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    上一遍隨筆(https://www.cnblogs.com/cnkemi/p/9639809.html)用Python + Robotframework + Appium對Android app小試牛刀啦,了解了其完全也可以做操作APP的,然後簡單說明了其環境搭建。


    1. Name: Background App

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ seconds=5 ]

    Puts the application in the background on the device for a certain duration.


    2. Name: Capture Page Screenshot

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ filename=None ]

    Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.


    `filename` argument specifies the name of the file to write the screenshot into. If no `filename` is given, the screenshot is saved into file `appium-screenshot-<counter>.png` under the directory where the Robot Framework log file is written into. The `filename` is also considered relative to the same directory, if it is not given in absolute format.

    3. Name: Clear Text

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Clears the text field identified by `locator`.


    See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    4. Name: Click A Point

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ x=0 | y=0 | duration=100 ]

    Click on a point.


    5. Name: Click Element

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Click element identified by `locator`.


    6. Name: Close All Applications

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ ]

    Closes all open applications.


    This keyword is meant to be used in test or suite teardown to make sure all the applications are closed before the test execution finishes.

    After this keyword, the application indices returned by `Open Application` are reset and start from `1`.

    7. Name: Close Application

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments:[ ]

    Closes the current application and also close webdriver session.


    8. Name: Element Should Be Disabled

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is disabled.


    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    9. Name: Element Should Be Enabled

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is enabled.


    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    10. Name: Element Should Be Visible

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | loglevel=INFO ]

    Verifies that element identified with locator is visible.


    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    11. Name: Element Should Contain Text

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | expected | message= ]

    Verifies element identified by locator contains text expected.


    If you wish to assert an exact (not a substring) match on the text of the element, use `Element Text Should Be`.

    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are id and xpath. message can be used to override the default error message.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    12. Name: Element Should Not Contain Text

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | expected | message= ]

    Verifies element identified by locator does not contain text expected.


    message can be used to override the default error message. See `Element Should Contain Text` for more details.

    13. Name: Element Text Should Be

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | expected | message= ]

    Verifies element identified by locator exactly contains text expected.


    In contrast to `Element Should Contain Text`, this keyword does not try a substring match but an exact match on the element identified by locator.

    message can be used to override the default error message.

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    14. Name: Get Activity

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ ]

    Retrieves the current activity on the device.


    Android only.

    15. Name: Get Capability

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ capability_name ]

    Return the desired capability value by desired capability name.

    16. Name: Get Current Context

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments:[ ]

    Get current context.


    17. Name: Get Element Location

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Get element location.


    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    18. Name: Get Element Size

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Get element size.


    Key attributes for arbitrary elements are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    19. Name: Get Text

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Get element text (for hybrid and mobile browser use `xpath` locator, others might cause problem) .



    ${text}  Get Text  //*[contains(@text,'foo')]

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.6

    20. Name: Get Source

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ ]

    Returns the entire source of the current page.


    21. Name: Get Webelement

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator ]

    Returns the first WebElement object matching locator.



    ${element}  Get Webelement  id=my_element

    Click Element  ${element}

    22. Name: Get Window Height

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ ]

    Get current device height.



    ${width}  Get Window Height

    ${height}  Get Window Height

    Click A Point  ${width  ${height}

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    23. Name: Get Window Width

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ ]

    Get current device width.



    ${width}  Get Window Height

    ${height}  Get Window Height

    Click A Point  ${width  ${height}

    New in AppiumLibrary 1.4.5

    24. Name: Go Back

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments:[ ]

    Goes one step backward in the browser history.


    25. Name: Go To Url

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ url ]

    Opens URL in default web browser.


    26. Name: Input Password

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | text ]

    Types the given password into text field identified by `locator`.


    Difference between this keyword and `Input Text` is that this keyword does not log the given password. See `introduction` for details about locating elements.

    27. Name: Input Text

    Source: AppiumLibrary <test library>

    Arguments: [ locator | text ]

    Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.


    See `introduction` for details about locating elements.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cnkemi/p/9669038.html
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