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  • Linq简单使用

    • 查询对象(上例中为list变量)为IEnumerable<T>或IQueryable<T>类型
    • 查询返回结果同样为IEnumerable<T>或IQueryable<T>类型

    Linq 分为:Linq to objects、Linq to DataSets、Linq to SQL、Linq to Entities、Linq to XML五类。


    类型 查询变量 = 
                   from 临时变量 in 集合对象或数据库对象
                   [where 条件表达式]
                   [order by 条件]
                   select 临时变量或临时变量中被查询的值
                   [group by]

    ① 普通查询:

    // 数据源
    int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
    // Linq查询
    var result = 
        from item in arr    // 声明临时变量item,并说明其为数组arr中的元素,item
        where item > 4
        select item;        // 将查询结果(item)添加到result中
    // 遍历Linq查询结果,实际上是“Linq查询”是伴随foreach执行的,即在foreach执行前“Linq查询”不会执行
    foreach(int i in result)
        Console.Write(i);   //输出56789

    ② 查询并排序:

    int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
    var result = 
        from item in arr
        where item > 4
        orderby item descending // 降序排列
        select item;
    foreach(int i in result) {
        Console.Write(i);       // 输出:98765

    ③ 类型转换:

    int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
    var result =
        from item in arr
        where item > 4
        select string.Format("值:{0} ", item);   // 转化为String类型,并格式化
    foreach(string i in result) {   // 变量i更改为string类型
        Console.Write(i);           // 输出“值:5 值:6 值:7 值:8 值:8 ”

    ④ 查询单一值:

    int[] arr = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
    int result0 = (from item in arr where item > 4 select item).Count();   // 整个语句被一堆()抱起来,统计数目
    int result1 = (from item in arr where item > 4 select item).Max();   // 查询最大值
    Console.WriteLine(result0); //输出:5
    Console.WriteLine(result1); //输出:9


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 创建一个类似二维数组的泛型变量arr,用于存储学生信息
            List arr = new List 
                    new Student {name = "李宁", scores = new List{11, 12, 34} },
                    new Student {name = "阿迪", scores = new List{11, 16, 34} },
                    new Student {name = "耐克", scores = new List{18, 12} },
            // 查询学生分数大于15分的记录
            var result =
                    from stu in arr             // 声明临时变量stu
                        from sc in stu.scores   // 声明临时变量sc用于“子查询”,
                    where sc > 15
                    select new {name = stu.name, score = sc};    // 将查询结果“投影”到一个新的对象中,该对象有name和score两个属性。
            foreach (var s in result) {
                Console.WriteLine(s.name + ":" + s.score);
    class Student
        public string name;         // 学生姓名
        public List scores;    // 学生分数,一个学生可以有多个分数



    上述示例,实际是每个学生都与其分数做了多次关联,并将查询结果存入新的对象(new {...})中。


    // 定义数据源
    char[] upper = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
    char[] lower = { 'x', 'y', 'z' };
    // 关联两个数据源
    var result0 = 
        from up in upper
        from lo in lower
        select new {upper = up, lower=lo};
    foreach (var item in result0) {
        Console.WriteLine(item.upper + " " + item.lower);
    // 关联两个数据源,并按条件筛选
    var result1 =
        from up in upper
        from lo in lower
        where up != 'B'
        select new { upper = up, lower = lo };
    foreach (var item in result1) {
        Console.WriteLine(item.upper + " " + item.lower);



    ① 简单分组

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 定义数据源
            List<Product> arr = new List<Product>
                    new Product{name = "衬衫", price = 13.9m, cid = 1},
                    new Product{name = "短裤", price = 199.2m, cid = 1},
                    new Product{name = "奥迪", price = 1.6m, cid = 2},
                    new Product{name = "奔驰", price = 2.7m, cid = 2},
                    new Product{name = "歼十", price = 82.3m, cid = 3},
                    new Product{name = "播音", price = 91.3m, cid = 3},
            var result = 
                from p in arr
                group p by p.cid;
            // 遍历组别
            foreach (var gp in result) {
                // 遍历每组成员
                foreach (var pd in gp) {
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}-{2}", pd.name, pd.price, pd.cid);
    class Product
        public string name;     // 商品名称
        public decimal price;   // 商品价格
        public int cid;         // 商品分类


    ② 对组对象处理

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // 定义数据源
            List arr = new List
                    new Product{name = "衬衫", price = 13.9m, cid = 1},
                    new Product{name = "短裤", price = 199.2m, cid = 1},
                    new Product{name = "奥迪", price = 1.6m, cid = 2},
                    new Product{name = "奔驰", price = 2.7m, cid = 2},
                    new Product{name = "歼十", price = 82.3m, cid = 3},
                    new Product{name = "播音", price = 91.3m, cid = 3},
            List classList = new List
                    new Pclass{cname="衣服", cid = 1},
                    new Pclass{cname="汽车", cid = 2},
                    new Pclass{cname="飞机", cid = 3},
            var result = 
                from p in arr
                // G实际上就是组,格式为<Vey, Values>格式
                // Key为该分组的cid
                // Values为该组元素集合
                group p by p.cid into G
                from cls in classList 
                where G.Key == cls.cid  // 关联组G和classList集合
                select new {cname = cls.cname, cid = cls.cid, gplist = G};
            foreach (var gp in result)
                Console.WriteLine("组名:{0},分类id:", gp.cname, gp.cid);
                foreach (var pd in gp.gplist)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}-{2}", pd.name, pd.price, pd.cid);
    class Pclass
        public int cid;         // 分类id
        public string cname;    // 分类名称
    class Product
        public string name;     // 商品名称
        public decimal price;   // 商品价格
        public int cid;         // 商品分类

    上述代码的关键在于对“into G”的理解,查询部分的执行过程为:



    static void Main(string[] args)
        List sts = new List
                new Student{id= 1, name="李宁", cid = 1},
                new Student{id= 2, name="李娜", cid = 2},
                new Student{id= 3, name="耐克", cid = 3},
                new Student{id= 4, name="阿迪", cid = 2},
                new Student{id= 5, name="奔驰", cid = 1},
                new Student{id= 6, name="报名", cid = 3},
        var result =
            from s in sts
            group s by s.cid into G
            select new { 
                id = G.Key, 
                list = (
                    // 排除id为偶数的学生
                    from m in G
                    where (m.id % 2 != 0)
                    select m
        foreach (var item in result) {
            Console.WriteLine("Cid:{0}", item.id);
            foreach (var s in item.list) {
                Console.WriteLine("{0}-{1}-{2}", s.id, s.name, s.cid);

    let 子句


    static void Main(string[] args)
        // 定义数据源
        List sts = new List
                new Student{id= 1, name="李宁", cid = 1},
                new Student{id= 2, name="李娜", cid = 2},
                new Student{id= 3, name="耐克", cid = 3},
                new Student{id= 4, name="阿迪", cid = 2},
                new Student{id= 5, name="奔驰", cid = 1},
                new Student{id= 6, name="报名", cid = 3},
        var result =
            from s in sts
            let fullname = s.id + s.name
            select string.Format("id:{0},全称:{1}", s.id, fullname);
        foreach (string i in result) {

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/dingfangbo/p/5769559.html
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