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前段时间研究PyTest框架时,因为PyTest是可以支持Unittest 和 Nose, 也去研究了Unittest和Nose这两个框架。整理记录以便后续查看。
General introduction of unittest
1. Python’s default unittest framework
First unit test framework to be included in Python standard library;
Easy to use by people familiar with the xUnit frameworks;
Strong support for test organization and reuse via test suites.
备注: 默认情况下, Unittest是按照字母顺序执行Test case, 当然可以在TestSuite加载Test Case是组织好顺序
2. Keywords
TestCase: The individual unit of testing.
TestSuite: A collection of test cases, test suites, or both. It is used to aggregate tests that should be executed together.
TestLoader: Load the test cases to the test suite.
TestRunner: A component which orchestrates the execution of tests and provides the outcome to the user.
TestFixture: Represents the preparation needed to perform one or more tests, and any associate cleanup actions. setUp(), tearDown(), setUpClass(), tearDownClass()
Decorator: skip, skipIf, skipUnless, expectedFailure
3. Unittest framework
4. Assert methods
5. Command line
python -m unittest xxx
python -m unittest -h
python -m unittest discover # discovery the test cases(test*.py) and execute automatically
6. Demo
# unittest_tryout/test_unittest_demo1.py """ # @Time : 6/22/2018 9:14 AM # @Author : Daly.You # @File : test_unittest_demo1.py # @Project : PyTestDemo # @Python : 2.7.14 # @Software : PyCharm Community Edition """ # !/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import time import unittest import HTMLTestRunner from WindowsUpdatesLib import WindowsUpdatesUtilities class UnitTestSample(unittest.TestCase): """Test WindowsUpdatesHelper.py""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Test WindowsUpdatesUtilities""" print "Ran set up class" def setUp(self): print "befor test" def tearDown(self): print "end test" #@unittest.skip("skip") #@unittest.skipIf(0>1, "0>1 skip") #@unittest.skipUnless(1>0, "1>0") #@unittest.expectedFailure def test_a_get_win_info(self): """Test method get_win_info""" print "test get_win_info" win_info = WindowsUpdatesUtilities().get_win_info() self.assertEqual(win_info['ProductName'], 'Windows 10 Ent') def test_b_is_win10_and_above(self): """Test method is_win10_and_above""" print "test is_win10_and_above" win_info = WindowsUpdatesUtilities().get_win_info() is_win10 = WindowsUpdatesUtilities().is_win10_and_above(win_info['ProductName']) self.assertEqual(is_win10, True) @classmethod def test_c_right_click_start_button(cls): """Test method right_click_start_button""" print "test right_click_start_button" WindowsUpdatesUtilities().right_click_start_button() time.sleep(2) @classmethod def test_d_click_context_menu(cls): """Test method click_context_menu""" print "test click_context_menu" WindowsUpdatesUtilities().click_context_menu("Settings") time.sleep(2) @classmethod def test_e_install_updates_via_settingspage(cls): print "test install_updates_via_settingspage" WindowsUpdatesUtilities().install_updates_via_settingspage() time.sleep(2) @classmethod def test_f_close_windowsupdatesettingspage(cls): print "test close_windowsupdatesettingspage" WindowsUpdatesUtilities().close_windowsupdatesettingspage() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): print "End class" def test_suite(): suite_test = unittest.TestSuite() suite_test.addTest(UnitTestSample("test_b_is_win10_and_above")) suite_test.addTest(UnitTestSample("test_a_get_win_info")) ''' tests = [UnitTestSample("test_a_get_win_info"), UnitTestSample("test_b_is_win10_and_above")] suite_test.addTests(tests) ''' return suite_test if __name__ == '__main__': # default unittest.main() ''' # HTMLTestRunner report_path = "html_report.html" fp = file(report_path, 'wb') runner = HTMLTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(stream=fp, title="UnitTest Test Report", description="UnitTest Test") print test_suite() runner.run(test_suite()) fp.close() ''' ''' # discover test cases test_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd()) discover = unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(test_dir, pattern='*unittest_*.py') print discover runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() runner.run(discover) '''
python test_unittest_demo1.py
1. Discover test cases from folder(python -m unittest discover -s unittest_tryout -v)
2. HTMLTestRunner execute the test cases (python unittest_tryout/test_unittest_demo1.py)