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  • Python3+tkinter实现的“推箱子” 代码简单 适合初学Python的同学练手





      1 from tkinter import *
      2 from tkinter.messagebox import *
      3 import copy
      5 root = Tk()
      6 root.title("推箱子 更多请访问www.itprojects.cn")
      8 imgs = [PhotoImage(file='./bmp/Wall.gif'),
      9         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/Worker.gif'),
     10         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/Box.gif'),
     11         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/Passageway.gif'),
     12         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/Destination.gif'),
     13         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/WorkerInDest.gif'),
     14         PhotoImage(file='./bmp/RedBox.gif')]
     15 # 0代表墙,1代表人,2代表箱子,3代表路,4代表目的地
     16 # 5代表人在目的地,6代表放到目的地的箱子
     17 Wall = 0
     18 Worker = 1
     19 Box = 2
     20 Passageway = 3
     21 Destination = 4
     22 WorkerInDest = 5
     23 RedBox = 6
     24 # 原始地图
     25 myArray1 = [[0, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3],
     26             [0, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 0],
     27             [0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 3, 0],
     28             [3, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0],
     29             [3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0],
     30             [0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0],
     31             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
     34 # 绘制整个游戏区域图形
     35 def drawGameImage():
     36     global x, y
     38     for i in range(0, 7):  # 0--6
     39         for j in range(0, 7):  # 0--6
     40             if myArray[i][j] == Worker:
     41                 x = i  # 工人当前位置(x,y)
     42                 y = j
     43                 print("工人当前位置:", x, y)
     44             img1 = imgs[myArray[i][j]]
     45             cv.create_image((i * 32 + 20, j * 32 + 20), image=img1)
     46             cv.pack()
     47     # print (myArray)
     50 def callback(event):  # 按键处理
     51     global x, y, myArray
     52     print("按下键:", event.char)
     53     KeyCode = event.keysym
     54     # 工人当前位置(x,y)
     55     if KeyCode == "Up":  # 分析按键消息
     56         # 向上
     57         x1 = x;
     58         y1 = y - 1;
     59         x2 = x;
     60         y2 = y - 2;
     61         # 将所有位置输入以判断并作地图更新
     62         MoveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
     63     # 向下
     64     elif KeyCode == "Down":
     65         x1 = x;
     66         y1 = y + 1;
     67         x2 = x;
     68         y2 = y + 2;
     69         MoveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
     70     # 向左
     71     elif KeyCode == "Left":
     72         x1 = x - 1;
     73         y1 = y;
     74         x2 = x - 2;
     75         y2 = y;
     76         MoveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
     77     # 向右
     78     elif KeyCode == "Right":
     79         x1 = x + 1;
     80         y1 = y;
     81         x2 = x + 2;
     82         y2 = y;
     83         MoveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2);
     84     elif KeyCode == "space":  # 空格键
     85         print("按下键:空格", event.char)
     86         myArray = copy.deepcopy(myArray1)  # 恢复原始地图
     87         drawGameImage()
     90 # 判断是否在游戏区域
     91 def IsInGameArea(row, col):
     92     return (row >= 0 and row < 7 and col >= 0 and col < 7)
     95 def MoveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2):
     96     global x, y
     97     P1 = None
     98     P2 = None
     99     if IsInGameArea(x1, y1):  # 判断是否在游戏区域
    100         P1 = myArray[x1][y1];
    101     if IsInGameArea(x2, y2):
    102         P2 = myArray[x2][y2]
    103     if P1 == Passageway:  # P1处为通道
    104         MoveMan(x, y);
    105         x = x1;
    106         y = y1;
    107         myArray[x1][y1] = Worker;
    108     if P1 == Destination:  # P1处为目的地
    109         MoveMan(x, y);
    110         x = x1;
    111         y = y1;
    112         myArray[x1][y1] = WorkerInDest;
    113     if P1 == Wall or not IsInGameArea(x1, y1):
    114         # P1处为墙或出界
    115         return;
    116     if P1 == Box:  # P1处为箱子
    117         if P2 == Wall or not IsInGameArea(x1, y1) or P2 == Box:  ##P2处为墙或出界
    118             return;
    119     # 以下P1处为箱子
    121     # P1处为箱子,P2处为通道
    122     if P1 == Box and P2 == Passageway:
    123         MoveMan(x, y);
    124         x = x1;
    125         y = y1;
    126         myArray[x2][y2] = Box;
    127         myArray[x1][y1] = Worker;
    128     if P1 == Box and P2 == Destination:
    129         MoveMan(x, y);
    130         x = x1;
    131         y = y1;
    132         myArray[x2][y2] = RedBox;
    133         myArray[x1][y1] = Worker;
    134     # P1处为放到目的地的箱子,P2处为通道
    135     if P1 == RedBox and P2 == Passageway:
    136         MoveMan(x, y);
    137         x = x1;
    138         y = y1;
    139         myArray[x2][y2] = Box;
    140         myArray[x1][y1] = WorkerInDest;
    141     # P1处为放到目的地的箱子,P2处为目的地
    142     if P1 == RedBox and P2 == Destination:
    143         MoveMan(x, y);
    144         x = x1;
    145         y = y1;
    146         myArray[x2][y2] = RedBox;
    147         myArray[x1][y1] = WorkerInDest;
    148     drawGameImage()
    149     # 这里要验证是否过关
    150     if IsFinish():
    151         showinfo(title="提示", message=" 恭喜你顺利过关")
    152         print("下一关")
    155 def MoveMan(x, y):
    156     if myArray[x][y] == Worker:
    157         myArray[x][y] = Passageway;
    158     elif myArray[x][y] == WorkerInDest:
    159         myArray[x][y] = Destination;
    162 def IsFinish():  # 验证是否过关
    163     bFinish = True;
    164     for i in range(0, 7):  # 0--6
    165         for j in range(0, 7):  # 0--6
    166             if (myArray[i][j] == Destination
    167                     or myArray[i][j] == WorkerInDest):
    168                 bFinish = False;
    169     return bFinish;
    172 def drawQiPan():  # 画棋盘
    173     for i in range(0, 15):
    174         cv.create_line(20, 20 + 40 * i, 580, 20 + 40 * i, width=2)
    175     for i in range(0, 15):
    176         cv.create_line(20 + 40 * i, 20, 20 + 40 * i, 580, width=2)
    177     cv.pack()
    180 def print_map():  # 输出map地图
    181     for i in range(0, 15):  # 0--14
    182         for j in range(0, 15):  # 0--14
    183             print(map[i][j], end=' ')
    184         print('w')
    187 cv = Canvas(root, bg='green', width=226, height=226)
    188 # drawQiPan( )
    189 myArray = copy.deepcopy(myArray1)
    190 drawGameImage()
    192 cv.bind("<KeyPress>", callback)
    193 cv.pack()
    194 cv.focus_set()  # 将焦点设置到cv上
    195 root.mainloop()
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