (1.0 / alpha)) {
    							betaq = java.lang.Math.pow((rand * alpha), (1.0 / (distributionIndex_ + 1.0)));
    						} else {
    							betaq = java.lang.Math.pow((1.0 / (2.0 - rand * alpha)),
    									(1.0 / (distributionIndex_ + 1.0)));
    						} // if
    						c2 = 0.5 * ((y1 + y2) + betaq * (y2 - y1));
    						if (c1 < yL)
    							c1 = yL;
    						if (c2 < yL)
    							c2 = yL;
    						if (c1 > yu)
    							c1 = yu;
    						if (c2 > yu)
    							c2 = yu;
    						if (PseudoRandom.randDouble() <= 0.5) {
    							offs1.setValue(i, c2);
    							offs2.setValue(i, c1);
    						} else {
    							offs1.setValue(i, c1);
    							offs2.setValue(i, c2);
    						} // if
    					} else {
    						offs1.setValue(i, valueX1);
    						offs2.setValue(i, valueX2);
    					} // if
    				} else {
    					offs1.setValue(i, valueX2);
    					offs2.setValue(i, valueX1);
    				} // if
    			} // if
    		} // if
    		return offSpring;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cloud-ken/p/11251231.html
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