//djk.c 2014.10.26 Quan #include <stdio.h> #define INT_MAX 1000000 #define MAXN 1000 //n - node count; //s - source node //map[i][j] - the distance of i to j. I and j are neighboring. //dist - record distance frome s //pre - record the prenode void djk(int n, int s, int map[MAXN][MAXN], int dist[MAXN], int pre[MAXN]) { int i,j,k; int min; int p[MAXN]; for(i = 1;i <= n;i++) { p[i] = 0; if(i != s) dist[i] = map[s][i]; } dist[s] = 0; //array p as the mark for solution-set p[s] = 1; for(i = 1;i <= n-1;i++) { min = INT_MAX; //k as the node which is the nearest to source and not marked k = 0; //find the node which is the nearest to source and not marked for(j = 1;j <= n;j++) { if(!p[j]&&dist[j] < min) { min = dist[j]; k = j; } } // no node available if(k == 0) return; //first node if(i == 1) pre[k] = s; //color the node p[k] = 1; //update dist[j] for(j = 1; j <= n-1; j++) { if(!p[j]&&map[k][j] != INT_MAX&&dist[j] > dist[k] + map[k][j]) { dist[j] = dist[k] + map[k][j];//renew the distance of node j to the solution-set pre[j] = k; } } } } int main() { int i,j,s = 2; int n = 6; int dist[MAXN] = {0}; int pre[MAXN] = {0}; int map[MAXN][MAXN]; //Assign every path length to max. for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) for(j = 1; j <= n; j++) { map[i][j] = INT_MAX; } //Assign the length of i to i to 0. for(i = 1;i <= n;i++) { map[i][i] = 0; } map[1][2] = 50;map[1][3] = 10; map[1][5] = 45;map[2][3] = 15; map[2][4] = 50;map[2][5] = 10; map[3][1] = 20;map[3][4] = 15; map[4][2] = 20;map[4][5] = 35; map[5][4] = 30;map[6][4] = 3; djk(n, 2, map, dist, pre); for(j = 1;j <= n;j++) { printf("%d -> %d : %d ", s, j, dist[j]); } return 0; }
● 假设h(n)为0。仅仅需求出g(n),即求出起点到随意顶点n的最短路径。则转化为单源最短路径问题。即Dijkstra算法
● 假设h(n)<=“n到目标的实际距离”,则一定能够求出最优解。
● 曼哈顿距离:定义曼哈顿距离的正式意义为L1-距离或城市区块距离。也就是在欧几里德空间的固定直角坐标系上两点所形成的线段对轴产生的投影的距离总和。比如在平面上。坐标(x1,y1)的点P1与坐标(x2, y2)的点P2的曼哈顿距离为:|x1 - x2| + |y1 - y2|。
● 欧氏距离:是一个通常採用的距离定义。它是在m维空间中两个点之间的真实距离。在二维和三维空间中的欧氏距离的就是两点之间的距离。比如在平面上,坐标(x1,y1)的点P1与坐标(x2, y2)的点P2的欧氏距离为: sqrt((x1-x2)^2+(y1-y2)^2 )。
● 切比雪夫距离:是两个向量之间各分量差值的最大值。比如在平面上,坐标(x1, y1)的点P1与坐标(x2, y2)的点P2的切比雪夫距离为:max(|x1 - x2| , |y1 - y2|)。
4,把它从开启列表中删除 f 值最小的节点,然后增加到关闭列表中。
这里用曼哈顿距离来计算估值,方格上下左右相邻距离为10。对角线相邻为14。曼哈顿距离以10为单位,对于C。g(n) = 15, h(n) = 40.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define STARTNODE 1 #define ENDNODE 2 #define BARRIER 3 typedef struct AStarNode { int s_x; // 坐标(终于输出路径须要) int s_y; int s_g; // 起点到此点的距离( 由g和h能够得到f。此处f省略。f=g+h ) int s_h; // 启示函数预測的此点到终点的距离 int s_style;// 结点类型:起始点。终点,障碍物 struct AStarNode * s_parent; // 父节点 int s_is_in_closetable; // 是否在close表中 int s_is_in_opentable; // 是否在open表中 }AStarNode, *pAStarNode; AStarNode map_maze[10][10]; // 结点数组 pAStarNode open_table[100]; // open表 pAStarNode close_table[100]; // close表 int open_node_count;// open表中节点数量 int close_node_count; // close表中结点数量 pAStarNode path_stack[100]; // 保存路径的栈 int top = -1; // 栈顶 // 交换两个元素 // void swap( int idx1, int idx2 ) { pAStarNode tmp = open_table[idx1]; open_table[idx1] = open_table[idx2]; open_table[idx2] = tmp; } // 堆调整 // void adjust_heap( int /*i*/nIndex ) { int curr = nIndex; int child = curr * 2 + 1; // 得到左孩子idx( 下标从0開始。全部做孩子是curr*2+1 ) int parent = ( curr - 1 ) / 2; // 得到双亲idx if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= open_node_count) { return; } // 往下调整( 要比較左右孩子和cuur parent ) // while ( child < open_node_count ) { // 小根堆是双亲值小于孩子值 // if ( child + 1 < open_node_count && open_table[child]->s_g + open_table[child]->s_h > open_table[child+1]->s_g + open_table[child+1]->s_h ) { ++child;// 推断左右孩子大小 } if (open_table[curr]->s_g + open_table[curr]->s_h <= open_table[child]->s_g + open_table[child]->s_h) { break; } else { swap( child, curr ); // 交换节点 curr = child; // 再推断当前孩子节点 child = curr * 2 + 1; // 再推断左孩子 } } if (curr != nIndex) { return; } // 往上调整( 仅仅须要比較cuur child和parent ) // while (curr != 0) { if (open_table[curr]->s_g + open_table[curr]->s_h >= open_table[parent]->s_g + open_table[parent]->s_h) { break; } else { swap( curr, parent ); curr = parent; parent = (curr-1)/2; } } } // 推断邻居点能否够进入open表 // void insert_to_opentable( int x, int y, pAStarNode curr_node, pAStarNode end_node, int w ) { int i; if ( map_maze[x][y].s_style != BARRIER ) // 不是障碍物 { if ( !map_maze[x][y].s_is_in_closetable ) // 不在闭表中 { if ( map_maze[x][y].s_is_in_opentable ) // 在open表中 { // 须要推断是否是一条更优化的路径 // if ( map_maze[x][y].s_g > curr_node->s_g + w ) // 假设更优化 { map_maze[x][y].s_g = curr_node->s_g + w; map_maze[x][y].s_parent = curr_node; for ( i = 0; i < open_node_count; ++i ) { if ( open_table[i]->s_x == map_maze[x][y].s_x && open_table[i]->s_y == map_maze[x][y].s_y ) { break; } } adjust_heap( i ); // 以下调整点 } } else // 不在open中 { map_maze[x][y].s_g = curr_node->s_g + w; map_maze[x][y].s_h = abs(end_node->s_x - x ) + abs(end_node->s_y - y); map_maze[x][y].s_parent = curr_node; map_maze[x][y].s_is_in_opentable = 1; open_table[open_node_count++] = &(map_maze[x][y]); } } } } // 查找邻居 // 对上下左右8个邻居进行查找 // void get_neighbors( pAStarNode curr_node, pAStarNode end_node ) { int x = curr_node->s_x; int y = curr_node->s_y; // 以下对于8个邻居进行处理! // if ( ( x + 1 ) >= 0 && ( x + 1 ) < 10 && y >= 0 && y < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x+1, y, curr_node, end_node, 10 ); } if ( ( x - 1 ) >= 0 && ( x - 1 ) < 10 && y >= 0 && y < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x-1, y, curr_node, end_node, 10 ); } if ( x >= 0 && x < 10 && ( y + 1 ) >= 0 && ( y + 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x, y+1, curr_node, end_node, 10 ); } if ( x >= 0 && x < 10 && ( y - 1 ) >= 0 && ( y - 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x, y-1, curr_node, end_node, 10 ); } if ( ( x + 1 ) >= 0 && ( x + 1 ) < 10 && ( y + 1 ) >= 0 && ( y + 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x+1, y+1, curr_node, end_node, 14 ); } if ( ( x + 1 ) >= 0 && ( x + 1 ) < 10 && ( y - 1 ) >= 0 && ( y - 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x+1, y-1, curr_node, end_node, 14 ); } if ( ( x - 1 ) >= 0 && ( x - 1 ) < 10 && ( y + 1 ) >= 0 && ( y + 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x-1, y+1, curr_node, end_node, 14 ); } if ( ( x - 1 ) >= 0 && ( x - 1 ) < 10 && ( y - 1 ) >= 0 && ( y - 1 ) < 10 ) { insert_to_opentable( x-1, y-1, curr_node, end_node, 14 ); } } int main() { // 地图数组的定义 // AStarNode *start_node; // 起始点 AStarNode *end_node; // 结束点 AStarNode *curr_node; // 当前点 int is_found; // 是否找到路径 int maze[][10] ={ // 仅仅为了好赋值给map_maze { 1,0,0,3,0,3,0,0,0,0 }, { 0,0,3,0,0,3,0,3,0,3 }, { 3,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,0,3 }, { 3,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,3 }, { 3,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,3 }, { 3,0,0,3,0,0,0,3,2,3 }, { 3,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0 }, { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }, { 3,3,3,0,0,3,0,3,0,3 }, { 3,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,0,3 }, }; int i,j,x; // 以下准备点 // for( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { for ( j = 0; j < 10; ++j ) { map_maze[i][j].s_g = 0; map_maze[i][j].s_h = 0; map_maze[i][j].s_is_in_closetable = 0; map_maze[i][j].s_is_in_opentable = 0; map_maze[i][j].s_style = maze[i][j]; map_maze[i][j].s_x = i; map_maze[i][j].s_y = j; map_maze[i][j].s_parent = NULL; if ( map_maze[i][j].s_style == STARTNODE ) // 起点 { start_node = &(map_maze[i][j]); } else if( map_maze[i][j].s_style == ENDNODE ) // 终点 { end_node = &(map_maze[i][j]); } printf("%d ", maze[i][j]); } printf(" "); } // 以下使用A*算法得到路径 // open_table[open_node_count++] = start_node; // 起始点增加open表 start_node->s_is_in_opentable = 1; // 增加open表 start_node->s_g = 0; start_node->s_h = abs(end_node->s_x - start_node->s_x) + abs(end_node->s_y - start_node->s_y); start_node->s_parent = NULL; if ( start_node->s_x == end_node->s_x && start_node->s_y == end_node->s_y ) { printf("起点==终点! "); return 0; } is_found = 0; while( 1 ) { curr_node = open_table[0]; // open表的第一个点一定是f值最小的点(通过堆排序得到的) open_table[0] = open_table[--open_node_count]; // 最后一个点放到第一个点。然后进行堆调整 adjust_heap( 0 ); // 调整堆 close_table[close_node_count++] = curr_node; // 当前点增加close表 curr_node->s_is_in_closetable = 1; // 已经在close表中了 if ( curr_node->s_x == end_node->s_x && curr_node->s_y == end_node->s_y )// 终点在close中。结束 { is_found = 1; break; } get_neighbors( curr_node, end_node ); // 对邻居的处理 if ( open_node_count == 0 ) // 没有路径到达 { is_found = 0; break; } } if ( is_found ) { printf("Road founded! "); printf("Start node: (%d,%d) ", start_node->s_x, start_node->s_y); printf("End node: (%d,%d) ", end_node->s_x, end_node->s_y); curr_node = end_node; while( curr_node ) { path_stack[++top] = curr_node; curr_node = curr_node->s_parent; } while( top > 0 ) // 以下是输出路径看看~ { if ( top > 0 ) { printf("(%d,%d)-->", path_stack[top]->s_x, path_stack[top--]->s_y); } else { printf("(%d,%d)", path_stack[top]->s_x, path_stack[top--]->s_y); } } printf("(%d,%d)", path_stack[top]->s_x, path_stack[top]->s_y); } else { printf("么有找到路径"); } puts(""); return 0; }
A*算法,每次从OPENSET中选择 f(n) 最小的节点将其增加CLOESEDSET中。同一时候扩展相邻节点。可把OPENSET看成一个优先队列。key值为 f(n),优先级最高的先出。
Dijkstra算法,每次从OPENSET中选择 g(n) 最小的节点将其增加CLOSEDSET中,同一时候扩展相邻节点。可把OPENSET看成一个优先队列,key值为 g(n),优先级最高的先出。
A* Pathfinding for Beginners - http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/artificial-intelligence/a-pathfinding-for-beginners-r2003
A*路径搜寻算法 - http://blog.csdn.net/luckyxiaoqiang/article/details/6996963
A*,Dijkstra,BFS路径搜寻算法演示程序 - http://download.csdn.net/detail/walkinginthewind/3822153