解决:在FlashBurn配置窗口中,Conversion Cmd一栏可不用管;
菜单Program—Download FBTC,load之后TargetSystem一栏中显示“Connected”!。可进行下一步。
二、擦除flash之后不loadfpga配置程序而直接load烧写文件,无法烧写成功。Can't Run Target CPU: Error0x0000000C/-2044 Error during: Register, Break Point, No breakpoint at 0x00000E44
三,校验出错:CHECKSUM ERROR --my cksum=e685,flashcksum=ed30.(my cksum与flash cksum不等!在没有擦出flash而直接load.hex文件时出现的)
(This is not really an error, but just a warning. The warning simply means that somehow the database is not valid, probably because it has never been initialized.)
资料:循环冗余码校验英文名称为Cyclical Redundancy Check,简称CRC,它是利用除法及余数的原理来作错误侦测(Error Detecting)的。实际应用时,发送装置计算出CRC值并随数据一同发送给接收装置,接收装置对收到的数据重新计算CRC并与收到的CRC相比较,若两个CRC值不同,则说明数据通讯出现错误。[摘自百度百科]
cksum is a command in Unix-like operating systems that generates a checksum value for a file or stream of data. The cksum command reads each file given in its arguments, or standard input if no arguments are provided, and outputs the file's CRC checksum and byte count.[摘自http://en.wikipe dia.org/wiki/Cksum]
四、直接烧写.hex文件时,Warning: Error 0x0000000C/-2044 Error during:Register, Break Point, No breakpoint at0x00000E44。
五、Trouble Writing Target CPU memory: Error 0x00000024/-1151Error during: Register, Execution, Processorcommunication timeout. It is recommended to RESET EMULATOR. Thiswill disconnect each target, perform anemulation reset, and then reconnect
each target. Power cycle thetarget board before continuing.不管它还是能够烧写成功。 ?
解决:file-close后重新打开,出现“trouble Writing Target CPU memory: error0x00000024/-1151 ..Processor communication timeout”的错误。
Erase flash—>loadFPGA配置文件(osd_fpga_rev4_ahex.hex)—>load烧写的程序(ledprd.hex)