本文介绍 win10
+ ubuntu on win 下如何使用Sphinx。
1. 写在前面
➜ Pictures sphinx-build --version
sphinx-build 3.2.1
2. 安装Sphinx和Pandoc
2.1 安装 Sphinx
安装 python3
安装 pip3
安装 Sphinx
pip install -U sphinx
sphinx-build --version
2.2 安装 Pandoc
3. 个人文档
本节中用到的代码示例存放在这里: sphinx-doc-guide
3.1 创建目录并进入
mkdir sphinx-doc-guide && cd sphinx-doc-guide
3.2 初始化文档
➜ sphinx-doc-guide sphinx-quickstart
欢迎使用 Sphinx 3.2.1 快速配置工具。
Please enter values for the following settings (just press Enter to
accept a default value, if one is given in brackets).
Selected root path: .
You have two options for placing the build directory for Sphinx output.
Either, you use a directory "_build" within the root path, or you separate
"source" and "build" directories within the root path.
> 独立的源文件和构建目录(y/n) [n]: y
The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation.
> 项目名称: sphinx-doc-guide
> 作者名称: double12gzh
> 项目发行版本 []: v1.0
If the documents are to be written in a language other than English,
you can select a language here by its language code. Sphinx will then
translate text that it generates into that language.
For a list of supported codes, see
> 项目语种 [en]: zh
创建文件 /mnt/c/Users/jeffrey/Pictures/sphinx-doc-guide/source/conf.py。
创建文件 /mnt/c/Users/jeffrey/Pictures/sphinx-doc-guide/source/index.rst。
创建文件 /mnt/c/Users/jeffrey/Pictures/sphinx-doc-guide/Makefile。
创建文件 /mnt/c/Users/jeffrey/Pictures/sphinx-doc-guide/make.bat。
You should now populate your master file /mnt/c/Users/jeffrey/Pictures/sphinx-doc-guide/source/index.rst and create other documentation
source files. Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so:
make builder
where "builder" is one of the supported builders, e.g. html, latex or linkcheck.
3.3 查看文档结构
➜ sphinx-doc-guide tree
├── build
├── make.bat
├── Makefile
└── source
├── conf.py
├── index.rst
├── _static
└── _templates
4 directories, 4 files
这个目录是每次执行make html
自动生成的,可以删除- 添加.gitignore,忽略build
3.4 定制conf.py
➜ source grep -rin "sphinx-doc-guide" ./
./conf.py:54:project = u'sphinx-doc-guide'
./conf.py:232: (master_doc, 'sphinx-doc-guide.tex', u'sphinx-doc-guide.Documentation',
./conf.py:262: (master_doc, 'sphinx-doc-guide', u'sphinx-doc-guide中文文档',
./conf.py:276: (master_doc, 'sphinx-doc-guide', u'sphinx-doc-guide文档',
./conf.py:277: author, 'sphinx-doc-guide', 'One line description of project.',
./conf.py:295: app.add_config_value('sphinx-doc-guide_config', {
➜ source grep -rin "double12gzh" ./
./conf.py:55:copyright = u'2020, double12gzh'
./conf.py:56:author = u'double12gzh'
./conf.py:233: u'double12gzh', 'manual'),
3.5 修改favicon.ico
3.6 根据需要写组织文档
3.7 生成线下预览
➜ sphinx-doc-guide make html
正在运行 Sphinx v3.2.1
正在加载翻译 [zh]... 完成
创建输出目录... 完成
构建 [mo]: 0 个 po 文件的目标文件已过期
构建 [html]: 15 个源文件的目标文件已过期
更新环境: [新配置] 已添加 15,0 已更改,0 已移除
阅读源... [ 6%] 0-root /root/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/recommonmark/parser.py:75: UserWarning: Container node skipped: type=document
warn("Container node skipped: type={0}".format(mdnode.t))
阅读源... [ 13%] index 阅读源... [ 20%] makefile/0-mk 阅读源... [ 26%] makefile/1/0-introduction 阅读源... [ 33%] makefile/1/index 阅读源... [ 40%] makefile/2/1-mk 阅读源... [ 46%] makefile/2/2-mk 阅读源... [ 53%] makefile/2/index 阅读源... [ 60%] makefile/3-pic 阅读源... [ 66%] makefile/index 阅读源... [ 73%] python/0-py 阅读源... [ 80%] python/1-py 阅读源... [ 86%] python/11 阅读源... [ 93%] python/2 阅读源... [100%] python/index
查找当前已过期的文件... 没有找到
pickling环境... 完成
检查一致性... 完成
准备文件... 完成
写入输出... [ 6%] 0-root 写入输出... [ 13%] index 写入输出... [ 20%] makefile/0-mk 写入输出... [ 26%] makefile/1/0-introduction 写入输出... [ 33%] makefile/1/index 写入输出... [ 40%] makefile/2/1-mk 写入输出... [ 46%] makefile/2/2-mk 写入输出... [ 53%] makefile/2/index 写入输出... [ 60%] makefile/3-pic 写入输出... [ 66%] makefile/index 写入输出... [ 73%] python/0-py 写入输出... [ 80%] python/1-py 写入输出... [ 86%] python/11 写入输出... [ 93%] python/2 写入输出... [100%] python/index
generating indices... genindex完成
writing additional pages... search完成
复制静态文件... ... 完成
copying extra files... 完成
dumping search index in Chinese (code: zh)... 完成
dumping object inventory... 完成
构建 成功.
HTML 页面保存在 build/html 目录。
如果需要清除生成的文件可使用make clean
4. 个人博客
5. github与readthedocs联动
5.1 注册readthedocs帐号
5.2 导入项目
6. 总结