不知道是因为第一份工作的影响还是受在博客园上看到的那句“源代码里没有秘密”的影响,总之,近来对很多框架的源码都很感兴趣,拿到一个都想看看。其实自从学习Java以来也看过不少了,从刚开始接触的Tomcat,到Struts2,再到入职当前这份工作后看的Log4J,Commons Validator和SpringBatch,可惜除了Commons Validator的源码都看完了,其他的框架源码都半途而废了,并且Commons Validator看完后,也没有什么记录下来,所以基本上都可以忽略,其实当时也知道看完要有总结和记录才会有真正的收获,然而还是因为各种事情而没有做。所以这次看JUnit,发奋看完后一定要做总结,并记录。
后来,想系统的看一下项目的源码,可是代码量太多,也没有比较明确的模块分工,没有比较完善的单元测试,再加上当前项目主要是基于文件对数据的处理,没有看到数据流,只是看代码的话,感觉晕头转向的,所以就想着补一些单元测试以使自己可以更好的理解项目代码。问题是项目是跑在Linux Server上的,项目在开发的过程中没有完全考虑支持跨平台,同时有些操作内存消耗也很大,所以并不是所有的代码都可以在本地跑,等等,总之各种原因吧,我开始打算写一个可以在Linux下用跑测试代码的工具。然后悲剧的发现除了会使用eclipse中的JUnit,其实我对JUnit一无所知。所以有些时候工具虽然能提供我们方便,但是它也隐藏了内部细节,最后我们自以为已经很了解某些东西了,其实离开了工具,我们一无所知。

2 @BeforeClass
3 public static void beforeClass() {
4 System.out.println("beforeClass() method executed.");
5 System.out.println();
6 }
7 @BeforeClass
8 public static void beforeClass2() {
9 System.out.println("beforeClass2() method executed.");
10 System.out.println();
11 }
12 @AfterClass
13 public static void afterClass() {
14 System.out.println("afterClass() method executed.");
15 System.out.println();
16 }
17 @Before
18 public void before() {
19 System.out.println("before() method executed.");
20 }
21 @After
22 public void after() {
23 System.out.println("after() method executed");
24 }
25 @Test
26 public void testSucceeded() {
27 System.out.println("testSucceeded() method executed.");
28 }
29 @Test
30 @Ignore
31 public void testIgnore() {
32 System.out.println("testIgnore() method executed.");
33 }
34 @Test
35 public void testFailed() {
36 System.out.println("testFailed() method executed.");
37 throw new RuntimeException("Throw delibrately

38 }
39 @Test
40 public void testAssumptionFailed() {
41 System.out.println("testAssumptionFailed() method executed.");
42 Assume.assumeThat(0, Is.is(1));
43 }
44 @Test
45 public void testFilteredOut() {
46 System.out.println("testFilteredOut() method executed.");
47 }
48 }
2 private final Set<String> excludedMethods = new HashSet<String>();
3 public MethodNameFilter(String

4 for(String method : excludedMethods) {
5 this.excludedMethods.add(method);
6 }
7 }
8 @Override
9 public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
10 String methodName = description.getMethodName();
11 if(excludedMethods.contains(methodName)) {
12 return false;
13 }
14 return true;
15 }
16 @Override
17 public String describe() {
18 return this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "-excluded methods: " +
19 excludedMethods;
20 }
21 }
22 public class AlphabetComparator implements Comparator<Description> {
23 @Override
24 public int compare(Description desc1, Description desc2) {
25 return desc1.getMethodName().compareTo(desc2.getMethodName());
26 }
27 }
2 public static void main(String[] args) {
3 RunNotifier notifier = new RunNotifier();
4 Result result = new Result();
5 notifier.addFirstListener(result.createListener());
6 notifier.addListener(new LogRunListener());
8 Runner runner = null;
9 try {
10 runner = new BlockJUnit4ClassRunner(CoreJUnit4SampleTest.class);
11 try {
12 ((BlockJUnit4ClassRunner)runner).filter(new MethodNameFilter("testFilteredOut"));
13 } catch (NoTestsRemainException e) {
14 System.out.println("All methods are been filtered out");
15 return;
16 }
17 ((BlockJUnit4ClassRunner)runner).sort(new Sorter(new AlphabetComparator()));
18 } catch (Throwable e) {
19 runner = new ErrorReportingRunner(CoreJUnit4SampleTest.class, e);
20 }
21 notifier.fireTestRunStarted(runner.getDescription());
22 runner.run(notifier);
23 notifier.fireTestRunFinished(result);
24 }
25 }
2 public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception {
4 println("==>JUnit4 started with description: " + description);
5 println();
6 }
7 public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception {
8 println("==>JUnit4 finished with result: " + describe(result));
9 }
10 public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception{
11 println("==>Test method started with description: " + description);
13 }
14 public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception {
16 println("==>Test method finished with description: " + description);
18 println();
19 }
20 public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception {
21 println("==>Test method failed with failure: " + failure);
22 }
23 public void testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure) {
24 println("==>Test method assumption failed with failure: " + failure);
26 }
27 public void testIgnored(Description description) throws Exception {
28 println("==>Test method ignored with description: " + description);
30 println();
31 }
32 private String describe(Result result) {
33 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
34 builder.append(" FailureCount: " + result.getFailureCount())
35 .append(" ");
36 builder.append(" IgnoreCount: " + result.getIgnoreCount())
37 .append(" ");
38 builder.append(" RunCount: " + result.getRunCount())
39 .append(" ");;
40 builder.append(" RunTime: " + result.getRunTime())
41 .append(" ");
42 builder.append(" Failures: " + result.getFailures())
43 .append(" ");;
44 return builder.toString();
45 }
46 private void println() {
47 System.out.println();
48 }
49 private void println(String content) {
50 System.out.println(content);
51 }
52 }
beforeClass2() method executed.
beforeClass() method executed.
==>Test method started with description: testAssumptionFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
before() method executed.
testAssumptionFailed() method executed.
after() method executed
==>Test method assumption failed with failure: testAssumptionFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest): got: <0>, expected: is <1>
==>Test method finished with description: testAssumptionFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
==>Test method started with description: testFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
before() method executed.
testFailed() method executed.
after() method executed
==>Test method failed with failure: testFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest): Throw delibrately

==>Test method finished with description: testFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
==>Test method ignored with description: testIgnore(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
==>Test method started with description: testSucceeded(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
before() method executed.
testSucceeded() method executed.
after() method executed
==>Test method finished with description: testSucceeded(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
afterClass() method executed.
==>JUnit4 finished with result:
FailureCount: 1
IgnoreCount: 1
RunCount: 3
RunTime: 36
Failures: [testFailed(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest): Throw delibrately

2 private final String fDisplayName;
3 private final Annotation[] fAnnotations;
2 public ArrayList<Description> getChildren();
3 public boolean isSuite();
4 public boolean isTest();
5 public int testCount();
6 public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType);
7 public Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations();
8 public Class<?> getTestClass();
9 public String getClassName();
10 public String getMethodName();
2 public abstract Description getDescription();
3 }
2 public Description getDescription() {
3 Description description= Description.createSuiteDescription(
4 getName(), getRunnerAnnotations());
5 for (T child : getFilteredChildren())
6 description.addChild(describeChild(child));
7 return description;
8 }
9 BlockJUnit4ClassRunner:
10 @Override
11 protected Description describeChild(FrameworkMethod method) {
12 return Description.createTestDescription(
13 getTestClass().getJavaClass(),
14 testName(method), method.getAnnotations());
15 }
16 Suite:
17 @Override
18 protected Description describeChild(Runner child) {
19 return child.getDescription();
20 }
2 public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception {
4 }
5 public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception {
6 }
7 public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception {
8 }
9 public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception {
11 }
12 public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception {
13 }
14 public void testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure) {
15 }
16 public void testIgnored(Description description) throws Exception {
17 }
18 }
这个类需要注意的是:1. testFinished()不管测试方法是成功还是失败,这个方法总是会被调用;2. 在测试方法中跑出AssumptionViolatedException并不认为是测试失败,一般在测试方法中调用Assume类中的方法而失败,会跑该异常,在JUnit的默认实现中,对这些方法只是简单的忽略,并发布testAssumptionFailure()事件,并不认为该方法测试失败,自定义的Runner可以改变这个行为;3. 当我们需要自己操作Runner实例是,Result的信息需要自己手动的注册Result中定义的Listener,不然Result中的信息并不会填写正确,如上例中的做法:
2 notifier.addFirstListener(result.createListener());
==>Test method started with description: initializationError(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
==>Test method failed with failure: initializationError(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest): Method beforeClass() should be static
==>Test method finished with description: initializationError(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest)
==>JUnit4 finished with result:
FailureCount: 1
IgnoreCount: 0
RunCount: 1
RunTime: 3
Failures: [initializationError(levin.blog.junit.sample.simple.CoreJUnit4SampleTest): Method beforeClass() should be static]
Runner中的run()方法需要传入RunNotifier实例,它是对RunListener的封装,我们可以向其注册多个RunListener,当Runner需要发布某个事件时,就会通过它来代理,它则会遍历所有已注册的RunListener,并运行相应的事件。当运行某个RunListener抛异常时,它会首先将这个RunListener移除,并发布测试失败事件,在该事件中的Description为一个名为“Test mechanism”的Description,因为此时是注册的事件处理器失败,无法获知一个Description实例:
2 void run() {
3 synchronized (fListeners) {
4 for (Iterator<RunListener> all= fListeners.iterator();
5 all.hasNext();)
6 try {
7 notifyListener(all.next());
8 } catch (Exception e) {
9 all.remove(); // Remove the offending listener first to avoid an infinite loop
11 fireTestFailure(new Failure(
12 Description.TEST_MECHANISM, e));
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 abstract protected void notifyListener(RunListener each) throws Exception;
18 }
2 public Object invokeExplosively(final Object target, final Object

3 public String getName();
4 public void validatePublicVoidNoArg(boolean isStatic, List<Throwable> errors);
5 public void validatePublicVoid(boolean isStatic, List<Throwable> errors)
6 public void validateNoTypeParametersOnArgs(List<Throwable> errors);
7 @Override
8 public boolean isShadowedBy(FrameworkMethod other);
9 @Override
10 public Annotation[] getAnnotations();
11 public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationType);
2 if (!other.getName().equals(getName()))
3 return false;
4 if (other.getParameterTypes().length != getParameterTypes().length)
5 return false;
6 for (int i= 0; i < other.getParameterTypes().length; i++)
7 if (!other.getParameterTypes()[i].equals(getParameterTypes()[i]))
9 return false;
10 return true;
11 }
2 @Override
3 public Annotation[] getAnnotations();
4 public boolean isPublic();
5 @Override
6 public boolean isShadowedBy(FrameworkField otherMember) {
7 return otherMember.getName().equals(getName());
8 }
9 public boolean isStatic();
10 public Field getField();
11 public Class<?> getType();
12 public Object get(Object target)
13 throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException;
TestClass是对Java中Class类的封装,在TestClass构造过程中,它会收集所有传入Class实例中具有注释的字段和方法,它会搜索类的所有继承结构。因而TestClass的成员如下:2 private Map<Class<?>, List<FrameworkMethod>> fMethodsForAnnotations;
3 private Map<Class<?>, List<FrameworkField>> fFieldsForAnnotations;
2 members.add(0, member);
3 else
4 members.add(member);
2 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass);
3 public List<FrameworkField> getAnnotatedFields(
4 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass);
5 public <T> List<T> getAnnotatedFieldValues(Object test,
6 Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass,
7 Class<T> valueClass);
2 public String getName();
3 public Constructor<?> getOnlyConstructor();
4 public Annotation[] getAnnotations();
5 public boolean isANonStaticInnerClass();
2 public abstract Description getDescription();
3 public abstract void run(RunNotifier notifier);
4 public int testCount() {
5 return getDescription().testCount();
6 }
7 }
1. @BeforeClass和@AfterClass注解的方法必须是public,void,static,无参
2 validatePublicVoidNoArgMethods(AfterClass.class, true, errors);
2. 对有@ClassRule修饰的字段,必须是public,static,并且该字段的实例必须是实现了TestRule接口的。为了兼容性,也可以实现MethodRule接口。
2 public void run(final RunNotifier notifier) {
3 EachTestNotifier testNotifier= new EachTestNotifier(notifier, getDescription());
5 try {
6 Statement statement= classBlock(notifier);
7 statement.evaluate();
8 } catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) {
9 testNotifier.fireTestIgnored();
10 } catch (StoppedByUserException e) {
11 throw e;
12 } catch (Throwable e) {
13 testNotifier.addFailure(e);
14 }
15 }
2 Statement statement= childrenInvoker(notifier);
3 statement= withBeforeClasses(statement);
4 statement= withAfterClasses(statement);
5 statement= withClassRules(statement);
6 return statement;
7 }
8 protected Statement childrenInvoker(final RunNotifier notifier) {
9 return new Statement() {
10 @Override
11 public void evaluate() {
12 runChildren(notifier);
13 }
14 };
15 }
16 private void runChildren(final RunNotifier notifier) {
17 for (final T each : getFilteredChildren())
18 fScheduler.schedule(new Runnable() {
19 public void run() {
20 ParentRunner.this.runChild(each, notifier);
21 }
22 });
23 fScheduler.finished();
24 }
25 private List<T> getFilteredChildren() {
26 if (fFilteredChildren == null)
27 fFilteredChildren = new ArrayList<T>(getChildren());
28 return fFilteredChildren;
29 }
30 protected abstract List<T> getChildren();
31 protected abstract void runChild(T child, RunNotifier notifier);
2 List<FrameworkMethod> befores= fTestClass
3 .getAnnotatedMethods(BeforeClass.class);
4 return befores.isEmpty() ? statement :
5 new RunBefores(statement, befores, null);
6 }
7 protected Statement withAfterClasses(Statement statement) {
8 List<FrameworkMethod> afters= fTestClass
9 .getAnnotatedMethods(AfterClass.class);
10 return afters.isEmpty() ? statement :
11 new RunAfters(statement, afters, null);
12 }
13 private Statement withClassRules(Statement statement) {
14 List<TestRule> classRules= classRules();
15 return classRules.isEmpty() ? statement :
16 new RunRules(statement, classRules, getDescription());
17 }
18 protected List<TestRule> classRules() {
19 return fTestClass.getAnnotatedFieldValues(null,
20 ClassRule.class, TestRule.class);
21 }
3 EachTestNotifier eachNotifier= new EachTestNotifier(notifier, description);
5 eachNotifier.fireTestStarted();
6 try {
7 statement.evaluate();
8 } catch (AssumptionViolatedException e) {
9 eachNotifier.addFailedAssumption(e);
10 } catch (Throwable e) {
11 eachNotifier.addFailure(e);
12 } finally {
13 eachNotifier.fireTestFinished();
14 }
15 }
2 for (Iterator<T> iter = getFilteredChildren().iterator();
3 iter.hasNext(); ) {
4 T each = iter.next();
5 if (shouldRun(filter, each))
6 try {
7 filter.apply(each);
8 } catch (NoTestsRemainException e) {
9 iter.remove();
10 }
11 else
12 iter.remove();
13 }
14 if (getFilteredChildren().isEmpty()) {
15 throw new NoTestsRemainException();
16 }
17 }
18 private boolean shouldRun(Filter filter, T each) {
19 return filter.shouldRun(describeChild(each));
20 }
JUnit中提供几种默认实现的Filter:1. ALL不做任何过滤;2. matchMethodDescription只保留某个指定的测试方法。
2 @Override
3 public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
4 return true;
5 }
6 @Override
7 public String describe() {
8 return "all tests";
9 }
10 @Override
11 public void apply(Object child) throws NoTestsRemainException {
12 // 因为不会做任何过滤行为,因而不需要应用到子节点中
13 }
14 @Override
15 public Filter intersect(Filter second) {
16 return second; // 因为本身没有任何过滤行为,所以可以直接返回传入的Filter
17 }
18 };
19 public static Filter matchMethodDescription(final Description desiredDescription) {
21 return new Filter() {
22 @Override
23 public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
24 if (description.isTest())
25 return desiredDescription.equals(description);
26 // explicitly check if any children want to run
27 for (Description each : description.getChildren())
28 if (shouldRun(each))
29 return true;
30 return false;
31 }
32 @Override
33 public String describe() {
34 return String.format("Method %s", desiredDescription.getDisplayName());
36 }
37 };
38 }
2 fSorter= sorter;
3 for (T each : getFilteredChildren())
4 sortChild(each);
5 Collections.sort(getFilteredChildren(), comparator());
6 }
7 private Comparator<? super T> comparator() {
8 return new Comparator<T>() {
9 public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
10 return fSorter.compare(describeChild(o1), describeChild(o2));
12 }
13 };
14 }
2 void schedule(Runnable childStatement);
3 void finished();
4 }
2 protected List<FrameworkMethod> getChildren() {
3 return computeTestMethods();
4 }
5 protected List<FrameworkMethod> computeTestMethods() {
6 return getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods(Test.class);
7 }
8 @Override
9 protected void runChild(final FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier) {
11 Description description= describeChild(method);
12 if (method.getAnnotation(Ignore.class) != null) {
13 notifier.fireTestIgnored(description);
14 } else {
15 runLeaf(methodBlock(method), description, notifier);
16 }
17 }
18 protected Statement methodBlock(FrameworkMethod method) {
19 Object test;
20 try {
21 test= new ReflectiveCallable() {
22 @Override
23 protected Object runReflectiveCall() throws Throwable {
24 return createTest();
25 }
26 }.run();
27 } catch (Throwable e) {
28 return new Fail(e);
29 }
30 Statement statement= methodInvoker(method, test);
31 statement= possiblyExpectingExceptions(method, test, statement);
32 statement= withPotentialTimeout(method, test, statement);
33 statement= withBefores(method, test, statement);
34 statement= withAfters(method, test, statement);
35 statement= withRules(method, test, statement);
36 return statement;
37 } //这个方法的实现可以看出每个测试方法运行时都会重新创建一个新的测试类实例,这也可能是@BeforeClass、AfterClass、@ClassRule需要静态的原因吧,因为静态的话,每次类实例的重新创建对其结果都不会有影响。
38 另,从这里对Statement的构建顺序,JUnit对TestRule的运行也要在@Before注解方法之前或@After注解方法之后
39 protected Object createTest() throws Exception {
40 return getTestClass().getOnlyConstructor().newInstance();
41 }
42 protected Statement methodInvoker(FrameworkMethod method, Object test) {
43 return new InvokeMethod(method, test);
44 }
45 protected Statement possiblyExpectingExceptions(FrameworkMethod method, object test, Statement next) {
47 Test annotation= method.getAnnotation(Test.class);
48 return expectsException(annotation) ? new ExpectException(next,
49 getExpectedException(annotation)) : next;
50 }
51 private Class<? extends Throwable> getExpectedException(Test annotation) {
52 if (annotation == null || annotation.expected() == None.class)
53 return null;
54 else
55 return annotation.expected();
56 }
57 private boolean expectsException(Test annotation) {
58 return getExpectedException(annotation) != null;
59 }
60 protected Statement withPotentialTimeout(FrameworkMethod method,
61 Object test, Statement next) {
62 long timeout= getTimeout(method.getAnnotation(Test.class));
63 return timeout > 0 ? new FailOnTimeout(next, timeout) : next;
64 }
65 private long getTimeout(Test annotation) {
66 if (annotation == null)
67 return 0;
68 return annotation.timeout();
69 }
70 protected Statement withBefores(FrameworkMethod method, Object target,
71 Statement statement) {
72 List<FrameworkMethod> befores= getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods(
73 Before.class);
74 return befores.isEmpty() ? statement : new RunBefores(statement,
75 befores, target);
76 }
77 protected Statement withAfters(FrameworkMethod method, Object target,
78 Statement statement) {
79 List<FrameworkMethod> afters= getTestClass().getAnnotatedMethods(
80 After.class);
81 return afters.isEmpty() ? statement : new RunAfters(statement,
82 afters, target);
83 }
84 private Statement withRules(FrameworkMethod method, Object target,
85 Statement statement) {
86 Statement result= statement;
87 result= withMethodRules(method, target, result);
88 result= withTestRules(method, target, result);
89 return result;
90 }
91 private Statement withMethodRules(FrameworkMethod method, Object target,
92 Statement result) {
93 List<TestRule> testRules= getTestRules(target);
94 for (org.junit.rules.MethodRule each : getMethodRules(target))
95 if (! testRules.contains(each))
96 result= each.apply(result, method, target);
97 return result;
98 }
99 private List<org.junit.rules.MethodRule> getMethodRules(Object target) {
100 return rules(target);
101 }
102 protected List<org.junit.rules.MethodRule> rules(Object target) {
103 return getTestClass().getAnnotatedFieldValues(target, Rule.class,
104 org.junit.rules.MethodRule.class);
105 }
106 private Statement withTestRules(FrameworkMethod method, Object target,
107 Statement statement) {
108 List<TestRule> testRules= getTestRules(target);
109 return testRules.isEmpty() ? statement :
110 new RunRules(statement, testRules, describeChild(method));
111 }
112 protected List<TestRule> getTestRules(Object target) {
113 return getTestClass().getAnnotatedFieldValues(target,
114 Rule.class, TestRule.class);
115 }
2 protected void collectInitializationErrors(List<Throwable> errors) {
3 super.collectInitializationErrors(errors);
4 validateNoNonStaticInnerClass(errors);
5 validateConstructor(errors);
6 validateInstanceMethods(errors);
7 validateFields(errors);
8 }
1. 如果测试类是一个类的内部类,那么该测试类必须是静态的:
2 if (getTestClass().isANonStaticInnerClass()) {
3 String gripe= "The inner class " + getTestClass().getName()
4 + " is not static.";
5 errors.add(new Exception(gripe));
6 }
7 }
2. 测试类的构造函数必须有且仅有一个无参的构造函数(事实上关于只有一个构造函数的验证在构造TestClass实例的时候已经做了,因而这里真正起作用的知识对无参的验证):
2 validateOnlyOneConstructor(errors);
3 validateZeroArgConstructor(errors);
4 }
5 protected void validateOnlyOneConstructor(List<Throwable> errors) {
6 if (!hasOneConstructor()) {
7 String gripe= "Test class should have exactly one public constructor";
8 errors.add(new Exception(gripe));
9 }
10 }
11 protected void validateZeroArgConstructor(List<Throwable> errors) {
12 if (!getTestClass().isANonStaticInnerClass()
13 && hasOneConstructor()
14 && (getTestClass().getOnlyConstructor().getParameterTypes().length != 0)) {
16 String gripe= "Test class should have exactly one public zero-argument constructor";
17 errors.add(new Exception(gripe));
18 }
19 }
20 private boolean hasOneConstructor() {
21 return getTestClass().getJavaClass().getConstructors().length == 1;
22 }
3. @Before、@After、@Test注解的方法必须是public,void,非静态,不带参数:
2 validatePublicVoidNoArgMethods(After.class, false, errors);
3 validatePublicVoidNoArgMethods(Before.class, false, errors);
4 validateTestMethods(errors);
5 if (computeTestMethods().size() == 0)
6 errors.add(new Exception("No runnable methods"));
7 }
8 protected void validateTestMethods(List<Throwable> errors) {
9 validatePublicVoidNoArgMethods(Test.class, false, errors);
10 }
4. 带有@Rule注解的字段必须是public,非静态,实现了TestRule接口或MethodRule接口。
2 RULE_VALIDATOR.validate(getTestClass(), errors);
3 }

2 @Override
3 protected List<Runner> getChildren() {
4 return fRunners;
5 }
6 @Override
7 protected Description describeChild(Runner child) {
8 return child.getDescription();
9 }
10 @Override
11 protected void runChild(Runner runner, final RunNotifier notifier) {
12 runner.run(notifier);
13 }
1. 提供一个带SuiteClasses注解的类,所有测试类由SuiteClasses指定,而klass类作为这个Suite的根类。此时一般所有的测试类是klass的内部类,因而可以通过@RunWith指定运行klass类的Runner是Suite,然后用SuiteClasses注解指定可以作为测试类的类。
3 this(builder, klass, getAnnotatedClasses(klass));
4 }
5 protected Suite(RunnerBuilder builder, Class<?> klass, Class<?>[] suiteClasses) throws InitializationError {
7 this(klass, builder.runners(klass, suiteClasses));
8 }
9 @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
10 @Target(ElementType.TYPE)
11 @Inherited
12 public @interface SuiteClasses {
13 public Class<?>[] value();
14 }
15 private static Class<?>[] getAnnotatedClasses(Class<?> klass) throws InitializationError {
17 SuiteClasses annotation= klass.getAnnotation(SuiteClasses.class);
18 if (annotation == null)
19 throw new InitializationError(String.format("class '%s' must have a SuiteClasses annotation", klass.getName()));
22 return annotation.value();
23 }
2. 在有些情况下,我们需要运行多个没有相关的测试类,此时这些测试类没有一个公共的根类的Suite,则需要使用一下的构造函数(此时Suite的getName()返回”null”,即其Description的displayName的值为”null”,关于RunnerBuilder将会在后面的文章中介绍):
3 this(null, builder.runners(null, classes));
4 }
5 protected Suite(Class<?> klass, List<Runner> runners) throws InitializationError {
7 super(klass);
8 fRunners = runners;
9 }
3 private final int fParameterSetNumber;
4 private final List<Object[]> fParameterList;
5 TestClassRunnerForParameters(Class<?> type, List<Object[]> parameterList, int i) throws InitializationError {
8 super(type);
9 fParameterList= parameterList;
10 fParameterSetNumber= i; //参数数组列表中的位置
11 }
12 @Override
13 public Object createTest() throws Exception {
14 return getTestClass().getOnlyConstructor().newInstance(
15 computeParams());//带参创建测试类实例
16 }
17 private Object[] computeParams() throws Exception {
18 try {
19 return fParameterList.get(fParameterSetNumber);
20 } catch (ClassCastException e) {
21 throw new Exception(String.format(
22 "%s.%s() must return a Collection of arrays.",
23 getTestClass().getName(), getParametersMethod(
24 getTestClass()).getName()));
25 }
26 }
27 @Override
28 protected String getName() {
29 return String.format("[%s]", fParameterSetNumber);
30 }
31 @Override
32 protected String testName(final FrameworkMethod method) {
33 return String.format("%s[%s]", method.getName(),
34 fParameterSetNumber);
35 }
36 @Override
37 protected void validateConstructor(List<Throwable> errors) {
38 validateOnlyOneConstructor(errors);//去除不带参构造函数验证
39 }
40 @Override
41 protected Statement classBlock(RunNotifier notifier) {
42 return childrenInvoker(notifier);//不处理@BeforeClass、
43 //@AfterClass、@ClassRule等注解
44 }
45 @Override
46 protected Annotation[] getRunnerAnnotations() {
47 return new Annotation[0];//去除测试类的Annotation,这些应该在Parameterized中处理
49 }
50 }
2 @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
3 public static @interface Parameters {
4 }
5 public Parameterized(Class<?> klass) throws Throwable {
6 super(klass, Collections.<Runner>emptyList());
7 List<Object[]> parametersList= getParametersList(getTestClass());
8 for (int i= 0; i < parametersList.size(); i++)
9 runners.add(new TestClassRunnerForParameters(getTestClass().getJavaClass(), parametersList, i));
11 }
12 private List<Object[]> getParametersList(TestClass klass)
13 throws Throwable {
14 return (List<Object[]>) getParametersMethod(klass).invokeExplosively(null);
16 }
17 private FrameworkMethod getParametersMethod(TestClass testClass)
18 throws Exception {
19 List<FrameworkMethod> methods= testClass.getAnnotatedMethods(Parameters.class);
21 for (FrameworkMethod each : methods) {
22 int modifiers= each.getMethod().getModifiers();
23 if (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) &&
24 Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))
25 return each;
26 }
27 throw new Exception("No public static parameters method on class " + testClass.getName());
29 }
2 @Parameters
3 public static List<Object[]> data() {
4 return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
5 { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 2 },
6 { 4, 3 }, { 5, 5 }, { 6, 8 }
7 });
8 }
9 @BeforeClass
10 public static void beforeClass() {
11 System.out.println("

12 }
13 private final int input;
14 private final int expected;
15 public ParameterizedTest(int input, int expected) {
16 this.input = input;
17 this.expected = expected;
18 }
19 @Test
20 public void testEqual() {
21 Assert.assertEquals(expected, compute(input));
22 }
23 public int compute(int input) {
24 if(input == 0 || input == 1) {
25 return input;
26 }
27 if(input == 2) {
28 return 1;
29 }
30 return compute(input -1) + compute(input - 2);
31 }
32 }
2 private final List<Throwable> fCauses;
3 private final Class<?> fTestClass;
4 public ErrorReportingRunner(Class<?> testClass, Throwable cause) {
5 fTestClass= testClass;
6 fCauses= getCauses(cause);
7 }
8 @Override
9 public Description getDescription() {
10 Description description= Description.createSuiteDescription(fTestClass);
12 for (Throwable each : fCauses)
13 description.addChild(describeCause(each));
14 return description;
15 }
16 @Override
17 public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
18 for (Throwable each : fCauses)
19 runCause(each, notifier);
20 }
21 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
22 private List<Throwable> getCauses(Throwable cause) {
23 if (cause instanceof InvocationTargetException)
24 return getCauses(cause.getCause());
25 if (cause instanceof InitializationError)
26 return ((InitializationError) cause).getCauses();
27 if (cause instanceof org.junit.internal.runners.InitializationError)
28 return ((org.junit.internal.runners.InitializationError) cause)
29 .getCauses();
30 return Arrays.asList(cause);
31 }
32 private Description describeCause(Throwable child) {
33 return Description.createTestDescription(fTestClass,
34 "initializationError");
35 }
36 private void runCause(Throwable child, RunNotifier notifier) {
37 Description description= describeCause(child);
38 notifier.fireTestStarted(description);
39 notifier.fireTestFailure(new Failure(description, child));
40 notifier.fireTestFinished(description);
41 }
42 }
43 public class IgnoredClassRunner extends Runner {
44 private final Class<?> fTestClass;
45 public IgnoredClassRunner(Class<?> testClass) {
46 fTestClass= testClass;
47 }
48 @Override
49 public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
50 notifier.fireTestIgnored(getDescription());
51 }
52 @Override
53 public Description getDescription() {
54 return Description.createSuiteDescription(fTestClass);
55 }
56 }