虽然vs和ps等shader在一个fx中,但需要各自setConstantBuffer进行 常量的读取设置
cb1.vOutputColor = XMFLOAT4(0, 0, 0, 0); g_pImmediateContext->UpdateSubresource( g_pConstantBuffer, 0, NULL, &cb1, 0, 0 );
//更新cube的数据 // // Render the cube // g_pImmediateContext->VSSetShader( g_pVertexShader, NULL, 0 ); g_pImmediateContext->VSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, &g_pConstantBuffer );
//VS shader里需要constant数据 g_pImmediateContext->PSSetShader( g_pPixelShader, NULL, 0 ); g_pImmediateContext->PSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, &g_pConstantBuffer );
//PS shader里传入constant数据 g_pImmediateContext->DrawIndexed( 36, 0, 0 ); // // Render each light // for( int m = 0; m < 2; m++ ) { XMMATRIX mLight = XMMatrixTranslationFromVector( 5.0f * XMLoadFloat4( &vLightDirs[m] ) ); XMMATRIX mLightScale = XMMatrixScaling( 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f ); mLight = mLightScale * mLight; // Update the world variable to reflect the current light cb1.mWorld = XMMatrixTranspose( mLight ); cb1.vOutputColor = vLightColors[m]; g_pImmediateContext->UpdateSubresource( g_pConstantBuffer, 0, NULL, &cb1, 0, 0 );
//更新lightCube的位置 g_pImmediateContext->PSSetShader( g_pPixelShaderSolid, NULL, 0 );
g_pImmediateContext->DrawIndexed( 36, 0, 0 ); }