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  • FreeSwitch 启动和停止


    •  创建软连接


    ln -sf /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch /usr/bin

    ln -sf /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli /usr/bin

    • 启动命令:

    [root@asr conf]# freeswitch -h

    -nf -- no forking    
    -reincarnate -- restart the switch on an uncontrolled exit
    -reincarnate-reexec -- run execv on a restart (helpful for upgrades)
    -u [user] -- specify user to switch to
    -g [group] -- specify group to switch to
    -core -- dump cores
    -help -- this message
    -version -- print the version and exit
    -rp -- enable high(realtime) priority settings
    -lp -- enable low priority settings
    -np -- enable normal priority settings
    -vg -- run under valgrind
    -nosql -- disable internal sql scoreboard
    -heavy-timer -- Heavy Timer, possibly more accurate but at a cost
    -nonat -- disable auto nat detection
    -nonatmap -- disable auto nat port mapping
    -nocal -- disable clock calibration
    -nort -- disable clock clock_realtime
    -stop -- stop freeswitch                                             #停止freeswitch
    -nc -- do not output to a console and background    #后台启动
    -ncwait -- do not output to a console and background but wait until the system is ready before exiting (implies -nc)
    -c -- output to a console and stay in the foreground

    Options to control locations of files:
    -base [basedir] -- alternate prefix directory
    -cfgname [filename] -- alternate filename for FreeSWITCH main configuration file
    -conf [confdir] -- alternate directory for FreeSWITCH configuration files
    -log [logdir] -- alternate directory for logfiles
    -run [rundir] -- alternate directory for runtime files
    -db [dbdir] -- alternate directory for the internal database
    -mod [moddir] -- alternate directory for modules
    -htdocs [htdocsdir] -- alternate directory for htdocs
    -scripts [scriptsdir] -- alternate directory for scripts
    -temp [directory] -- alternate directory for temporary files
    -grammar [directory] -- alternate directory for grammar files
    -certs [directory] -- alternate directory for certificates
    -recordings [directory] -- alternate directory for recordings
    -storage [directory] -- alternate directory for voicemail storage
    -cache [directory] -- alternate directory for cache files
    -sounds [directory] -- alternate directory for sound files

    • 启动freeswitch
    1. 前台启动


             2. 后台启动

                 freeswitch -nc

             3. 客户端链接


                 fs_cli -r   

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/damizhou/p/14127505.html
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