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  • Jdk8新特性之Stream(2)

    Stream流提供 collect 方法,其参数需要一个 java.util.stream.Collector<T,A, R> 接口对象来指定收集到哪
    种集合中。java.util.stream.Collectors 类提供一些方法,可以作为 Collector`接口的实例:

    public static <T> Collector<T, ?, List<T>> toList() :转换为 List 集合。
    public static <T> Collector<T, ?, Set<T>> toSet() :转换为 Set 集合。


    // 将流中数据收集到集合中
        public void testStreamToCollection() {
            Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("aa", "bb", "cc");
            ArrayList<String> arrayList = stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
            HashSet<String> hashSet = stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));

    Stream提供 toArray 方法来将结果放到一个数组中,返回值类型是Object[]的:

        public void testStreamToArray() {
            Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("aa", "bb", "cc");
            String[] strings = stream.toArray(String[]::new);
            for (String str : strings) {


    当我们使用 Stream流处理数据后,可以像数据库的聚合函数一样对某个字段进行操作。比如获取最大值,获取最小

       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
           //1. 最大值
            Optional<Student> collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(Student::getSocre)));
            //studentStream.collect(Collectors.maxBy((o1,o2) ->( o1.getSocre() - o2.getSocre())));
            System.out.println(collect.get());  //Student{name='迪丽热巴', age=56, socre=99}
       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
            Optional<Student> collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.minBy(Comparator.comparing(Student::getSocre)));
            //studentStream.collect(Collectors.minBy((o1,o2) ->( o1.getSocre() - o2.getSocre())));
            System.out.println(collect.get());  //Student{name='柳岩', age=52, socre=77}
       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
           // studentStream.map(Student::getSocre).reduce(Integer::sum);
            Integer collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.summingInt(Student::getSocre));
       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
            Double collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(Student::getSocre));


       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
            Map<Integer, List<Student>> collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Student::getAge));
            collect.forEach( (k,v) -> {
                System.out.println(k + "::" + v);

       public void test(){
           Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                   new Student("赵丽颖", 58, 95),
                   new Student("杨颖", 56, 58),
                   new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                   new Student("柳岩", 52, 47));
            Map<String, List<Student>> collect = studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(s -> s.getSocre() > 60 ? "及格" : "不及格"));
            collect.forEach( (k,v) -> {
                System.out.println(k + "::" + v);


       public void test(){
            Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                    new Student("赵丽颖", 52, 95),
                    new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                    new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                    new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
            Map<Integer, Map<String, List<Student>>> map =
                    studentStream.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Student::getAge, Collectors.groupingBy(s -> {
                        if (s.getSocre() >= 90) {
                            return "优秀";
                        } else if (s.getSocre() >= 80 && s.getSocre() < 90) {
                            return "良好";
                        } else if (s.getSocre() >= 80 && s.getSocre() < 80) {
                            return "及格";
                        } else {
                            return "不及格";
            map.forEach((k, v) -> {
                System.out.println(k + " == " + v);

    Collectors.partitioningBy 会根据值是否为true,把集合分割为两个列表,一个true列表,一个false列表。

       public void test(){
            Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                    new Student("赵丽颖", 52, 95),
                    new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                    new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                    new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
    // partitioningBy会根据值是否为true,把集合分割为两个列表,一个true列表,一个false列表。
            Map<Boolean, List<Student>> map = studentStream.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(s ->
                    s.getSocre() > 90));
            map.forEach((k, v) -> {
                System.out.println(k + " == " + v);

    Collectors.joining 会根据指定的连接符,将所有元素连接成一个字符串。

       public void test(){
            Stream<Student> studentStream = Stream.of(
                    new Student("赵丽颖", 52, 95),
                    new Student("杨颖", 56, 88),
                    new Student("迪丽热巴", 56, 99),
                    new Student("柳岩", 52, 77));
            String collect = studentStream
                    .collect(Collectors.joining(">_<", "^_^", "^v^"));

         * 测试flatMap
        @Test public void testFlatMap() {
            List<String> strs = Arrays.asList("孙悟空", "猪八戒");
            String collect = strs.stream()
                    .map(s -> {
                        char[] arr01 = s.toCharArray();
                        Character[] arr02 = new Character[arr01.length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < arr02.length; i++) {
                            arr02[i] = arr01[i];
                        return arr02;
                    .flatMap(Arrays::stream)   // 扁平化
            System.out.println(collect); // 孙,悟,空,猪,八,戒
         * SQL与Stream
        @Test public void testStreamCompSql() {
            // select name, max(age) from person where name in ('孙悟空','猪八戒') and age is not null group by name order by name
            LinkedHashMap<String, Optional<Integer>> map = 
                     .filter(p -> Arrays.asList("孙悟空","猪八戒").contains(p.getName())) // name in ('孙悟空','猪八戒')
                     .filter(p -> nonNull(p.getAge()))                                  // age is not null
                     .sorted(comparing(Person::getName,nullsLast(naturalOrder())))      // order by name, 注意空值问题
                   //.collect(groupingBy(Person::getName)                               // Map<String, List<Person>>, 此处搜集到的还是人,但需要的是年龄,继续downstream搜集
                     .collect(groupingBy(Person::getName,LinkedHashMap::new,mapping(Person::getAge, maxBy(Integer::compare))))   // group by name
            System.out.println(map);         // {孙悟空=Optional[18], 猪八戒=Optional[28]}
            // select * from person where age = (select max(age) from person) limit 1    
            Optional<Person> first = plist.stream().sorted((p1,p2) -> p2.getAge() - p1.getAge()).findFirst();    
            System.out.println(first.get()); // Person [name=沙悟净, age=48, salary=40000.0]
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dalianpai/p/12578797.html
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