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  • 随机生成一个10位的数字(来自大富翁)

     1 var
     2   Form1: TForm1;
     3   Len10NumberList:TStringList;
     5 implementation
     7 {$R *.dfm}
     9 procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    10 begin
    11         Len10NumberList:=TStringList.Create;
    12         Randomize;
    13 end;
    15 function GenerateLen10Number:Int64;
    16 var
    17         rn1, rn2, rn3 : Int64;
    18 begin
    19         repeat
    20                 rn1 := Random( 94868 );
    21                 rn2 := Random( 94868 );
    22                 rn3 := Random( 62575 );
    23                 Result:=  1000000000 + //既然是10位数这个是基数部分
    24                           rn1 * rn2 + rn3;  //这一行随机数的范围囊括了: 0 到 8999999999 (94868*94868+62575=8999999999)
    25         until Len10NumberList.IndexOf( IntToStr(Result) )=-1;//用INDEXOF的效率极高,
    26                                                              //用FOR循环是效率极低的,
    27                                                              //尤其是STRINGLIST中的条目很多的时候!!!
    28                                                              //这句为精华之处!!!
    29         Len10NumberList.Add( IntToStr(Result) );//加到列表中以便下次查询,避免重复.
    30 end;
    32 procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
    33 begin
    34         Len10NumberList.Free;//也可以做保存后FREE之
    35 end;
    37 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    38 begin
    39         ShowMessage( IntToStr( GenerateLen10Number ) );
    40 end;  



    Call IndexOf to obtain the position of the first occurrence of the string S, or of a string that differs from S only by case. IndexOf returns the 0-based index of the string. Thus, if S matches the first string in the list, IndexOf returns 0, if S is the second string, IndexOf returns 1, and so on. If the string is not in the string list, IndexOf returns -1.

    Note:  If the string appears in the list more than once, IndexOf returns the position of the first occurrence.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dabiao/p/1639370.html
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