# ls
ORCLcluster loadext pw-syscall pw-syscall32 pw-syscall64 rootpre.sh
# whoami
# ./rootpre.sh
./rootpre.sh output will be logged in /tmp/rootpre.out_10-09-08.16:44:54
Kernel extension /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel is loaded.
Previously loaded kernel extension may be in use. Shutdown all
the instances of oracle and then rerun the rootpre.sh script.
Aborting pre-installation procedure. Installations of Oracle may fail.
看问题说是关闭oracle实例我用ps -ef 一看原来oracle进程没kill掉(机器以前有装的oracle)那只能kill掉oracle进程了命令如下:其中-9表示强制杀掉
ORCLcluster loadext pw-syscall pw-syscall32 pw-syscall64 rootpre.sh
# whoami
# ./rootpre.sh
./rootpre.sh output will be logged in /tmp/rootpre.out_10-09-08.16:44:54
Kernel extension /etc/pw-syscall.64bit_kernel is loaded.
Previously loaded kernel extension may be in use. Shutdown all
the instances of oracle and then rerun the rootpre.sh script.
Aborting pre-installation procedure. Installations of Oracle may fail.
看问题说是关闭oracle实例我用ps -ef 一看原来oracle进程没kill掉(机器以前有装的oracle)那只能kill掉oracle进程了命令如下:其中-9表示强制杀掉
ps -ef | grep oracle | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2}' | xargs kill -9