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  • 【VB】加密/解密函数




    Function cipher(stext As String)    ‘加密程序

        Const min_asc = 32
        Const max_asc = 126
        Const num_asc = max_asc - min_asc + 1
        Dim offset As Long
        Dim strlen As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim ch As Integer
        Dim ptext As String
        offset = 123
        Rnd (-1)
        Randomize (offset)
        strlen = Len(stext)
        For i = 1 To strlen
           ch = Asc(Mid(stext, i, 1))
           If ch >= min_asc And ch <= max_asc Then
               ch = ch - min_asc
               offset = Int((num_asc + 1) * Rnd())
               ch = ((ch + offset) Mod num_asc)
               ch = ch + min_asc
               ptext = ptext & Chr(ch)
           End If
        Next i
        cipher = ptext
    End Function




    Function decipher(stext As String)     --解密程序

        Const min_asc = 32  '最小Ascall码
        Const max_asc = 126 '最大Ascall码
        Const num_asc = max_asc - min_asc + 1
        Dim offset As Long
        Dim strlen As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim ch As Integer
        Dim ptext As String
        offset = 123
        Rnd (-1)
        Randomize (offset)
        strlen = Len(stext)
        For i = 1 To strlen
           ch = Asc(Mid(stext, i, 1))  ’取字母转换为Ascll码

           If ch >= min_asc And ch <= max_asc Then
               ch = ch - min_asc
               offset = Int((num_asc + 1) * Rnd())
               ch = ((ch - offset) Mod num_asc)
               If ch < 0 Then
                   ch = ch + num_asc
               End If
               ch = ch + min_asc
               ptext = ptext & Chr(ch)
           End If
        Next i
        decipher = ptext
    End Function

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cuishao1985/p/1516226.html
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