# BuiltIn
> 包含一些常用的关键字,能自动加载到内存。
> A. 各种数据类型,不同进制间的转换 ( Convert To Integer , Convert To Hex )
> B. 各类验证 ( Should Be Equal )
> c. 变量设置 ( Set Variable )
> d. 关键字运行设置 ( Run Keyword If )
> e. 流程控制类 ( exit for loop if )
> f. 各类数据处理类 ( 日期处理,随机数,中文,正则表达式:evaluate )
> g. 其他类 ( log sleep )
## Call Method
> 参数:[ object | method_name | *args | **kwargs ]
> 使用参数args调用对象object的方法method_name。
> 方法可能的返回值可以赋值给一个变量。
> 当找不到方法或者方法产生异常时,Keyword会失败。
| Call Method | ${hashtable} | put | myname | myvalue |
| :----------------- | ------------ | ------------ | --------------- | ------- |
| ${isempty} = | Call Method | ${hashtable} | isEmpty | |
| Should Not Be True | ${isempty} | | | |
| ${value} = | Call Method | ${hashtable} | get | myname |
| Should Be Equal | ${value} | myvalue | | |
| Call Method | ${object} | kwargs | name=value | foo=bar |
| Call Method | ${object} | positional | escaped=equals | |
## Catenate*
>参数:[ *items ]
| ${str1} = | Catenate | Hello | world | |
| --------- | -------- | ------------- | ----- | ----- |
| ${str2} = | Catenate | SEPARATOR=--- | Hello | world |
${str1} = 'Hello world'
${str2} = 'Hello---world'
## Comment***
>参数:[ *messages ]
## Continue*
### Continue For Loop If
>参数:[ condition ]
| :FOR | ${var} | IN | @{VALUES} | |
| ---- | -------------------- | ---------------------- | --------- | ---- |
| | Continue For Loop If | '${var}' == 'CONTINUE' | | |
| | Do Something | ${var} | | |
有列表@{VALUES},循环遍历,如果'${var}' != 'CONTINUE',则执行do something,然后继续遍历下一个元素。如果遍历到某个元素'${var}' == 'CONTINUE',则此轮循环结束,do something语句不执行,直接做下一轮循环。(FOR语句不结束)
### Continue For Loop
>参数:[ ]
| :FOR | ${var} | IN | @{VALUES} | |
| ---- | -------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------- | ---- |
| | Run Keyword If | '${var}' == 'CONTINUE' | Continue For Loop | |
| | Do Something | ${var} | | |
跟Continue For Loop If起到的效果一样,两种不一样的写法,可以100%替代。只不过Continue For Loop If自带判断,Continue For Loop需要用run keyword if 去判断,根据判断结果运不运行。
## Convert To
### Convert To Binary
>参数:[ item | base=None | prefix=None | length=None ]
>如果添加了base参数,则先内部使用[Convert To Integer](http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.hk&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltIn.html%3Fr%3D2.6.3&usg=ALkJrhgMIkOCC2JIdCaKYdybQeMJs4RzxQ#Convert%20To%20Integer)转换为整数,然后再转换为二进制数字,以字符串的形式显示,比如”1011“。
| ${result1} = | Convert To Binary | 10 | | |
| ------------ | ----------------- | ---- | -------- | --------- |
| ${result2} = | Convert To Binary | F | base=16 | prefix=0b |
| ${result3} = | Convert To Binary | -2 | prefix=B | length=4 |
${result1} = 1010
${result2} = 0b1111
${result3} = -B0010
### Convert To Boolean***
>参数:[ item ]
>如果参数是字符串'True'(不区分大小写)就返回真,为'False'就返回假;其他情况调用Python的'bool'的方法来判断。请参阅[http://docs.python.org/lib/truth.html](http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.hk&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http://docs.python.org/lib/truth.html&usg=ALkJrhi7y1ZLKUXpm4Kv4rMpBmAD3CnfUA) 。
### Convert To Bytes
>参数:[ input | input_type=text ]
### Convert To Hex
>参数:[ item | base=None | prefix=None | length=None | lowercase=False ]
>如果添加了base参数,则先内部使用[Convert To Integer](http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.hk&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltIn.html%3Fr%3D2.6.3&usg=ALkJrhgMIkOCC2JIdCaKYdybQeMJs4RzxQ#Convert%20To%20Integer)转换为整数,然后再转换为十六进制数字,以字符串的形式显示,比如'FF0A'。
| ${result1} = | Convert To Hex | 255 | | |
| ------------ | -------------- | ---- | --------- | ------------- |
| ${result2} = | Convert To Hex | -10 | prefix=0x | length=2 |
| ${result3} = | Convert To Hex | 255 | prefix=X | lowercase=yes |
${result1} = FF
${result2} = -0x0A
${result3} = Xff
### Convert To Integer
>参数:[ item | base=None ]
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | 100 | | # Result is 100 |
| ----------- | ------------------- | ------ | ---- | ----------------- |
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | FF AA | 16 | # Result is 65450 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | 100 | 8 | # Result is 64 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | -100 | 2 | # Result is -4 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | 0b100 | | # Result is 4 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Interger | -0x100 | | # Result is -256 |
### Convert To Number
>参数:[ item | precision=None ]
| ${result} = | Convert To Number | 42.512 | | # Result is 42.512 |
| ----------- | ----------------- | ------ | ---- | ------------------ |
| ${result} = | Convert To Number | 42.512 | 1 | # Result is 42.5 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Number | 42.512 | 0 | # Result is 43.0 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Number | 42.512 | -1 | # Result is 40.0 |
### Convert To Octal
>参数:[ item | base=None | prefix=None | length=None ]
>如果添加了base参数,则先内部使用[Convert To Integer](http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=zh-CN&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com.hk&sl=en&tl=zh-CN&u=http://robotframework.googlecode.com/hg/doc/libraries/BuiltIn.html%3Fr%3D2.6.3&usg=ALkJrhgMIkOCC2JIdCaKYdybQeMJs4RzxQ#Convert%20To%20Integer)转换为整数,然后再转换为八进制数字,以字符串的形式显示,比如'775''。
| ${result} = | Convert To Octal | 10 | | | # Result is 12 |
| ----------- | ---------------- | ---- | ---------- | -------- | ------------------- |
| ${result} = | Convert To Octal | -F | base=16 | prefix=0 | # Result is -017 |
| ${result} = | Convert To Octal | 16 | prefix=oct | length=4 | # Result is oct0020 |
### Convert To String
>参数:[ item ]
## Create***
### Create Dictionary
>参数:[ *items ]
>根据给定的 items 创建和返回字典。
>通常使用与变量表中创建的 &{dictionary} 变量相同的方式给出 键=值 语法。键和值都可以包含变量,键中可能的等号可以通过反斜杠(如escaped\=key=value)进行转义。也可以通过简单地使用类似 ${DICT} 来从现有字典中获取items。
>另外,可以指定项目,以便分别给出键和值。这个和 key=value 语法甚至可以组合,但是单独给定的 items 必须放在第一个。
| &{dict} = | Create Dictionary | key=value | foo=bar | | | # key=value syntax |
| --------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | --------- | ------- | ------- | ---- | ------------------------ |
| Should Be True | ${dict} == {'key': 'value', 'foo': 'bar'} | | | | | |
| &{dict2} = | Create Dictionary | key | value | foo | bar | # separate key and value |
| Should Be Equal | ${dict} | ${dict2} | | | | |
| &{dict} = | Create Dictionary | ${1}=${2} | &{dict} | foo=new | | # using variables |
| Should Be True | ${dict} == {1: 2, 'key': 'value', 'foo': 'new'} | | | | | |
| Should Be Equal | ${dict.key} | value | | | | # dot-access |
### Create List
>参数:[ *items ]
>根据指定参数创建列表。返回的列表都用来给 ${scalar} 和 @{list} 变量赋值。
| @{list} = | Create List | a | b | c |
| ----------- | ----------- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
| ${scalar} = | Create List | a | b | c |
| ${ints} = | Create List | ${1} | ${2} | ${3} |
## Evaluate***
>参数:[ expression | modules=None | namespace=None ]
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