1, 在每个场景中,找到那个MainCamera,然后在Inspector上,找到MainCamera的属性,Clipping Planes,需要做的是尽量放大near的值,尽量减小far的值。根据我的实验结果,同样改动Near值的幅度比Far值的幅度相对来说效果会更好。如Near从1到20可能修正了某个z-fighting,但是Far从1000改到500也还是没有用。这个在实践中可以注意。
2, 如果场景没有办法改动上述的值,那么还有的方式就是找到产生z-fighting的模型,让模型产生这个现象的两个面尽量离开一些距离,究竟多少距离只有通过实验才知道。
3, 如果可能,程序上就可以用Polygon Offset,这个是OpenGL的接口,
- drawOnePlane();
- //Draw other plane in the almost same position, before use offset, it will fighting with the one we has drawn.
- glPolygonOffset( g_OffsetFactor, g_OffsetUnit );
- drawOtherPlane();
- glPolygonOffset( 0.0f, 0.0f );
a, project matrix
- // ZFighting Solution #1 - Projection Matrix
- D3DXMATRIX mProjectionMat; // Holds default projection matrix
- D3DXMATRIX mZBiasedProjectionMat; // Holds ZBiased projection matrix
- // Globals used for Projection matrix
- float g_fBaseNearClip = 1.0f;
- float g_fBaseFarClip = 100.0f;
- // Code indicates no change. ie states 'near and far clipping planes pushed out' but only far appears pushed
- float g_fNearClipBias = 0.0f;
- float g_fFarClipBias = 0.5f;
- // Projection Matrix work around
- // Best if calculation are done outside of render function.
- // The "zbiased" projection has it near and far clipping
- // planes pushed out...
- D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( &mZBiasedProjectionMat, D3DX_PI/4,(mProjectionMat._22/mProjectionMat._11),
- g_fBaseNearClip + g_fNearClipBias,
- g_fBaseFarClip + g_fFarClipBias );
- . . .
- // Original projection is loaded
- m_pd3dDevice ->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, & mProjectionMat);
- // Billboards are rendered...
- // The "zbiased" projection is loaded ...
- m_pd3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_PROJECTION, &mZBiasedProjectionMat);
- // Posters are rendered...
- // Original projection is reloaded...
- g_pd3dDevice->SetTransform( D3DTS_PROJECTION, & mProjectionMat);
- . . .
b, view port matrix
- // ZFighting Solution #2 - Viewport
- D3DVIEWPORT9 mViewport; // Holds viewport data
- D3DVIEWPORT9 mNewViewport; // Holds new viewport data
- // Global used for Viewport
- // Hard coded for ZBIAS of 1 using this formula
- // MinZ - 256/(2^24-1) and
- // MaxZ - 256/(2^24-1)
- // 2^24 comes from the amount of Zbits and the 256 works
- // for Intel (R) Integrated Graphics, but can be any
- // multiple of 16.
- float g_fViewportBias = 0.0000152588f;
- // Projection Matrix work around
- // Viewport work around
- m_pd3dDevice->GetViewport(&mViewport);
- // Copy old Viewport to new
- mNewViewport = mViewport;
- // Change by the bias
- mNewViewport.MinZ -= g_fViewportBias;
- mNewViewport.MaxZ -= g_fViewportBias;
- . . .
- // Original viewport is reloaded …
- m_pd3dDevice->SetViewport(&mViewport);
- // Billboards are rendered …
- // The new viewport is loaded …
- m_pd3dDevice->SetViewport(&mNewViewport);
- // Posters are rendered …
- // Original viewport is reloaded …
- m_pd3dDevice->SetViewport(&mViewport);
- . . .
c, depth - bias
- BOOL m_bDepthBiasCap; // TRUE, if device has DepthBias Caps
- // Globals used for Depth Bias
- float g_fSlopeScaleDepthBias = 1.0f;
- float g_fDepthBias = -0.0005f;
- float g_fDefaultDepthBias = 0.0f;
- // Check for devices which support the new depth bias caps
- {
- m_bDepthBiasCap = true; // TRUE, if DepthBias Caps
- }
- // Billboards are rendered...
- // DepthBias work around
- if ( m_bDepthBiasCap ) // TRUE, if DepthBias supported
- {
- // Used to determine how much bias can be applied
- // to co-planar primitives to reduce z fighting
- // where max is the maximum depth slope of the triangle being rendered.
- m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS, F2DW(g_fSlopeScaleDepthBias));
- m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS, F2DW(g_fDepthBias));
- }
- // Posters are rendered...
- if ( m_bDepthBiasCap ) // TRUE, if DepthBias supported
- {
- // DepthBias work around
- // set it back to zero (default)
- m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_SLOPESCALEDEPTHBIAS, F2DW(g_fDefaultDepthBias));
- m_pd3dDevice->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DEPTHBIAS, F2DW(g_fDefaultDepthBias));
- }
- . . .