----计划需求(新增) procedure Insertplanning(ids_in in varchar2,---名称---数量---单价--金额 RECIPIENTSDEPARTMENT_in in varchar2,---部门 BZ_in in varchar2,--用途 PLAN_CREATOR_in in varchar2,---建立人 UNUMBER_in in varchar2,--数量 llr_in in varchar2,----领料人 ret_out out varchar2 ) is inids varchar2(4000); str_ids varchar2(4000); strid varchar2(300); iloc integer; iloc2 integer; i integer; var1 varchar2(50); var2 varchar2(50); var3 varchar2(50); var4 varchar2(50); -- var5 varchar2(50); -- var6 varchar2(50); CODENUMBER_in_N varchar2(50); begin ret_out := '-1'; PACK_sys.fn_no_make('JH-','PROGRAM_CODING','B_DEMAND_PLANNING_Z',CODENUMBER_in_N); insert into B_DEMAND_PLANNING_Z(B_DEMAND_PLANNING,PROGRAM_CODING,PLAN_CREATOR,UNUMBER,PLANTOEDITTIME, BZ,RECIPIENTSDEPARTMENT,LLR) values(emp_B_DEMAND_PLANNING_Z.nextval, CODENUMBER_in_N, PLAN_CREATOR_in, UNUMBER_in, sysdate, BZ_in, RECIPIENTSDEPARTMENT_in, llr_in ); if ids_in is null then return; end if; inids := ids_in; if substr(ids_in,length(ids_in),1) <>';' then inids := inids||';'; end if; while instr(inids,';',1) > 0 loop iloc := instr(inids,';',1); str_ids := substr(inids,1,iloc -1); if str_ids is not null then begin if substr(str_ids,length(str_ids),1) <>',' then str_ids := str_ids||','; end if; i :=1; var1:=''; var2:='0'; var3:='0'; var4:='0'; -- var5:='0'; -- var6:='0'; while instr(str_ids,',',1) > 0 loop iloc2 := instr(str_ids,',',1); strid := substr(str_ids,1,iloc2 -1); if strid is not null then if i=1 then var1:=strid;end if;-- id if i=2 then var2:=strid;end if;-- 数量 if i=3 then var3:=strid;end if;-- 单价 if i=4 then var4:=strid;end if;-- 单价 -- if i=5 then var5:=strid;end if;-- 单价 -- if i=6 then var6:=strid;end if;-- 单价 end if; str_ids := substr(str_ids,iloc2 +1); i :=i+1; end loop; insert into B_DEMAND_PLANNING_MX values(emp_B_DEMAND_PLANNING_MX.nextval, emp_B_DEMAND_PLANNING_Z.currval, var1, var2, var3, var4, 0); commit; end; end if; inids := substr(inids,iloc +1); end loop; commit; ret_out := '1'; return ; exception when others then rollback; ret_out :=-1; return ; end Insertplanning;
-- 客户详细情况, 输入:客户企业id PROCEDURE CLIENTNAMEDETAILS(sonpeoid_in in integer,myResult out Result ) is begin -- 排序用序号, 企业id, 客户名称, 客户logo open myResult for select a.peoid, a.peoname, 'http://www.buiqu.com:2632'||a.peologo as peologo , a.PEOADDRESS, a.peocreditclass from provideInfo a where ISVALID = 1 and a.peoid = sonpeoid_in ; end CLIENTNAMEDETAILS;
-- 企业授权给客户的商品, 输入:登录企业, 客户企业id procedure prodtolist(fatherpeoid_in in integer,sonpeoid_in in integer,myResult out Result) as begin -- 商品id,商品名称,计量单位,规格型号,是否有效,授权日期,有效日期,授权说明, 企业销售均价,给销售商价格区间 open myResult for SELECT CLIENTAGENTPROD_ID, Goods_id, (SELECT Goodsname FROM Goodsinfo WHERE Goods_id = a.Goods_id) AS Goodsname, (SELECT Goodsunit FROM Goodsinfo WHERE Goods_id = a.Goods_id) AS Goodsunit, (SELECT GOODSPEC FROM Goodsinfo WHERE Goods_id = a.Goods_id) AS GOODSPEC, isvalid, authordate, authoreffdate, authordesc, (select avg(aprice) from selldetails where Goods_id = a.Goods_id and peoid = fatherpeoid_in) as aprice, dprice1, dprice2 FROM clientagentprod a WHERE peoid = fatherpeoid_in AND sonpeoid = sonpeoid_in order by authordate desc; end prodtolist;
-- 企业授权产品新增 procedure prodtoadd(fatherpeoid_in in integer, sonpeoid_in in integer, Goods_id_in in integer, authoreffdate_in in date, authordesc_in in varchar2, dprice1_in in number, dprice2_in in number, CLIENTAGENTPROD_ID out integer ) -- 输入:企业id ,客户id,商品id,有效期,授权说明 -- 输出:成功 返回 表id ,失败或出错 返回 -1 as icount integer; icount1 integer; iGENSTORAGEID integer; ret_out varchar2(10); begin select count(*) into icount from clientagentprod where peoid = fatherpeoid_in and sonpeoid = sonpeoid_in and Goods_id = Goods_id_in; if icount > 0 then update clientagentprod set authoreffdate = authoreffdate_in , authordesc = authordesc_in where peoid = fatherpeoid_in and sonpeoid = sonpeoid_in and Goods_id = Goods_id_in; commit; end if; IF icount = 0 then select SEQ_CLIENTAGENTPROD.nextval into CLIENTAGENTPROD_ID from dual; insert into clientagentprod( clientagentprod_id, peoid, sonpeoid, Goods_id, authoreffdate, AUTHORDATE, authordesc, dprice1, dprice2 ) values(CLIENTAGENTPROD_ID, fatherpeoid_in, sonpeoid_in, Goods_id_in, authoreffdate_in, SYSDATE, authordesc_in, nvl(dprice1_in,0), nvl(dprice2_in,0) ); commit; end if; -- 给货位,加入总仓库,数量为0 pack_fx.addgeneralledger(sonpeoid_in,Goods_id_in,ret_out); return ; exception when others then rollback; CLIENTAGENTPROD_ID := '-1'; return ; end prodtoadd;
-- 新增仓库 procedure addgeneralledger(peoid_in in integer,Goods_id_in in integer,ret_out out varchar2) as icount integer; icount1 integer; iGENSTORAGEID integer; begin ret_out :='1'; -- 给货位,加入总仓库,数量为0 select count(*) into icount from generalledger where GOODS_ID = Goods_id_in and PEOID=peoid_in; if icount = 0 then select count(*) into icount1 from genstorage where PEOID = peoid_in; if icount1 > 0 then select min(GENSTORAGEID) into iGENSTORAGEID from genstorage where PEOID = peoid_in; else select seq_genstorage.nextval into iGENSTORAGEID from dual; insert into genstorage (GENSTORAGEID,GENSTORAGENAME,PEOID,CREDATE) values(iGENSTORAGEID,'总仓库',peoid_in,sysdate); commit; end if; insert into generalledger (GENERALLEDGER_ID,GOODS_ID,PEOID,GENSTORAGEID,INITNUM,GENQTY,BGENQTY) values (seq_generalledger.nextval,Goods_id_in,peoid_in,iGENSTORAGEID,0,0,0); commit; end if; return ; exception when others then rollback; ret_out :='-1'; return ; end addgeneralledger;
--企业经销或代理的商品列表 procedure GetGoodslistA(peoid_in in integer,myResult out Result) is begin open myResult for select a.PEOID, a.GOODS_ID, b.GOODSNAME, b.GOODSPEC, b.GOODSUNIT from clientagentprod a,goodsinfo b where a.goods_id(+) = b.GOODS_ID and a.SONPEOID =peoid_in and a.ISVALID=1 order by a.CREDATE desc; end GetGoodslistA;
-- 授信金额历史情况 procedure hisclassmoney(fatherpeoid_in in integer,sonpeoid_in in integer,myResult out Result) as begin -- 交易时间,交易金额,首付款,使用授信金额,使用的授信比重(使用授信额度%),当时授信的比重 (授信额度%) open myResult for select ORDERID, firstpaydate, amoney, firstpaymoney, (amoney - firstpaymoney) as redmoney, round((amoney - nvl(firstpaymoney,0.000001)) / nvl(decode(amoney,0,0.0000001),0.0000001) *100,2) as redperce, credpercenum from buyorders where peoid = sonpeoid_in and Goods_id in (select Goods_id from Goodsinfo where peoid = fatherpeoid_in ) order by firstpaydate desc; end hisclassmoney;
-- 包卡发放 procedure packoffersdeposave(packoffers_id_in in integer, -- 包卡id peoids_in in varchar2, --发放至多个经销商,经销商之间用","相隔 ret_out out varchar2) as inids varchar2(3000); str_id varchar2(20); iloc integer; icount integer; begin ret_out := '-1'; if peoids_in = '0' or peoids_in is null then return; end if; inids := peoids_in; if substr(peoids_in,length(peoids_in),1) <>',' then inids := inids||','; end if; -- 先删除 包卡id delete from packoffersdepo where packoffers_id =packoffers_id_in and getflag <> 1; commit; while instr(inids,',',1) > 0 loop iloc := instr(inids,',',1); str_id := substr(inids,1,iloc -1); if str_id is not null then select count(*) into icount from packoffersdepo where packoffers_id =packoffers_id_in and peoid = str_id; if icount = 0 then insert into packoffersdepo (packoffersdepo_id, packoffers_id, peoid, Senddate, isvalid, CreDate) values (seq_packoffersdepo.nextval, packoffers_id_in, str_id, sysdate, 1, sysdate ); commit; end if; end if; inids := substr(inids,iloc +1); end loop; ret_out := '1'; return ; exception when others then rollback; ret_out := '-1'; return ; end packoffersdeposave;